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Last updated 14may


Riskwars the second beginnings 

All battles run for 20 turns using small maps.

The defender sets up the 20 turn game, at the end of the battle, players

must submit their password to their opponent so as to verify game conditions.

I think you’re all agree that this is a far more practical way of running set-ups.

  ( so I don’t need your unit lists any more ).

Games size should be set to nearest to actual size of largest players army.

Players must not purchase more units than they have to spend

( and don’t forget you must surrender your password to your opponent

at the end of a battle for verification ).

Maps if using random maps they must be on the small size.

Paul has kindly offered to make up some maps, So as long as both player prefer to use these , then I see no reason why not. (unlike the random map, user maps require more management in setting up)


Deployment of units: All players start this round off with 2 units on each of your countries, plus a further 4 units to place where you wish.


Capital Rule At the start of the game each player chooses a country that’s to becomes his capital, owning a capital gives you an extra unit each turn.

If you loose your capital then it’s the equivalent of loosing 2 countries instead of one , so guard it well.

An opponents Capital is only worth the same as any other country to the victor of a battle.


The round: In a round / turn you may attack as many countries as you like , but don’t spread your self out to thin.


Defending country may only be attacked by 1 country at a time.

Should 2 players request to attack the same country, then the player that has turn order preference will be aloud to make the attack .

If you look at the battle map your see there are numbers next to peoples names these indicate who has turn order preference ( turn order pref starts at player 1 and moves on each turn ).


After battle the looser of a battle looses his whole army, while the attacker keeps his no matter how many units were lost.

All units of the wining army are said to be replaced and will be ready to fight at the next battle.


After the Turn: players may move units a distance of one country either a cross a boarder or across a sea.( you just need to let me know wot units to move and I’ll update the map)





You must have more that 1 army on a country to do battle.

When battling one army/unit must remain at your country exp:

So If you have 10 RU’s,on a country then only 9 of them can be used for battle.

1 RU must remain to occupy the attacking country

any problems drop me a line ….J
