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A Tale Of Old ...


 Come gather round the fire,

And let me tell you a tale.

Of men and boys,

And the wars that they fought.


Let me tell you of the women,

Strong and brave,

Who stood their ground,

As the battles raged.


We are a people,

Surrounded by hate.

Driven by hope,

Stunted by fear.


We are a people,

Whose cause is just.

We are a nation,

Whose pride is strong.


We'll march day and night,

By the light of our fires,

They may have the power,

But we have the right.


Through the dark that was brought,

We stood and we fought.

Though some of us fell,

Some of us walked.


We marched under banners,

Coloured by sun.

We marched and we danced,

Our song always sung.


Through city and suburb.

Through homes and families.

We came from afar,

Our strength from within.


We met with the enemy,

We stood against time.

We won many battles,

But the war still goes on.


Come gather round the fire.