Sigh... doesn't this sicko dirty-yellow colour reminds you of de_dust? Counter-strike, the most played game now in Singapore. How much do you know about Cstrike? would you like to share your views? Simply send me an email!

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What is counterstrike? CounterStrike is actually a mod from the infamous Half-Life game produced by this Sierra company. You're this guy holding a gun which you could afford and start a killing spree... getting 300 Cstrike money per enemy you slaughter and you can select from a range of weapons to buy with your personal account. Its also a team-play whereby you choose to be Terrorist or Counter-terrrorist. The aims of the terrorists were to plant bombs at specific location, prevent hostage rescues by the CTs (counter-terro), achieve freedom by sprawling to a certain escape point, Kick VIP ass and most of all, to eliminate the opposing team. The CT does the opposite. Guns are of quite wide variety to suite your preference (pistols, shotguns, sub-machine, rifles, machine-guns).

Where to play?In Singapore, LAN-shops and cyber-cafes can be easily spotted. These shops provide local-area-network linkages and allow you to play with your group of buddies. Some even all over the world... The market price has fallen from $3 to $2 due to the challenge from entertainment giant linking LAN-shops (100com, about 4 servers), Genie-Funland (arcade with majhong game) and Billiard/pool saloon. Its very famous for it could be widely found around singapore and its most affordable. Other LAN-shops competetors had to lower their price... for example in Katong, the giant caused 4 LAN-shops to merge into a 100+com inter-linked network, forcing those standing alone (pro-east) to suck their thumbs in dismay. Actually the problem with the failed shops lies with the shop-keepers (LAN-cheongers will surely find "Rosy-Phua" and family disturbing your privacy and mood when playing). Some of the cool ones with great atmosphere and sound systems are of course not at all affected, for example in Simei and Parkway.

Ah-Bengs and Gong-kias? Yep! people of all kinds come to play. From priamary school kids to lao-ah-pek (old men), from beautiful high school girls to Jabba-lookalikes. But my kind advice is do not underestimate any of them... As i was once trashed badly by a small boy... (oh man!) You can find all sorts of people playing Cstrike:
ah-pek carring a desert-eagle shouting :" siao lian eh, mai zao!"
ah-lian cursing :"ch** by*, wu ji ka lim bu qie arctic lah!"
nerdy teenage tapping your shoulder :"excuse me, my friend, can you kindly lower the volume of your blasters, my tender ears are hurting."
indian man shouting in tamil :"@#$%&*... alamak, @#$&^ don't see screen lah, boy!"
Clan matches are common and people have all sorts of funny nicks... as for me, i choose them wisely (=aRct!c`gEnOc!dE=, [iLuV]24OCT`00, [iHate]02NOV`00, [AFPP]lib-do, [iLuV]who`else...etc) unlike some big macho NS-guys using nick like HuangAhMa, FuErKang... and some sicko guys like littleswallow, [ABLOCK]Ziwei and Jinsuo (you know who all u are!). Up to now, no one had got into trouble with the ah-bengs as they are only aggressive in games... hahah~~

Its all Lester's fault. He wants us to play with him... So, we formed a (not-realli) clan after another... WE are actually Panther (current/old) Scouts. Gee... here's some of our players: (in brackets are ratings)
FONGFUAN: [iLuV]money [@@@@]
DESMOND: [iLuV]XueWen [@@@@]
MINGEN: [iLuV]24OCT`00 or [iLuV]who`else? (josh starts to "orrr...") [-ve@@@@@]
WEIHAN: googoplex [@@@]
JUNWEN: [iLuV]A***** or [ABLOCK]ziwei [@@]
CHINCHONG: SilverT [@@]
JOSHUA: [iLuV](some everytime change guailan name) [arctic king @@@@]
YOUZHI: (forgot liao) [@@@@]
TZESHIN: (some carrot thingy) [seasonal]
JARON: (some hunter stuff) [dunno]
MAGNUM: (forgot liao) [god-like@@@@@]
LESTER: [iLuV]Jean or [iLuV]WeiHan or [iLuV]******4eva (classified) [@@@]
SHAWN: (some funny nick) [@@@]
(the rest not listed, please forgive me for i do not have time to list everyone, thanx)

Actually i was quite fascinated by the game counterstrike as it was such a new concept. a wonderful and realistic idea of terrorists VS counter-terrorists. and so many real weapons... my bunch of friends were suddenly likened to caveman playing the unrealistic QuakeII in the cold winter. beta one kinda sucked and throughout the game, u hear irritating sound of cyling weapon around the famous maps like cs_seige, cs_assault... later the up-grades won our hearts to skip from QuakeIII to Counterstrike! How we love all those radio messages like "go-go-go..." "get outta there, she's gonna blow" "get me outta here" and repeating "follow me" an d "cover me" when i am actually hiding in the base. people tend to start sounding like the characters and hostages. at the peak season, challengers arrived (weihan tried an ActionHalf-life/TFC propaganda), however Cstrike reamined undefeated. I was so addicted to this bleeding game until my ex-girlfriend showed her resistance to enter LAN-shops and arcades. till then i realized how poisonous and addictive Cstrike was... horrible. i found out how beautiful the world actually is... the birds... the flowers (ignore my kuku-ness). ok, so i like quit Cstrike, till she broke up with me 02NOV`00. although it was my o'levels seasons, i need some diversion to end my misery, so i thought Cstrike was a good medicine. but it could only relieve short periods of lonliness... so lonely pals out there, never turn to Cstrike! Killing makes you mentally unstable too, its like when you are sitting somewhere flashing back on one of your rare top-frag maps, you won't realize you were actually drooling at the same time! and when your friends irritate you at close distance, you would take out an imaginary AdvanceCombatKnife or para and starts "attacking". Foolish eh? i had been through that... and had awoken! now, i know whats good for me, but i like to spoil myself sometimes lah (to build team-spirit). lastly, i would like to shout to the world :" DE_DUST SUCKS!!!" (so do you lester!)
[RECOMMENDED GAMES: parapara(siaokia dancers), silent-scope, daidee, 'cai quan' and scissors-paper-stone (advanced physcology)


I strongly feel that the Half Life mod, Counter Strike, is a bad game.
The fundamental elements of this game is to kill, get money, buy guns and kill more. This is the basics. As you should be able to see, it has little to appreciate for. All you do is kill kill kill to earn money to kill more. What joy could you possibly have? Yes, maybe you have the satisfaction of seeing your best friends and worst enemies succub to your gun, but is that true skill? I tell you, true skill would be in games like daidee and Microsoft Hearts.Also, as many people such as Jaren, Jared, Zixing and the police say, this game has many defects. In this game, you cannot cheat!! how could it possibly be fun without cheating?! also, there are so little guns that playing it after an hour you will feel tired of all the damn lousy guns which can't fire.also there are no ways of repairing your stupid health which decrease around 99% after a shot from a water pistol After you die, ou have to fly around like an utter dork wasting your precious 10 cents by 10 cents until the stupid game starts again, which is aroubd 3 hours. Flying around, shouting things like "terror on the roof!!" and "last counter shoots! GOAL!!!!". The scene from outside LAN shops is a big enclosed area for bersekers that lost their minds.
Through this talk, I hope that everyone will switch from the dumb game Cstrike to more refining games like Action Halflife and the original Halflife, minesweeper and hearts.
[RECCOMMENDED GAMES: daidee, hearts, action half-life, original half-life, minesweeper)

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