I'm Gazza and i'm 16. I have two older sisters who just so happen to be twins, they are Barbie and Sindy fortunatly I didn't get stuck with such a dumb name as them two. I like football and playing on my decks. I want to go into DJing and I've done a few gigs for the year 7's parties with DJ Katz also known as Omri he's a mate of mine and he lets me DJ with him sometimes. He's just brilliant and sometimes Sonja Yates helps him out and they're wicked! I'm not old enough to go into nightclubs and get pissed but sometimes I get in but none of the big ones though. Loads of people like my sister's and they're mates they all go clubbing in London and stuff and I would never get into them no ways. I think I look old enough but I don't have I.D and I'd probably get asked and it'd ruin the night. I collect cars you know model cars cus they're the dogs kahoona's and they closest i'm gonna get to owning cars like Ferrari's and Lambroghini's. Loads of the kids at school have got well nice sports cars cus they're rich. My cousin has got a Porsche Carrera and then for his 18th his dad bought him a RED McLaren F1 GTR it's well nice. He has it parked in his school garage with his Porsche but he never drives it. One girl's got a Dodge Viper and there's only 53 of those in the UK! Loads of people have BMW's and Mercede's and this other bloke has got a Ferrari F5O and his dad collects Ferrari's. They're well nice. Some of the kids here are well rich. We're just normal and only get to go to Witchcastle cus my dad works on base here. It's cool though cus they are allright the rich kids, some of them anyway, and they treat everyone the same, guess it's cus they are used to having money and everything. When I finish my GCSE's i'm gonna take a year out and go travelling across Australia or Asia. I've been working well hard at the local Cinema trying to save up and I reckon my mates will come along aswell. I'm mega into tattoo's I got four in fact. I got a wolf howling at the moon on my chest, I got St George fighting a dragon across my back, I got "Gazza" in chineese on my arm and I got a scorpian on my dick. Cool or what?

Midi featured:"NO GOOD (START THE DANCE)" (The Prodigy) Midi performed by Katz and Yates 2001