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Howling Wolf

Chapter One


"God damn it, what's taking so long?"

"I don't know Captain, Control just told us to stand by."

The question had been rhetorical since Cal was on the bridge when the instructions from Control had come through on the comchannel, but the young Lieutenant who had answered him was probably just as anxious to dock as he was.  It had been a long and tiresome voyage and all the crew, both civilian and Naval, were desperate to get some shore leave. Spending 16 months on a civilian carrier was a test of any good crew. Pandering to the tantrums of spoiled fare paying passengers could send any strong seaman to the bottle, even knowing it was a court marshalling offence. Cal smiled to himself, it was almost as bad as sailing a Diplomatic Cruiser, diplomats were far worse in their needs than a civilian, and they were much more difficult to put in their place.

"Control to New Mexico, please standby, permission to dock will be granted shortly."

Cal tapped the comscreen, "Control New Mexico here, please advise what the delay is."

"New Mexico please standby." came the terse response. Cal gritted his teeth, as he did so he saw his number one cover a grin with her hand.

"Something funny?"

"No, but don't chew him out too severely, he obviously hasn't heard about your temper."

"Thank you for the advice, but these controllers are too full of themselves." Carl smiled despite himself.

"Yes, but remember, they have to deal with lots of captains whose ships’ shouldn't have to wait to be docked." Kelly said, stating her case.

Cal laughed, Kelly had been his steady stone on many a voyage, and she was always there to calm him down when he was ready to blow up.  They were a good team and that was one of the reasons they had a dependable crew, they created the right working environment.

"Control, this is Captain Wallace of the S.A.C.C. New Mexico, I have passengers who wish to disembark, please explain why we are waiting for docking permission."  Cal was impressed at his control.

"New Mexico, this is Lunar Control, you are in line for docking, priority has been given to the Diplomatic Cruisers Amadeus and Wellington. Please stand by".

"Bloody diplomats," Cal cursed out loud. He slapped the comscreen again, "Control, you have five docking bays are you telling me they are all in use?"

"New Mexico that is an affirmative, all bays are docked. Would you like me to list the Space Administration vessels now docked here?" the sneer was clearly audible over the channel.

"Yes I would, and please list clearly so I can enter into my log the reason for the delay.” Cal was now beginning to really lose patience with the faceless administrator.

“Certainly Captain Wallace, apart from the two Diplomatic Cruisers already mentioned, I have the Civilian Carrier Dusseldorf, Medical Vessel Arabella and the Cargo Freighter Dulan. Is there any other information you require Captain?”

“Yes, why was a cargo freighter docked when a civilian carrier was due to arrive?”

Cal was sure he heard a weary sigh before the voice replied “The Arabella is undergoing refuelling and cargo loading before sailing to the Demaric colony, parts and supplies for her voyage are on board the Dulan. Now, Captain, is there anything else you require?” The barely concealed sneer in the voice only egged Cal on farther.

“Yes, at what time do you expect us to be given permission to dock?”

“As soon as the first bay becomes available.”

“And when will that be, please quantify.” Cal ignored the lack of comprotocol since Control had initiated the breakdown.

“The Dulan is now refuelling, the Dusseldorf is waiting for the last few of her passengers to embark. Whichever departs first will free a bay for the New Mexico.”

“Thank you Control, you have been most helpful.” As a final touch Cal added, “Who I am speaking to, for my log you understand?”

“This is the Lunar Control Computer, Captain Wallace, my designation is Adam.”

“God dammit, I’ve been talking to the bloody computer” Cal raged.

Kelly burst out laughing, “I could have told you that, at this time of night the Control is going to be on nightwatch.”

“Thank you, your comments though would have been more valuable at the beginning of this conversation.”

“What, and miss out on the repartee, I couldn’t.”

Cal grumbled under his breath as he noticed the grins on the faces of the rest of the bridge crew. To think he had left the Academy with the intention of installing fear into his crew so they would respect him. It wasn’t his nature though, so that notion had passed quickly, unlike many of his fellow Captains of the Fleet. He was more comfortable giving his crew the respect they earned. In return, he found they worked harder and more efficiently. That way, long space voyages were easier to endure.

