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About Our Club

Our little Survey:

Please take time and fill our little survey out. This way we can improve our website.

1. How would you rate our website on a scale from 1-10? (one being the lowest, 10 the highest)  

2. What is your Gender?  Female    Male

3. Age Group? 10-18    19-27    28-35    36-up

4. How would you classify your swimming experience? 

5. Are you currently swimming on a league/Team? Yes    No

6. If you do swim right now, what events do you participate in? (Check all that apply)

      Free Style    Back    Breast    Butterfly

7. What is your main purpose of swimming?

    Learn to swim   Get in shape   Lose weight   Learn to
          swim in ocean   Injury/recovery   Other

8. How did you hear about our website?

9. Has this website helped you out in anyway? Yes    No    Sort of

10. What can we do to better our website?


Date Last Modified: 06/15/2003
(800) 888-8839