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PaGe sEvEn

It’s kind of ironic I’m lying here alone My heart bleeding, pride broken And all I can think of is what I did wrong, To turn you away from me

when he walks by. -i smile like i dont care- .but in my heart. -im screaming lifes not fair-

....u dont understand.... ........u never will......... dont say......... ....i kno how you feel....

Every time the phone rings / / / / i pray that it`s you Even though / / / / in the back of my mind i kno that we`re through / /

there*z alwayz qoinq to b that one person u wish u could be with even after knowinq that person doesn*t wanna b with u

It's getting colder now And the darkness consumes me Depression is slowly creeping up Maybe one day you’ll actually care about me

You could care less about me-›› I know I know you don’t give a FUCK -›› it shows Don’t come crawling to me-›› when it ends I used to actually feel like-›› your best friend

aNoThEr DaI iS gOiN bY n I*m ThInKiN AbOuT yOu AlL tHe TiMe...

a lil confused feelin a lil abused i guess you could say i wuz used

tHe SaDdEsT tHiNg iN tHe wOrLd iS WaTchiNg tHe oNe yOu lOvE .. lOvE sOmEoNe eLsE..

iTs aMaZiNg h0w yOu FeeL aBouT HiM wHeNeVeR uR aRoUnD HiM..nOtHiNg eLsE mAtTeRs..h0w uR hEaRt st0pS aNd y0uR LeFt bReaThLeSs aNd nO MaTtEr h0w mAnY tiMeS hE breAks uR hEart hE aLwAyS sEeMs tO pUt tHe piEcEs bAcK 2geThEr. .

i*vE LeArNeD tHaT gOoD-bYeS aLwAyS hUrT.. PiCtUrEs WiLL nEvEr mAkE uP fOr NoT bEiNg tHeRe.. aNd mEmOriEs -gOoD oR BaD- WiLL aLwAys bRiNg tEaRs. .

tHe SaDdEsT tHiNg i eVeR SaW wAs a mEmOry..

yOu nEvEr sToP lOviNg SoMe oNe.. yOu JuSt lEaRn hOw tO LiVe WiThOuT tHeM..

i dOn*t sEe hOw pEoPle CaN gO aRoUnd FaLLiNg iN lOvE aGaiN aNd aGaiN.. oNcE yOu FaLL iN lOvE wItH sOmEoNe.. yOu*Re nOt sUpPoSeD tO FaLL oUt..

iF yOu aSk mE hOw i*M dOiNg.. i*D sAy JuSt FiNe.. BuT tHe tRuTh iS, BaBy.. iF yOu cOuLd rEaD My MinD..

i dOn*t uNdErStaNd wHy yOu HaVe TiMe tO gO OuT aNd MaKe pEopLe FaLL iN lOvE WiTh yOu.. bUt yOu dOn*T HaVe TiMe tO pAy aTtEnTiOn tO tHe oNe wHo aLrEaDy dOeS..

aNd sHe WaNts tO bE a MoDeL.. sHe WaNtS tO hEaR sHe*s bEaUtiFuL.. sHe*s bEaUtiFuL..

My eVeRy hOpE hAs sEeMeD tO DiE.. My eYeS hAvE nO mOrE tEaRs tO cRy..

yOu nEvEr rEaLiZe hOw MuCh yOu lOvE sOmEoNe.. uNtiL tHeIr GoNe