“Thank you Control, please advise when permission is granted.”

“Of course, Captain.”

Cal hated that computers had been given personality programming, he had yet to find one he actually liked.

“Kelly, advise the passengers of the situation and let me know when we have permission, I’ll be in my ready room.” With that Cal left the bridge.

 As he sat at his desk updating his log he thought about his crew. On most Administration Vessels there was a naval crew and a civilian crew, this was except for Enforcement Ships and Exploration Vessels. The naval crews were officer trained by the Administration and held all the senior posts on the ships while the civilian crews, although Administration trained, were only taught space safety, ship discipline and the functions of whatever role they were going to fulfil on board. It meant many of the civilian crew was still quite young. Cal had taken over as Captain of the New Mexico two years ago and had a naval crew of forty-four and a civilian crew of ninety-one. This was to be his last voyage on the New Mexico and he was going to miss them. Cal had received the news of his promotion last month in a comvid from Administration Headquarters. He had gained the step up by his handling of the escalating conflict between the two colonies on the planets of Tiberna and Minah2, or so the comvid had said. He had actually just been in the right place at the right time. The two groups had been feuding over transportation costs for the ores and minerals they mined, the situation had been growing rapidly worse over a short period of time. A Diplomatic Cruiser was on its way from Earth with an Enforcement Ship following, but the New Mexico had been arriving at Minah1 when Cal got wind of the trouble. As a Captain of the Fleet, and the most senior officer of the Administration present, he had taken the unusual step of ordering representatives of the two colonies to the New Mexico. After a very difficult three weeks he had managed to hammer out an agreement between both parties. His passengers had not been happy at the delay and he had found them more trouble than the two warring factions he was negotiating with. He had managed to pacify them sufficiently enough that they actually began to enjoy their time on board as well as the extended trips to Minah1’s surface. His crew had really worked damn hard then to keep things running smoothly. Cal realised that his promotion was, probably, also due to the fact that Admiral Glenn of the Administration had been on board with her family at the time en route to Florenta for a holiday. Though she had not taken an active part in any of the negotiations, he was sure she had kept the Administration apprised of his actions. Even though they were, at times, rather unorthodox. The Administration had felt, he had ‘performed exceptionally well as an Officer of the Fleet and dealt with the situation in a right and proper manner.’ So they were now promoting him and, though he would remain as a Captain, he was now to command an Enforcement Ship, the highest command a Captain could attain in the Fleet.

 Cal had wanted to be in the Administration since he had been a child. His dream had kept him studying through the night when he was a teen instead of out with his generation in the holostudios. By the time he was accepted into the Administration Academy at the age of fifteen, a year ahead of normal entry ages, he already knew Administration Rules and Protocols. He had taken on extra study to bring his maths up to speed and then spent any free time working on astrophysics.  He was propelled past second and third years of Academy, much to the annoyance of many of his fellow students. He was now twenty-nine and had graduated five years ago. Most of that graduating year were now working their way up the promotion ladder on cargo freighters and civilian carriers, Cal had went straight from the Academy, bypassing the rank of Ensign, to become Lieutenant on a cargo freighter, the Tako. He had been there a year when the Administration promoted him to Lieutenant Commander on the Civilian Carrier Zagreb. That had been a difficult time, the Captain of the Zagreb was a tyrant, good with the passengers but a bastard to the crew. His First Officer was no better, so Cal took it upon himself to look after the crew as best he could. It hadn’t been easy, with his duties in engineering, he had little time to himself, but the effort paid of. The Lieutenants obeyed his every order without question and even the civilian crew would happily carry out any duty he assigned them. That tour of duty had lasted just over a year when the Captain had summoned him to his ready room to inform Cal the Administration were sending him onto the Civilian Carrier Akagi to be their First Officer.

