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Capital City:


The Municipality of Berne (Bern - Schweiz)

The Swiss have not been at war in 150 years, which accounts for some of their prosperity. Switzerland is a republic with 23 cantons headed by a Federal Council. The president and vice president are elected from this seven member council by members of the Federal Assembly. Women were given the vote in 1971.

Government is shared between the central and "cantonal" or state governments. For many years women could not vote in Switzerland where issues were placed before the electorate in initiatives or referenda.

Untertorbrücke over the River Aare in Bern, Switzerland.            Bern Switzerland tourism bear pits Federal Assembly Parliament tourist information Bärengruben Marzili Münster Cathedral funicular swimming hotels Brauerei Felsenau St. Ursula's Church English movies museums natural history airport Flughafen Belp tram Untertorbrücke River Aare






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