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The following are some expressions I've heard and liked. Some are from movies, some from books, and a few are some witty remarks made by friends ...

Live fast, party hard, die young!

Live like you're never going to die, make love like you've never been hurt.

A weekend wasted, isn't a wasted weekend.

Pain is temporary, pride is forever.

Never start a fight, but always finish one.

Dreams come at no expense, except when you have dreamt your life away.

Don't dream it, be it.

We are who we choose to be.

We're gay sweety, it's what we do!

Be camp, be free!

I'm not struggling, I'm acting up.

What am I, flypaper for freaks?

If I throw a stick will you leave?

You remind me of when I was young and stupid.

Chaos, panic, disorder - my work here is done.

Join the army, meet interesting people, kill them.

Kiss my fat one!