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My Dream Tree

I set off to walk to clear my mind, walk & walk to where?who knows?

After a long time of walking aimless through the forest, I saw a clearing in the trees,

I look at this huge tree and sit at its base,

there was like a seat within its roots, wondered if it had been prepared

special for me....then laughs at my own thoughts.ahh ahhh as iffff?

With my back resting on the tree, just trying to

clear my thoughts,I was so so troubled.......

Tears run down my cheeks,What was I to do?.

Sitting with eyes closed being aware of sounds

all around me, birds were singing,

and somewhere in the distance I hear water trickling over stones.

The sun was shining bright, a warm breeze ever so

gentle rustles the leaves in the tree tops.

Feels the hard bark of the tree digging into my back,

shuffles a little to regain comfort,

ahhhh such a peaceful place to be,

wishes my mind was at peace.....

yet still the tears flowed .

Being aware of this huge tree that I now rest upon,

I feel as if some heat coming from it,

feels it warming my back,I snuggle more into it,

feeling a sudden sort of comfort.

Then oddly I feel two arms slip around my waist from behind,

holding me gently yet firmly,as if reassuring me.

The roots of the tree that lay

above ground, took on the form of a pair of human legs,

one either side of my hips,the strong legs closed closer onto my own.

The tears began to ebb away slowly and I begin to feel a little more relaxed,

Being more aware of these limbs that now enfold me,

yet it didn't trouble me at all I took

in all the comfort they gave me.

Begins to feel a beating onto my back as if was a heart beat from behind me,

it was beating to the same rythem as my own,

Feeling now a warm breath on my neck then upwards

onto my cheek, such a light breath gently caressing.

I felt a rush of excitement fill my body

turning to feel what I expected was warm lips

meeting mine, but instead I begin to feel I floating sensation,

I feel I am rising up higher and higher. feels the strong arms lifting me,

carrying me, then they set me down on my feet,

feeling this entity steps backward,

I feel eyes upon me,

I so want to open my eyes to see, yet I fear

if I do then...this dream.. this bliss.. will end.....

The sun is warm on my back, burning through the thin white dress I wear,

I know the sun is filtering through the flimsy material

to reveal I wear nothing beneath.

Struggling to open my eyes,the sun shining directly

onto something so bright it was dazzling me.

I see now what it is, the tree now wasn't a tree

but a knight , a knight in bright shining amour

I watch as he peels his amour off bit by bit, so slow

and lets it drop to the floor silently.

But he didn't remove his head gear,

ODD..!! I wondered why?

the sun still hitting the shiny metal is dazzling and still hurting my eyes.

Sees him moving weightless towards me

with ease he slips off my dress leaving standing completely naked,

He lifts me and lays me down on the soft grass in the shade

I feel thankful for the glare of the sun out of my eyes.

He takes my hands in his and stretches my arms wide and lays them open,above my head,

the odd feeling is that I don't seem to be able to move them now.

His body laying directly on top of mine, yet he feels weightless........

He now removes his head gear to reveal his face,

Oddly I seem only to see his eyes....

I look deeply into them........


Then as his lips caress mine,

our bodies become one, as do our hearts and souls,

He is within me !!!!!

AS I am within him!!!!

As if once again reunited after so many life times.

He whispers into my ear " you know its time?"


I have come to take you home!!

I blink...... as if silently acknowledging his words..

Tears fall silently, from both his and my own eyes....

Tears mixed and fall to the soft ground beneath us..

As our bodies now float weightless,

and merge back into the tree,

from where he had come.....

"As One"

for all eternity....

This was my own


I wonder what the dream interpretation would be?

..::Please look around::..

Eldamar Elven Lands Index Alternative Therapies Listen To Your Heart Welcome To My World

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