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Ali aka 'Mary doll' 

           Ali has probably saved my sanity, if not more. She understands me better that I do myself - damn her! :-) but she's done me a lot of good, which I thank her for. Rab C loves his Mary doll! :-)         

Neil aka 'The Witch'

           This man has taught me how to have fun as a gay man. He's naughty and I blame him for all the trouble he gets me into ... long may it continue!! :-) 

Alan aka 'Alice' 

           Al is an amazing person - a true gent that can get absolutely cunted, but still look out for rest of us and keep us safe. I spent a week in Gran Canaria with him where we had a jeep that had holes in the floor, bald tyres, dodgy brakes, a crunching gearbox, and dents in the wheel arches when I  managed to smack it off a crash barrier on a trip round the island! Oh, and he laid the flooring in my bathroom, dressed in lycra and 6-inch Buffalo boots after coming in from the club! ... and he's the butch one!? :-))

Jaason aka ... well Jaas is just Jaas, just remember it's 2 a's!

           Jaason is the sweetest, most wonderful person you could hope to meet. He has a heart of gold, and debts that almost match mine! He's a most loving person though he will try and get us ending up in casualty when we get home from the club, but in Jaason's world, goats yodel so that's okay! ;-)

Darren aka 'Dazza'   

           Daz is a very intelligent guy who has an amazing gift for making me laugh like nobody else can - getting the body of Christ stuck to the inside of his mouth still kills me!           

Our Annie!

           There's no words that can describe Annie that'll do him justice. He's a lively, talented guy, who's amazingly caring and considerate. A demon with a paint stripper, and a genius with a pencil.

Ray aka 'Pumbaa'

        This is my mate Ray, no he's not having a stroke, though this is the kind of pic that could be used in a 'Kids say no to drugs' kind of poster! We'd all just had a top night out in Manchester and this was the state most of us were in! Ray's a good guy and he even trusted me to be his Best Man at his wedding!

Liz aka 'lil'  

           Lil and I met when we were teenagers and worked together in Glasgow. She is my soul-mate and brought so much fun into my life. We are so well matched because I was the sensible one, where she was totally crazy.



I can honestly say with hand on heart, that I am very grateful to have met the people that I have, and to have the friends that I do. They are a truly wonderful group of people, and I know I am a very lucky person.