Candy Cat Can Chocolate Cream

~ Written for Scribblemoose's FLAKE challenge

Nathaniel pulled out the plastic bag from under the over-stuffed chair in the living room. He wasn't surprised to find it, although he wondered when this would end. He couldn't expect it to go on forever. It was just now, while Damian was in love with him...

He still sometimes thought of these as Damian's chambers, although they were technically his own as well, since Damian had given him a dresser drawer and room in the closet and suddenly all of Nathaniel's stuff was moved into the vampire's lair.

They hadn't discussed it; it had just happened. Damian made the decision one day and told him it was just silly for him to continue to live with Anita. Damian was his lover, and belonged to her as, suddenly, the Circus was Nathaniel's true home. And he liked it there. He did his best to keep their rooms clean and neat, bought himself a coffee maker and a small refrigerator, had the TV moved into the living room.

Damian got him a shelf for his books as well, and slowly Nathaniel had adjusted, although it had felt awkward at first. It was the cat in him, he supposed. It didn't appreciate a change of surroundings.

But then he got his own soft blanket to cuddle under on the sofa; his collections of mugs and hair clasps were suddenly scattered all around the place. His books always lay where he'd left them on the table when he came home and his own scent mingled with Damian's everywhere in the small apartment. It was home now. Had slowly become so.

His and Damian's.

And then there were the goodie bags: Every time Nathaniel had a night off, Damian would prepare a surprise for him. Usually a plastic bag filled with sweets and magazines. Something he could occupy his time with while waiting for him to wake up.

Today was no exception, and a secret part of him was relieved. He could never be sure when this kind of affection would end. Every time, he steeled himself soas not to be disappointed if it wasn't there.

This time it was. A big one, making promising sounds of candy wrappings when he pulled it from under the chair. He smiled widely and clutched it to his chest. It was such a sweet thing to do, if he thought too hard about how sweet it really was, he almost felt like crying...

He'd made himself some tea and now he poured it into a pink mug and padded happily into the bedroom. He placed the cup on the night stand and quickly shed his clothes. He didn't like clothes much. He preferred to be naked.

He picked up the faded jeans and the lavender colored t-shirt from the floor and put them on top of Damian's velvet waist-coat in the basket behind the door. Then he sought out his lover's form in the dim light. He lay on his side as he'd left him the same morning.


He was naked and his pale skin was beautiful against the green blankets. Nathaniel turned on the light and climbed up in the bed to cuddle up close to the marble body. Cold as a winter night's sky, and just as beautiful.

Nathaniel pushed his own, long braid aside and bent down to kiss him. His lips were pale pink now, but as soon as he'd fed they would blossom into a ruby red, just the color of his hair. The leopard smiled mischievous and bent down to press a kiss to the other's soft, white cock as well. His favorite catnip in all the world! Then he curled up with his back to the dead body and opened his goodie-bag, patiently waiting for his lover to arise.

There were chocolates, and there were comics. Fruits Basket. His all time favorite. It was that too, about these surprises; Damian never randomly picked stuff for him. It was always thought through, always something he knew that Nathaniel wanted.

With a contented sigh, the cat settled against the pillows and opened the paperback, reached inside the bag and found a chocolate bar. Caramel cream crunch -- nice.

He began reading and was quickly absorbed by the story. He munched at his chocolate, only looking up from time to time to make sure he didn't shed the chocolate wrappings in Damian's hair.

He stretched himself across Damian's body while he read the comic. Curled his legs around the other's unmoving ones and gently caressed the cool skin of his chest in-between reading the pages.

Suddenly though, he got aware of something itching on his belly, he moved his hand down to scratch at it. Annoying pieces of...stuff. His hand reappeared, quite covered in chocolate...flakes.
Slowly the cat put his manga down and had a look at his surroundings: Small pieces of chocolate was scattered everywhere around him, including his own, and his master's, naked bodies.

He suddenly felt cold. His eyes darted to the alarm clock by the bed. Soon, too soon, the sun would set. And Damian's body was scattered with tiny pieces of chocolate.

Nathaniel looked at the chocolate bar in his hand; Flaky. Half-eaten, rather messy, and he threw it down on the floor with an disgusted outburst. What was Damian to think?! That he used his body as a furniture while he was dead? Lying on top of him and carelessly littering his body with chocolate flakes!

He panicked! He tried to brush the chocolate from the still form, but his own lycanthrope body heat made the darned pieces melt instead of falling off. He shivered and made small mewing sounds as his gaze scanned the room for a solution. There were none!

In a desperate attempt he bent down and began licking the mess from the cool surface. His little, warm tongue swept the sticky, sweet mess from the pale planes of Damian's chest. The hard nipples, the bulging muscles of his arms.

The chocolate was everywhere, in every crack, every curve.

The kitten moved further down, tried to lick his belly clean. The soft, white belly with its trail of crimson curls. Even his cock had tiny flakes of chocolate on it!

