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When photographing in black and white, filters can be very useful. However, there are many different types and it is easy to get lost. On this page I will talk about UV-filters, color-filters, neutral density-filters and polarizing-filters. All are common, easy to use and can improve your pictures considerably when used under the right circumstances.




UV-filters Absorbs ultraviolet light. Cuts haze in landscapes, giving sharper images.
Neutral density-filter Absorbs all colors in equal proportions. Reduces exposure, enabling slower shutter speed or wider aperture to be used.
Polarizing-filter Controls reflections and darkens blue skies at right angels to the sun. Can eliminate reflections when you are photographing still water and windows. It will also darken blue skies under some condition.
Yellow-filter Absorbs ultraviolet and some blue. Darkens blue sky, accentuating clouds. It also lightens foliage.
Orange-filter Absorbs ultraviolet and most of the blue. Similar effect to yellow, but with a more pronounced effect. It also darkens blue water and lightens yellow subjects.
Red-filter Absorbs ultraviolet, blue and green. Turns blue sky and water very dark, increases contrast and deepens shadows. It also cuts haze, lightens red objects and darkens green ones. Lightens lips and skin blemishes in portraits.
Green-filter Absorbs ultraviolet, blue and red. Lightens foliage and slightly darkens the sky. Makes red objects darker and deepens skin tone in portraits.
Blue-filter Absorbs red, yellow and green. Lightens blue subjects and increases haze in landscapes.

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