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Warning: HUGE spoilers. Do not go any further if you have not seen this episode.

Lieutenant William Bush
::gasp!:: It’s Bush! Yay!
“This peace won’t last.”
He might not be a gambling man, but he’s not opposed to the odd drink.
“I feared you wouldn’t ask.”
Looking askance
An excellent First Officer
“Show me your orders and he won’t be.”
“Styles, what is this?”
“But coffee shouldn’t be...”
All stern and everything.
Ah, I so love him...
I believe we’ve seen Pellew in this same situation before.
No wonder they thought of him when doing Queen of the Damned...
Gorgeous eyes

Major Côtard
“May I continue, Admiral?”
“Your captain will not like to be kept waiting.”
“Do you seriously expect me to sleep in a mildewed canvas bag with the common crew?”
Glaring at someone
In that fabu hat
Showing off
“You will never move it.”
“I do not always miss, Captain.”
Ah, Loyalty

Midshipman Jack Hammond
“I’ve read much of your exploits.”
Big grin
On deck
Pained by beating
It’s Wellard!
A nice shot
“I didn’t disgrace the family name, did I?”
He’s gone, and Hornblower is terribly sad

Captain Charles Hammond
Captain Hammond
Lookin’ nifty with a sword
Sans hat
Facing death
Yay for sfx!

Captain Horatio Hornblower
Captain Hornblower
Classic Gruffudd look
Cute grin
“Indeed I am not, sir.”
“I think not, sir.”
All bashful
“I thought he was sharing your berth.”
Very odd expression
“Boiled, William? I know...”
Poor dear...
Very dashing
“How do I look?”
Bashful again ^_^
The pale Seine Englishman with a poor tailor
[Faints dead away]
Action shot!
Cracking a joke
His hat is wet...
Wet and apprehensive
Aw, smeg...
Absolutely disgusted
Facing death
Glad to see the Hotspur
“They would have been proud of you, Jack.”
Inner turmoil!
“I will not hesitate, sir!”
Well, fine then...
This guy is way too compassionate for this job...
One of those fabulous expressions where you can’t quite tell what he’s thinking, but you know he is
A touch bumfuzzled (SAT word!)
This guy has the weirdest wrinkles...
Yay! She’s happy!
Wait... Did I just do that...?
Oh... Help!

Midshipman Horrock
New on the Hotspur
Irish accents are great
Being all goody-goody
Using a nifty olde fashioned thingummie
Another good Irish shot
Disgusted by the smell of the privvy
Good man
“I thank you, sir, but I’ll stay with you.”
Did Shakespeare write this?

Maria Mason
Saying her farewell to Horatio
Welcoming Hornblower back
A nice shot
Stop playing games, dingbat...

Sir Edward Pellew
I love his expressions
Wide eyed
Crazy eyes
On deck
“You know I’ve spoken with Major Côtard...?”
“There was a time, Hornblower, when you would have needed some convincing about the merits of any...economy with the truth.”

Other Characters and Stuff
Yum. Breakfast.
Eeep! Cat ‘o nine tails...
Yay for pyrotechnics!
Random Frenchie who resembles a band director I know
The Hotspur.
All kinds of fun insider info
“She wept when you left.”
Listening in at the door
Matthews is a great guy
“It’s all under control, sir.”
Horatio’s mittens
Prowse, aka The Sea Lion
An...interesting dinner
Prestenting breakfast...
Prepared for punishment
Thomas Wolfe
Stern Wolfe

Multiple Characters
Look at the eyes!
Will and Horatio
Contemplating Styles
“Learn your signals, you little...gentleman.”
Bush, Hammond, and Matthews
Bush deals with Côtard
Côtard, Horrock, Hornblower, and Styles
The Hammonds
Cpt. Hammond and Wolfe
“Then fight me, sir!”
Aww... How cute.
Ford and Arthur
It’s a western!
Hornblower and Côtard face the traitor
Hornblower, Hammond, Horrock, and Côtard
Investigating the sewage system
“Is that all you’re going to say to me, Styles?” “Oh, no, sir. You’re done to a turn. Trust me, I’m a cook.”
M’Man Hammond and Matthews
M’Men Hammond and Horrock
Hammond goes searching
Hammond and Pellew
“How dya make coffee?”
Sewing the seeds of mutiny. Again.
Horrock and Hammond
Horrock and Styles facing death
Horrock, Styles, and Côtard helping Hornblower
Papa Pellew gives a touching monologue that goes RIGHT over Horatio’s head
Pellew has a great smile...
Just about everyone but Jack and Pellew
Wolfe and Matthews
They’re wounded!

An Even Chance/The Duel
Examination for Lieutenant/The Fire Ships
The Duchess and the Devil
The Frogs and The Lobsters/The Wrong War
Mutiny and Retribution