Alright there!!! I'm Dustin Stanbury also known as Arsewhole, Wanker, Bastard and so on and so forth. I am hated by all the teachers at my school especially Boneball and Marine probably cus I make life fucking HELL for the bastards. I hate school, I hate education and i would rather be inside to be honest.
You might have already heard about my ex-bird Rusti Birmingham, bitch huh? Well atleast I got Josh Pickleford, me best mate. We just so recently been to Holland to play for our school team. Fucking hell those dutch babes are sexy- if you like hairy girls anyway hahahah!
Naturally we went to the hash pubs and got stoned and then onto the redlight district. Not too much different to Soho, i think Soho is better actually yeah!
My stupid sister is Berries, who I fondly refer to as DangleBerries but it's up to you.
I go to raves, drive my suped up car very fast, fuck and smoke. That's about it. I'm not much a representative for the school but I wanted all the world to see my sexy Ali G pic. Aiii!
I don't really have much to say but Rusti you're a fucking sexy but evil bitch and I hate you...unless you wanna get back together. And Clover: BRING IT ON he he he

Midi featured:"SONG 2" (Blur) Midi performed by UNKNOWN ARTIST (If this is your midi please contact us for copyrights)