My name is Lizzy and I LOVE Tom Hanks. Essentially he's all i'm living for as my aim in life is to meet him and marry him and have his babies.
I have all his films on VHS (original and widescreen), DVD, Laserdisc and in some cases Betamac. I also have hundreds of posters, newspaper cut outs, autographs, photo's and stickers of him. And I have all the soundtrack's from his films of CD and tape :) I'm an obsessed fan. My favourate films of his are Toy Story 1+2, Forest Gump, The Burbs, Apollo 13, The Money Pit, and more recently Cast Away...
He is great and I just LOVE his new film Cast Away, he was left alone at the end and I wish I could have ran to him and we could have gone back to his island alone and lived there together forever in peace and harmony without anyone there to bother us.
I'm very religious. I'm a Christian and it's very important to me. I go to church every sunday and follow the bible. I think Ned Flander's is the greatest Simpson character because if everyone was as kind and thoughtful as he then the world would be a better place. I know that if i'm a good Christian then when I die I shall go to heaven and my heaven in Tom Hanks.

Midi featured:"FOREST GUMP THEME" (Randy Newman) Performed by Katz and Yates 2001 Piano played by Nina Robin