That had been a good ship. It sailed the best routes, to some of the most beautiful planets in the federated colonies. The crews were hard workers and had been with the Akagi for many years, so they treated her with great respect. The Captain, Captain Neal, was also a dedicated officer, spending as much time with his troops, as with the passengers. One night at dinner, the Captain had announced to the assembled passengers and crew that Commander Cal Wallace, his First Officer, was to be sent to Farburn, as soon as was possible, in order that he should take Captaincy of the Space Administration Civilian Carrier New Mexico. Cal had only been on board the Akagi just over a year and a half and now he was being promoted again. This time he was sad to leave. Perhaps it was because of his nervousness at becoming a Captain so soon, he wasn’t sure. He remembered being euphoric when first hearing the news of his promotion, then he became quite despondent at the thought of leaving the Akagi when he was so happy. Added to this was the nagging self-doubt that he was only out of the Academy three years and he was to captain such a ship. The turning point was a lunch he had had with Captain Neal. The man was so in tune with his crews that he had had noticed straight away that Cal was not as happy as he should be.

‘Commander Wallace, you have been given a great honour, why do look like you have been sentenced to corporal punishment?’ was the old man’s opening line at the lunch. Cal had then told him exactly how he felt.

‘My God man, do you think the Administration is stupid? They wouldn’t give the captaincy of a ship such as that over to someone they had any, and I mean any, doubts about. Don’t forget your exceptional record of performance, you and they both know you are capable of doing the job. As for not wanting to leave the Akagi need I point out that we often have to do things we’d rather not. You have a duty to do and you will do it. Remember that in the time you were here, short though it may have been, you stamped your own way of working on to this crew and you helped create the atmosphere. You must now go on to the New Mexico and do the same there. The only difference will be that you will make the final decision on everything that happens on your ship. You will be ultimately responsible for the safety and well being of your crews and for the safety of your ship.’ Seeing Cals’ expression had softened only slightly he smiled and said ‘How infrequently did you come to me to check you were doing the right thing? You will do just fine with your own ship.’

Cal had smiled broadly at Captain Neal and his mentor had just nodded back in answer.

After that lunch his last few weeks went by quickly on board and the rest of the crews were almost as pleased for Cal as he was.

 When he finally left the Akagi he had to use all his training to contain his exuberance at the thought of walking onto his own ship. He remembered the smile on the Pilot’s face when Cal asked him to circle round the New Mexico and hold position on her starboard side as she sat docked to the Farburn space station, so he could get a good look at his ship. She had seemed so massive then. She was, after all, one of the Administration’s largest civilian carriers. Capable of remaining in space for two years without docking and built to travel on any inter-stellar route, she was also one of the fastest in the fleet.  Her light grey hull had given her the appearance of being a newbuild, fresh from the shipyards in Glasgow or Jakarta. She was only a couple of years old and she had just been given a refit so now she sat at Farburn with her crew waiting for the passengers to start arriving from the planets surface and for their new captain to come on board.

 After the shuttle had docked at Farburn’s station Cal had walked slowly through it, using the time to prepare himself. He went through his Captains training, remembering what his tutors had taught him. He knew he was trying to steel himself for the inevitable so he quickened his pace.

 He remembered seeing Kelly standing at the bay doors as he arrived. The memory of seeing her standing there to attention made him smile. Somebody must have warned the bridge of the New Mexico for Kelly to have arrived there in time. She had snapped a salute, gave her name and rank, then welcomed the Captain on board his ship. It wasn’t until later, after he had met his senior officers in the conference room, been shown around the ship and met the rest of the crews, that he had ordered Kelly to his ready room. As soon as she had walked in she had laughed and they spent the next two hours catching up. She had transferred to the New Mexico about a year ago from the Civilian Carrier Port Town and had been on secondment to the Farburn Space Station while the New Mexico had been undergoing her refit.

She had been on board now for two weeks getting the crew and ship ready for Cals arrival. Looking back Cal realised he had been so glad Kelly was there.

