Escape from pop-up hell and go to my new website instead! Some of the links on this page may be invalid, but the other site is regularly updated.
Some of these links are for other sites with fairy and furry sims, and others are good sites for interesting hacked objects or unique objects. The reason to visit is listed next to each link. All sites offer their downloads for free, unless I've noted otherwise. I don't put sites on this page unless I've visited them myself and enjoyed what they have, so I can't agree to trade links with anyone -- sorry. This link page is a copy of the link list at my Sim Raccoons site for furry sims.
This is the home of the original Sim Foxes, and without the Sim Fox meshes, I would not have a website. If you like my raccoons, you must get the foxes! EDIT: no longer on the web -- but you can still get the foxes on the front page of my Sim Raccoons site. |
Redeck's Fox Skins | This is just for Sim Fox fans; it's a great collection of extra clothes for the foxes to wear, so they can have alternate outfits. EDIT: The website still exists, but the downloads seem to be gone. |
Kelahn's site | Kelahn made many meshes that are still very popular today. Most of the fairy butterfly wings out there are his. Visit his site for more fairies, an elf woman, an anthropomorphic cow woman (she's so cute!), and the original Tigress. |
The FantaSim Tales | The objects at this site are mostly meant to look like things that could be found in a forest, such as tree stump tables and waterfall showers. It has to be seen to be believed -- it has an incredible selection of items for a naturalistic woodland home. Very recommended! Furthermore, anyone who likes Sims with butterfly wings should check out this excellent site for the wide selection of fairy Sims. JANUARY 2003 UPDATE: This site has updated with anthromorphs! Check out the Lion family and the Cow family; there is also a Chimp family and adult humaniod Serpents. |
This site hosts my raccoon and wolf skins, so you can use it as a mirror site. You should also check out the otter skins there, and look for more species coming soon! EDIT: this site is down, and I don't think it will be back. |
GothicRose Sims Yahoo Group | This site has AMAZING pet skins! I was never able to create equine Unleashed pets, but this site has them, along with dragons, insects, and wolves. My game finally has unicorns and pegasus! They also have some human skins with wings and other things of interest. |
Bunny anthromorphs, merfolk, selkies, angels, demons, and fairies! I couldn't access the bunny people on the English version of the site, but I managed it okay in the Danish verion. EDIT: another great Sims 1 site is gone. :( |
CORRY's Factory | I can't believe the beauty of these skins. The regular skins are wonderful, and the anime skins are perfect! No furry people, but there are some very cute girls in animal COSTUMES here. |
The Blarney Stone | This site has many nice skins; there are a few catgirls, and check out the replaceable NPC's for the Catwoman burglar! |
Jade Eternity's Sim Skins | Wonderful anime skins are on this site -- the Belldandy skin here is the best I've ever seen. |
All About Skins | An angel, demoness, Demona, Mermaid couples, and the Ninja Turtles await you here. |
Nimis' Sims Skins | This site has humaniod INSECTS. I like the wasp... |
There are fairies on this site -- dark, strange fairies inspired by the artwork of Froud. These are very interesting, complex meshes: a must-see. EDIT: another dead site. |
Some great skins from anime and video games are on this site. I really like the Shiva skin, and her Urd skin is fantastic. I was also very impressed with the Kirala pet skin made by GrimDragon. EDIT: also dead. |
Great skins and unique pets. Anyone who likes my pets should definately check this site out; they have a mesh for a pet elephant, and those fluffy dogs that look like little mops, and more. Great human skins too! EDIT: ...sigh. So few Sims 1 sites are left. This one, sadly, is no longer around. |
Check out the anime and Final Fantasy skins. I also like the Sushi bar object set. (It's a Geocities site, like mine, so expect it to be down often.) EDIT: now gone. |
SIMwhere Over The Rainbow | This site has many lovely skins, but my favorites are the beautiful fairies with dragonfly wings. |
Paladin's Place | Did your furry sims just have a baby? Don't worry if it grows up to be a boring, normal human. Get a free download of SimMetamorphoser, a program that you can use to change your Sim's head, gender, and a few other things as well! This site also has Unleashed pet skins of the raccoon and the skunk -- your Raccoon Sims can have pet raccoons! |
If you want pet skins that are only extraordinary in quality, this site has a nice selection of attractive Unleashed pet skins. I have two bengal cat skins hosted exclusively there. EDIT: This site is also gone. The pets I made for that site can be found at my Fantasy Sims site, but so far as I know, her own pet skins are gone and unavailable anywhere. :( |
This site has more beautiful skins -- especially the pets. There's a recolor of my Goat pet there that I like better than the ones I made myself. EDIT: another dead site. |
Simslice | If you like hacked objects with fun effects, this is the site for you! Home of the famous Simslice Rejuvenator. EDIT: now a paysite, and their Sims 2 objects really don't look anywhere near worth it. I'd skip this site entirely at this point. |
This is another great site for fun hacked objects. My favorite is a door that makes Sims automatically change into formalwear when they go through; I use it extensively downtown. EDIT: nothing is left of this site except the front page. |
The Sims Resource
...or try the TSR 1 nag-free link |
This is a paysite, but not for the Sims 1 items, so it's a good place to go if you're still playing the original game. I'm a little miffed because they broke all of my pet skins that require meshes, and I can't fix it -- only a moderator can change uploaded files. At least the files on my personal site still work, just so long as people can find me. If you need help for Sims 1 stuff, the forums for this site is a good place to start. |
Mod The Sims 2 | This is the best Sims 2 site around if you like tons of free downloads and expert technical advice for creating new Sims 2 content. You can find me there as BastDawn. |
Paysites Must Be Destroyed! | PMBD is also known as "The Site That Must Not Be Named" because they are blatant file sharers. Unfortunately, I don't think they host Sims 1 stuff, but if you play the Sims 2, visit PMBD to download any fan-created content that you would otherwise pay for. Selling Sims 2 "package" files is illegal and in violation of the EA/MAxis terms of use, so it's really not a good idea to pay for it. (I don't think Sims 1 files use a proprietary format, so the same rule may not apply -- but I couldn't say for certain.) PMBD hosts all those "pay" files for free downloading, and you can find them easily enough if you know the name and site of the creator as well as what you're looking for. |
The Sims Showcase | This is a great resource for finding new downloads for your Sims game. The "Finds" section of this site showcases a new set of items every few days from Sim fan sites from all over, with screenshots so you can see what's available, and clear labeling next to the links informing you if it's a paysite. EDIT: still going, but the link I checked was all about the Sims 2. |
Just lots and lots of great items to download. EDIT: dead site |
Mermaid Cove | This site has a great collection of (normal, human) skins and objects. |
The Sims File Vault | Members only, but membership is free. This site still has an active Sims 1 section, making it a good place to go if you still play the original game. Do not join if you are uncomfortable with sharing files, as members share pay files freely. |
Sim Raccoons | My Geocities site for Sims 1 furry skins was deleted, so I collected all of the content I could find and zipped it up into a 13mb download. It's linked from my MTS2 journal to make it easy for me to update as needed. |
BastDawn's MilkShape tutorial | I finally made a tutorial to show you guys how to use MilkShape. If you can't figure out how to make your own weird pets and fairy wings after reading it and reading the read-me files included with my pets, there's nothing else I can do to help you. |
Contact me | Do you need to contact me? I don't give out my e-mail address online, but you can send me a PM at MTS2, and I'll probably get it before the end of the week at most. If you're reading this at some future point when MTS2 is gone and everyone's playing Sims 3 or even 4, just Google BastDawn and you'll probably find me somewhere. |