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If you've made it through to this last page then well done you.

This is my first attempt at doing a web site, which explains why it's pretty basic, but I hope you found something that was of interest. 

There are some people out in the real world that slag off those of us with web sites, saying they're boring, irrelevant, etc etc, and who'd want to read about some Average Joe, well maybe some sites are boring, maybe mine is too, but I don't care what twats like that think. I've put a lot of effort into this site and I'm pleased with it, and that's what matters.

I wanted a little bit of the Web to be mine, and I wanted to create a site that would, hopefully, amuse someone who was passing through. If even one person enjoyed this site, then I've accomplished my goal!

If anyone has any comments, or suggestions about my site, please let me know as I'd like to hear any feedback on it.

Cheers for checking out my site!

Be happy and don't let the bastards grind you down!