 Now, here he was, leaving the New Mexico to take over his own Enforcement Ship, the Administration hadn’t even told him which ship he was to command, so he couldn’t even prepare himself by going over the technical specs. He was well known because of his age and rank so he knew his new crew would have their preconceptions of him, if they were anything like those held by some of his fellow captains he was in for a tough ride, he could handle it though. He’d been told at the Academy to soften his approach when dealing with crews because at times he was too tough. When he had gone on to his first ship he had softened naturally, but he knew he could deal with any insubordination if it came up.

 The chimer rang on his desk, “Yes?”

“Captain, Lunar Control has granted us permission to dock.” Kelly said.

“On my way.” He would miss Kelly so much. They were so compatible. They led by example, always being available for the crews. Taking time to get to know each one individually, never dismissing the enthusiasm of the younger members, but nurturing them on.  He went through to the bridge.

“Mr Russell, please take us in and dock manually.”

David Russell almost choked, “Em, Captain, I haven’t ever docked manually except on a holosimulator.”

“Well it’s about time you did.”

“It’s not standard procedure sir at Lunar Base.”

“I am aware of that Mr Russell, please begin when ready.”

“Aye aye sir.”

“Lunar Control, this is S.A.C.C. New Mexico, ready for docking. We’ll be coming in manually.”

David sounded almost embarrassed.

New Mexico, this is Control, is there a problem?”

“No Control, there are no problems.”

“Then may I ask why docking will be done manually?”

“The vessel Captain has requested we dock manually.”

“Negative New Mexico, docking is to be done under the control of the Station Computer.”

“Control, this is Captain Wallace, my pilot will control docking.”

“Certainly Captain Wallace, if that is your wish. You do realise I will have to log your decision?”

Cal grimaced, he supposed that was computer humour.

“I understand Control. When you’re ready Mr Russell.”

“Aye Captain. All hands prepare for docking, engine room secure ISD, all control to bridge.”

“Engine room, aye, ISD secured and all control to bridge stations.”

“Thank you engine room.” Cal could see David gulp and surreptitiously wipe his forehead. He remembered his days of docking at the Academy. Not fun under the watchful eye of a tutor in a holosimulator, never mind that of a Captain. He had only done it once himself when Captain Neal had made him dock the Akagi at the Space Station orbiting Arlina. That was difficult because of the strong electromagnetic ion storm that was raging around Arlina that day. Docking the Akagi had been hell, the thrusters had been worked hard maintaining the ships position.

“Nice and gently Mr Russell, just remember your procedures.” Cal reassured the Lieutenant.

“Yes sir. Frieda is the ship ready for manual docking?”

“Affirmative Lieutenant Russell, Inter-Stellar Drive is confirmed as secured, landing signals are being transmitted on all frequencies, ship systems are showing green and all decks are reporting ready.”

Frieda was the ships own computer, she would now work with the pilot and monitor the ships functions. It was an added safety procedure in case a bridge officer failed to notice a problem on his console or something happened rendering them unable to respond to a console command.

“Have you established a link with Lunar Control Frieda?” David asked.

“A data stream link was established when we arrived Lieutenant, Adam and I have been in constant communication since then.”

“Oh good, then perhaps you can advise me when Adam is ready to begin docking then.”

Cal tried not to smile too obviously, at least he wasn’t the only one to get irritated by computers.

“Adam has given the Civilian Carrier Dusseldorf final permission to depart, her engines are now primed and she is preparing to break moorings.”

 Watching on the viewscreen Cal saw the Dusseldorf rising from the moon’s surface. She was slightly older than the New Mexico, but she was larger in size and carried about five hundred passengers. Her hull was the same pale shade of grey that most Civilian Carriers were and its shape was similar to that of ocean going liners back on Earth. The New Mexico was as well appointed though and also slightly faster. It had a more streamlined hull, simply for aesthetic purposes and was capable of faster warp speeds. The Dusseldorf would be heading off to the far colonies now, Arlina, Farburn and Florenta. Colonists out to start new lives, passengers on holiday, there would be a wide range of people on board enjoying the luxurious voyage. Her breaking lights were flashing on and off and as she turned, Cal could see the bright flare from her exhaust ports as the ships engines, primed, were being initiated.

