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Me at the works Christmas Party 2002  

           We took over a hotel in Southampton for a meal and a 'disco'...  the night ended with a punch-up between a couple of the guys at work. A fun night was had by all.(!?)        

Daydreaming in the sun

           This was a Sunday morning after a Saturday night out clubbing. I think I'm looking surprisingly healthy considering how trashed I was! The pic was taken by my mate Neil in his back garden ... he wants to cut that amazing tree down, but fortunately the council won't let him!

  Just home from work   

            Can't remember when this was taken but my lodger thought it would be good to show that I do clean up alright when I make the effort ... fuckin cheek!

  And at work on a weekend ... notice the growling face! :-)

            My jobs is shift work which means I have do nights, weekends, Bank Holidays etc. There is nothing shittier than having to do a Saturday night-shift ... or a Friday night ... or a Sunday day ... in fact anytime round the weekend is a pisser, especially when your mates are out playing!


 Before you ask, yes I'm a true Scotsman!   

           Yep, I've got myself my very own kilt.


On a day out in Scotland

           This was taken when my now-ex and I went to Scotland for a holiday weekend. This was us on the way to Loch Lomond, I can't remember exactly where but it was a beautiful Scottish village with plenty of shortbread and tartan.


I couldn't fix the brakes, so I made the horn louder!

           Another one taken at Neil's place, on a Sunday after a Saturday night out. I'd just fitted a new car alarm and was going to start to fit neons to the underside of the car, but after 1/2 an hour of trying to work out where was the least rusted and strong enough underneath to support the weight of the car, I decided it was safer to put the trolley jack away and leave it for a day when I wasn't quite so trashed.

Still haven't fitted them! 

  My baby Lucy  

            This is my little girl Lucy, she came to me when she was about 3 years old, after being neglected by her previous family, and she's now about 12. She's lived with me all over the country, and is my little princess. She has no teeth left but will climb your leg if she knows there's ham or chicken in the fridge that's hers ... and if you come home pissed, you have to keep a close eye on your kebab cause she'll have it off the table and across the floor before you can get off your chair. She'll even try to grab it out your hand if your not fast enough ... she's got no table manners at all!

  My other baby 

            This is my other 'baby' - The Black Beast', so called because when I got it, a friend was getting a lift one night, walked out and all they saw, and heard, was the two headlights and "something growling" at them. My friends keep telling me to get rid of her because she needs so much welding underneath, but she's black, she's fast, and she's got alloys - need I say more!? :-)


My X-Rated Pics