Dorothy Penelope Biddy

HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY! I'm F O X Y D O X I E! hehehe, in fact it's Dorothy but everyone calls me Doxie which is kinda sweet infact! My best best best friend is Nina she is great and also all those otherones Rosalie and so on LOL!!
I want to be a hairdresser and I just LOVE doing stuff to people's hair it's great, inventing new hairstyles and everything! I'm in year 12 which means i'm in the first year of my Hair and Beauty GNVQ. It's soooooo much fun and we wear these cute white dresses, I love it, i've got my name sewn on mine it looks cuuuuute. I wanted to dye mine psychadelic pink but they wouldn't let me, they said I had to wear white like everyone else. HITLER!
I love to laugh, laughing just cures everything and if you laugh then you make others happy. I have been told I have a really smiley face which is true, I just can't bear for anyone to see me down, I just try and think positive. When i'm down I try to be with people that are fun and think of stuff that makes me happy like flowers, tree's, dance music and pineapple juice and then i'm happy again!!!
I love to shop and Karen Baldwin is the person everyone loves to shop with. It's quite an experience to go shopping with Karen I tell you. She know's shops that you couldn't even imagine existing! You know that shop in the film Gremlin's where they get that Mogwai Gizmo, well she ahs found shops like that except that don't sell cute little fur balls that turn into green devils- at least I hope not. And to shop with her in London or New York is just O U T OF T H IS W O R L D !
I love all sorts of music but my favourate has to be dance or soft rock, I know they are a major contrast but they rock my world!

Midi featured:"MY FAVOURATE GAME" (The Cardigans) Performed by Katz and Yates 2001