The Space Administration had seven types of space going vessels: Civilian Carriers, Diplomatic Cruisers, Medical Vessels, Enforcement Ships, Cargo Freighters, Exploration Vessels and Interplanetary Shuttles. When space travel had begun from Earth, about two centuries ago, the United Federation of Nations had created the Space Administration to control all things interplanetary. Over the years it had become the single largest Federation Department and now was given almost complete autonomy. It was a formula that worked, successive Admiral in Chiefs had set standards that kept accidents to a minimum and the loss of life had all but disappeared. All crews were trained to such a high level, the ships had stringent safety examinations and were maintained regularly. Even the IP Shuttles which, though they could be bought or hired by anyone, had to be piloted by an Administration trained officer. The Administration didn’t want to take any chances, one accident in space would mean the loss of hundreds of lives and their reputation could be tarred beyond repair.  

Cal could see the Lunar Base clearly now through the viewscreen. It was a jumble of dark coloured boxes joined together by large corridors leading from a massive central rectangular box. Lights could be seen through the many windows. The central building had five arms projecting from each side, well above ground level. One side was bays for Interstellar ships and the other five for IP shuttles. The largest building held transit lounges and cargo bays, while the smaller ones had shops, restaurants and housing. At one end of the main building, sitting on top, was the circular building that was the Lunar Control Command Centre. The Control Computer maintained the Bases’ systems and monitored the space around the Moon. During Earth’s daylight hours the control was manned, but at night there would only be a skeleton crew to oversee the computer. Cal could see lights on further in the distance, this was where the Federated Nations Infantry had a base. 

Cal suddenly realised his ship was almost at Base level and hadn’t even noticed the ships thrusters being initiated, smooth ride he thought to himself. He loved watching a ship dock. Knowing the size of them and seeing how gently they could move. They had to, one false jet could push a ship into the docks very easily.

 David turned the New Mexico around, port side in, so her doors were now facing into the Base, slowly he eased her down into position. The bridge crew was silent while they watched the Base getting closer on the viewscreen. The pilot was now concentrating on his console, watching the image of the ship and its proximity to the Base shown on the screen. Once she was at the right level he allowed a slight jet from the starboard thrusters to slide her on to the bay.

“Control, this is New Mexico ready for mooring.”

“Acknowledged New Mexico, initiating Base mooring sequence.” Came the response from the computer.

After only a moment, there was a slight bump as the docking clamps extending from the base and locked onto the ship. After a few seconds the sound of the Base bay doors could be heard as they gently touched on to the side of New Mexico and locked onto the ship hull. Warning sounds chimed from the console as the pressure in the docking tunnel was brought into line with that of the Base and the ship. Finally, the console rang out, the lights flashed green and there was a triple chime that indicated the ship's outer doors had unlocked.

“Control, New Mexico shows docking successful, do you verify?” David asked.

“Affirmative, New Mexico. Base verifies, docking successful.”

“All stations, docking complete, begin final shutdown.” David advised the crews as he started his own shutdown sequence.

Cal watched David tap his screen and lockdown the controls, powering down his systems. Turning round slightly in his seat Cal saw Ops and Engineering were doing the same with their screens.

"All stations now secured." Frieda reported.

“Control, this is New Mexico, all panels show green, docking complete.”

“Affirmative New Mexico, docking complete, welcome to Lunar Base. Captain, my compliments to your pilot on an excellent docking.”

“Thank you Control.” Cal smiled maybe computers weren’t that bad. “You heard him Mr Russell, well done.”

“Thank you Captain.” Cal hoped the new captain would be good to this crew.

“Crew prepare for civilian disembark.” Kelly said over the comchannel.

