I took two years of physics in high school, but I never completely understood how light worked. Is it a wave or a particle? I finally have a basic understanding of light after studying it in physics 101, but what exactly are black lights and fluorescent lights? Is a black light just black, as the name would imply, or is it something different? What makes a fluorescent light fluorescent? Learning about the physics of black lights and fluorescent lights really helped me to better understand the effects they have on the lights we use on a daily basis. This newfound knowledge also changed the existing viewpoints that I already had about black lights and fluorescent lights. I have learned a lot about black lights and their effects on modern society. In “the physics of black lights,” Courtney explains how both the fluorescent light and the black light work. However, it is important to note some differences between the two. A normal fluorescent light uses fluorescent phosphors to convert the ultraviolet light (which is produced by its mercury discharge) into visible light. A black light allows ultraviolet light to emerge from the lamp and remain unchanged. Because the UV light from a mercury discharge has a short wave length, a black light uses gases other than the mercury that a normal flourescent light would use. Until I did the research for this project, I thought that black lights were full of radiation and could cause mutations. However, after some research I discovered that black lights have the longest wave in the UV region, making them the safest form of energy in that region. Black lights also have many practical uses, such as preventing forgeries, fighting diseases and health problems, and assisting police in finding clues. Black lights are also more conductive and their photons carry more energy than any visible light. Fluorescent lights also have many uses. The main use of the fluorescent light is the actual act of emitting light. Almost all schools, hospitals, and dorm rooms use fluorescent lighting. Flourescent lights are much more useful than incandescent lights because the former last longer, are more energy efficient, and less wasteful. I learned many new things from this project, most notably not to let opinions and ideas form without understanding why I hold those ideas. Instead of actually seeking out the science behind fluorescent and black lights I thought that I had learned enough by watching the sci-fi channel. Obviously, many of my preconceptions and notions regarding black and fluorescent lights were not only misguided, but downright wrong. Instead of learning from television, I now plan to learn about things that I do not understand. Introduction|Physics of Blacklights|*Question 1*|Question 2|Links|Conclusion|Works Cited|People