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Trade Guidelines


My experience so far has been really great and I've met some very friendly honest people.  I haven't had a single problem with a trade and I don't expect or want one! 

I've read stories of traders being ripped off and I feel for those that have had this happen to them.  All I can say is what goes around, will eventually come around to those.


I'm interested in doing these kinds of trades 
An Even Trade - 1 CD for 1 CD or 1 DVD for 1 DVD.  I can copy DVD's

but not VHS.  I'm okay with doing 2:1 Trades on CD's, but not on DVD's.

Please burn DAO (Disc At Once) and I will do the same.
Some of my shows are DAO, and some have gaps between the songs of a few seconds.  If you need to know ahead of the trade if

gaps are present - please ask. 

We all know what this means.  So long as the communication is flowing between us - we'll be fine.  There is no time limit on the trade within reason of course.


Types of CD's/DVD's
I use name brand Cd's.  I don't have a preference - except I like Imation at the moment.  If you do please let me know.  All I ask that you please use Name Brand CDs and DVD's. 

Set lists
Please include a set list with everything you send - or provide one by email or website.  All of my set lists are listed on my site and if they aren't I will provide one - but I won't be sending set lists with the cds.  They will be tagged so you know what disc is what when you receive.


2:1 / B&P Trades
For 2:1 Trades:  For every CD you want - you would send me a blank as well.  I keep one blank and return one to you.  So for example of you want a total of 4 cds, you would send me 8 cd's.  I keep 4 blanks, and return the 4 cds you want.  We each pay for the postage back and forth.


For B&P Trades: You send me the amount of blank cds to cover what you want, along with a return envelope and also enough postage to return the cd's to you.  No cheques.  Postage rates vary with the number of CDs so ask, and I'll give you an idea of what the cost will be.

And like I said, 2:1 / B&P Trades are if time permits.

International Trades 
I'm open to trade to people everywhere, but the shipping charges could be high.  If we are doing an even trade, then no problem, I'll pay for your items to be shipped and you pay for mine to be shipped.  If you want a 2:1 trade, the same rules as above apply.

When sending from country to country, please make sure that on the custom tag you indicate that it is a gift and not merchandise.  For a value of the discs, use a low number like $10 or $20 dollars.  By marking the tag as a gift it will save me from having to pay custom charges.  When it is marked as Merchandise, it is assumed the items
are for resale... which they aren't!  So please mark your packages accordingly, even when sending from the US - Thanks.


Selling Shows
Nothing on this website is for sale!  I won't respond to someone wanting to purchase.  As far as I'm concerned Bootleg material should be for the fans to trade/share and enjoy.  They shouldn't be sold.  I respect your decision to buy/sell, I would just rather not be involved.

I hope you find something of interest... 
and Happy Trading!


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