Cal then touched his comscreen, “This is Captain Wallace to all passengers, we have now docked at Lunar Base and the crew is ready to assist with your disembarkation. We hope you have enjoyed your voyage aboard the S.A.C.C. New Mexico and Godspeed to Earth.” Cal then turned to his First Officer,

“When the civilians have disembarked gather the crews in cargo bay one please Kelly.”

“Aye aye sir.” She responded.

Cal then went through to his ready room to wait.

 The chimer broke him out of his reverie.


“The crews are waiting for you in the cargo bay Captain.”

“Thanks Kelly, I’ll be out in a moment.”

Cal smoothed down his hair and straightened his uniform, needlessly, but he did it anyway. At the Academy it was drilled into the cadets from day one, the importance of having a spotless uniform. The punishment for being untidy was not something you forgot. He took a deep breath and went through to the bridge. It was almost deserted except for Kelly standing looking at the captain’s chair.

“You might be sitting there soon.”

“Hmm, would be nice wouldn’t it?” she said turning to him, “but I was thinking how much I had got used to seeing you sitting there.”

“You deserve that chair, you’d make a good captain.”

“Thank you,” Kelly managed to smile though the expression on her face betrayed how she was really feeling. “I’m going to miss you, you big ape.” She said.

“Come here you,” Cal said as he went over to her and gave her a hug. “Stop crying, remember you’re an Officer of the Space Administration.”

“I know, but I’m still going to miss you.”

“You’ll survive.” Cal said as he unwound his arms from around his First Officer.

Kelly smiled and managed to regain control of herself.

“Okay Captain Wallace, let’s go face your troops. I just hope I don’t start snivelling in front of them.”

“Don’t worry, you look lovely when your eyes are all red and puffy and your nose is running.”

“One of these days your going to lose your good looks and then what will you do?” Cal smiled at that. He knew he was sort of good looking, judging by the admiring looks and suggestive comments from some of his passengers, but he had never thought to use them for anything. In fact he had to think for a moment to remember when he had last had a boyfriend. He realised he had made the Administration his life and that left little room for anything else. Suddenly, Kelly jumped up and tousled his brown hair. Although he kept it short, he knew it would be spiked up now thanks to his friend. It was a prank Kelly had started at the Academy, whenever inspection was about to begin, or they were almost ready to enter an Officers room she would do it. Before he could retaliate she was moving toward the lift.

“One day, Commander, one day, I will get you back.”

“Promise?” Kelly said laughing.

“You better believe it. Now move.”

 They took the transport lift to the cargo deck in silence and walked to the doors of Bay 1. Both of them stopped in front of it and looked at each other, Cal nodded and Kelly turned to tap the keypad. When the doors had fully opened Kelly marched in and brought the assembled crews to attention.

"Captain on deck." She bellowed.

As Cal walked through the doorway Kelly and the rest of the crews snapped a regimented salute, eyes front.

"At ease," Cal responded after he had returned the salute. "As you all know, this was my last voyage on board the New Mexico. I could not leave this commission without extending my sincerest gratitude to you all. Each and every one of you has carried out your duties in an exemplary manner and you should be proud of yourselves. I do not know who your new Captain will be, but I hope they will appreciate your efforts as much as I have. You are all a credit to the uniform you wear." With that Cal saluted and then turned to Kelly, "Have the senior officers report to the bridge."

"Aye Sir."

When he passed back through the doorway he heard Kelly dismiss the crews.

 The senior officers arrived with Kelly a few moments after Cal.

"Stand at ease all of you. I just wanted to thank you all again for your efforts. As the senior officers on this ship it was through your efforts that my job was made easier. Mr Russell, I intend to enter a commendation into your data file in recognition of your skills in handling this ship, your abilities should not go unnoticed. Anna, as Chief Engineer, you will also be recognised for your expertise in maintaining a spaceworthy vessel. I don't think I've travelled on a ship that has run so smoothly, well done. The same goes for you all, well done. Now, ladies and gentleman, you are dismissed, enjoy your shore leave." Cal then turned and went through into his ready room for the last time.


Chapter Two