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Warning: HUGE spoilers. Do not go any further if you have not seen this episode.

Lieutenant William Bush
Being a great friend
“I trust you weren’t up all night, either, sir?”
Looking a bit unsure
Brushing...a hair out of his face, or something
I love his eyes here (who am I kidding? I love them everywhere)
Being stealthy
Nifty shadow effect
Congratulating Horatio, or something
Surprised at his captain’s reaction
“But...he’s so...Serious.”
In the snow
Shushing an overeager midshipman
Acknowledging an order
“Merry Christmas, sir.”
Raised eyebrow ::squee!::

Captain Horatio Hornblower
Rather odd shot
Scary smile
“One of the most prominent officers in the king’s service.”
Lookin’ good at the casement.
“Mr. Bush, I slept exceptionally well, thank you.”
A study in perspective
Crouching Hornblower, hidden...something. Bush, mayhaps
Eating his lip
Nifty shadow effect
Odd camera angle...
See... You’d better thank your wife...
Thinks he’s in a Rossio/Elliot flick...
“Do you suppose he has a potion for it? Do you suppose he has a potion for Captain Bracegirdle?”
Oh, how I would love to wake up to this...
“Let’s confuse them, Mr. Bush.”
Bellowing one command or another
Snow and a pistol
Being all kind and forgiving
“I pity her, too.”
Sneaky, sneaky...
Wry smile
A toast
Doesn’t have a clue when it comes to dealing with civilians...

Midshipman Horrock
Snapping to attention
I spy with my little eye...
Looking a skosh concerned
Action shot!
Why is the midshipman left in charge?!
Ah, it’s another tongue
“Do you have a problem, Mr. Prowse?”
Rather excited
Good man.

Sir Edward Pellew
Nice hat, sir.
Cocked eyebrow
Toasting the new bride and groom
“It’s unbelievable what a hotbed of gossip a fleet can be.”
“You see things, sir, that other men do not.”

Other Characters
Betsy Bonaparte
“I pity your poor wife, sir.”
Reconsidering Hornblower
Jerome Bonaparte
Captain Bracegirdle!
Trying to fire
Uh oh...
Horrock is crazy
More sfx!
The Grasshopper
The Hotspur in the moonlight
Betsy’s locket
A beauteous bride
Aww...So trust-ing...So love-ing...
“I keep things from you, too.”
All pleased with herself
She’s with child
Mrs. Mason
Bracegirdle being administered meds
The heroic mittens which gave of their wool...
The cannon shell
The EXPLOSIVE cannon shell
Styles saluting (not necessarily sincerely)
The Masons toast
“Suivez-moi.” (Thank you, Jaques!)
Take that, scum!

Multiple Characters
Horatio explains the ways of the world to Betsy
Bush and Hornblower have a heart to heart
Cause the latter has a bit of a chill en sus pies
Cpts. Hornblower and Bracegirdle
Bush, Bracegirdle, and Matthews are humoured by something (at least Matthews is)
Bush and Hornblower being sneaky
Aww...I like Bush’s smile a lot...
Bush and Styles load their pistols
Hornblower assists Bracegirdle
I like this shot. It’s a very verdant shot.
Uh oh...
Cutting the cake (eeew...)
Bashful groom and adoring bride
The Honour Guard
And...the very chaste kiss
Excited Maria (this looks WAY familiar...)
Except Horatio should be in red. And a few inches taller. And have lighter hair.
Stopping abruptly
Horrock, Styles, and Matthews peekin’ in the window
“There’s naught pretty about snow at sea, Mr. Horrock.”
Styles helps Bracegirdle
Styles trying to corrupt Mr. Horrock
The Masons

An Even Chance/The Duel
Examination for Lieutenant/The Fire Ships
The Duchess and the Devil
The Frogs and The Lobsters/The Wrong War
Mutiny and Retribution