Age: 31

Race: Lycanthrope~Werewolf

Profession: Fighter/Historian

Eyes: Amber

Height: Human~6'0" Were~6'7"

Weight: Human~192lbs Were~267lbs

Affiliation: stryfe

History: Once living on his own and as a solitary werewolf, he met a woman on his wanderings. He had always lived alone and never known another, but he could smell it in her. Why she was wandering was unknown to him and he could care less. All he knew was that he was no longer alone or doomed to never have a mate. He could sense what she was and it was the same as him. Her name is Lorah.

He returned to this land of Odin with her after a long time together. She talked of it often and filled him in on everything here before she asked to return to her old home. He agreed and then he asked her to be his wife.

They had wed in a quiet ceremony in some strange village nearly a year ago today. They were mates for life. She was his wife. Together they had come back to her home. Now he was in a new land and had much to explore.

Soon he had taken the oath of the stryfe's. Accepted by Alexistryfe and al others so far, he felt comfortable there as his wife was one of them as well. Here he made his home and would fight with them all when needed. He was devoted to them as clearly as he was to Lorah.

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