Nathaniel lifted it gently. Tried to suck the soft flesh clean.

His thigh. His hips. All of it now, covered in a sweet, sticky layer of saliva and sugar.

"Nathaniel?!" Green eyes, awake and alert, measured him questionably through the darkness.

Nathaniel raised his gaze slowly. Utterly ashamed and unhappy.

"I'm sorry!" he burst out. "It was the Flake...and now you're all chocolate!" He could feel himself blush.

The Vampire said nothing, then he stretched his body. Made it come alive again. Nathaniel watched him nervously, still bent over him, one arm on each side of the broad form.
Damian looked down his body, felt on his own skin with his hand. The mess...

Nathaniel swallowed hard.

"But you like...chocolate, don't you?" The green gaze twinkled now. Amused, not annoyed.

"Yeah..." Nathaniel let out his breath. He felt his hands tremble with relief when he finally moved. Moved to give Damian a kiss. "I'm sorry," he breathed. "I'm so sorry..."

"If that is so," the Vampire said lazily and grinned with gleaming fangs, "why don't you continue what you were doing?"

Nathaniel gave him a glare of disbelief before he let his shoulders down with a last relieved sigh. Happy again now. Happy and safe and more than willing to play. He giggled softly and smiled grateful at the other.

"Sure!" He smiled and quickly moved down to continue his work, now with a wriggling, adjusting Damian beneath him.

A Damian who's hands moved on his body. Sliding across and caressing his skin.

A Damian who's soft sighs of contentment made the delicious taste of chocolate and male even more sweet. Like honey for the soul, arousing him as he went on, sucked lightly at Damian's balls, tried to force the dark chocolate from between the curly fur.

A hand closed around his ankle. Motioned for him to move, come closer. Damian lay on his back now and Nathaniel turned his body on the bed so his feet came level with the his face, he didn't flinch when the fangs lightly pierced the skin of his left ankle, just enough that small droplets of blood seeped through and filled the vampire's mouth.

Nathaniel, smiled as he licked at Damian's inner thigh, he could see why: Nathaniel got his sweets, now Damian got his.

The vampire began licking at his calves, piercing the skin carefully as he went, licked the blood of his skin with the same pace and rhythm as Nathaniel's own tongue: Swirling and teasing now as it became more sexual with each hot breath.

Damian rolled over to the side again, made sure he had one of Nathaniel's legs on each side of his head. He was nibbling at his inner thighs, biting and licking.

Nathaniel moaned. He moved restlessly on the mattress. Breathed heavilyy and fought not to move, not to rub his cock against anything really. Whatever would feel sweet.

He had buried his face in Damian's crotch. It scented of chocolate and musk and blood. A little bit of Nathaniel too, but mostly of Flake. That would change...

Damian's clever tongue licked roughly at his cock now. The vampire's fangs scratched the thin surface, but didn't breech the skin. His hands help the kitten's hips in a forceful grip, prevented him from moving.

Nathaniel moaned, Damian made a growling sound.

With a gasp he let Nathaniel's penis go and sank his fangs into the blue vein on the inside of his thigh. For real now! Nathaniel shuddered with delight when the vampire rolled his mind. Through the pleasurable haze he could feel his lover's cock slowly grow hard and firm against his face. Still chocolate sticky sweet, and all too tempting.

Nothing else to do but, open his mouth. Let him inside.

He closed his lips around the hardness of the other. Let his tongue run up and down as far as he could. Swirl across the head of it. Probe gently at the slit.

More musk now, than chocolate. He was hardly aware that Damian had let his thigh go and closed the wound with saliva. Not before the vampire's mouth once again engulfed his aching erection. The cave of his mouth was warm now. Warm and moist and Nathaniel cried out with his mouth full of cock. It was a muffled and choked sound and it increased in volume as Damian's index trailed the cleft of his rear and began teasing and circling his anus.

He replied with taking in more of the other's length. He loved this cock, loved it! And he proved it with his tongue; he opened his throat and let the other sink himself in as much as wanted; and Damian responded by rocking his hips back and forth. Fucking him like that; sliding across his lips.

And all the time the hotness of Damian's mouth teased and caressed him; sucked him like a piece of candy. Lapped up the dribbling pre-cum. Nathaniel couldn't take it!

His hips shot forward, into the sucking cave, drowned it in salty fire, and his head jerked backwards, as an answering stream of liquid came spurting from the other: Tasting good. Not sweet, but good.

Filling his mouth with the taste of pleasure. Of relief.

He swallowed it down, savored it.

He rocked his own spent member slowly in and out of Damian's mouth, milking the pleasure. Wanting it to remain as long as possible.

Finally though, his body went limp. He let Damian's catnip go, to slow his panting breath.
Damian did the same. His cock felt cold and lonely without the warm shelter of the vampire's mouth.

"Kitten..." Damian's voice sounded quiet and content. "What was the name of that chocolate bar?"

The End
