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Here is a Sample of What Might Look Like

On your second page, experiment with different style tags, for example italics, and underline. Maybe try some different font colors!
Of course, you can always change font sizes.

You may also want to try diffferent fonts, but use them sparingly. Not everyone will be able to view the different font's and the browser will use the default, usually Times New Roman. It also starts to look disorganized if there are too many font changes. Still, you could try something like I m p a c tif you want to... well...make an impact. LOL

You could try some preformatted text, that would look like this:
Tip #1    Think through your color scheme
Tip #2    Use bold, underline, and italics for emphasis
Tip #3    Be careful with preformatted text.  
Tip #4    The browser won't "see" any additional HTML code
Tip #5 If you add code, start the code in line with the other text,
          even though it doesn't look right in the editor,
          or it will look like this
As always, have fun! Choose a subject that interests you. Read ahead about how to add pictures. It's easy and really adds to your page. Finally, you have to have an absolute link and a relative link. Your relative link should be back to page one. Also, be sure you have a link FROM the index page TO page 2. Your absolute link should take your reader to a site on the Internet that is related to your topic. See the examples below.

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HTML Tutor for the Conceptually Challenged