By Cornflower

Thanks to Patricia for doing the beta and to Pira for the lovely art.

Set between episodes 15 and 16


In the beginning:

Crushed. There was nothing but blood. Broken bones that stood out from the raw, glistening meat in awkward angles. Fabric glued to pale skin. All of it red, drenched and soaked in it, and so his hands.

Of what had once been a man there was nothing left but shreds. Form had ceased to be. Now there was pounds of flesh, ounces of tissue - gallons of blood, - that was all.

Dark strands of hair plastered to a naked skull, bone shining through. The brain is actually grey...and liquid.

"A little eager there, weren't we, Naoe?" A hand came to pat his head. "Don't worry, we'll work on it..."

The man that spoke smoothed the fabric of his grey suit, fingers ran down a black tie. The daylight that poured in the windows, small squares set high in the brick wall of the abandoned factory, caught and shone in elegant glasses. Even, soft footfalls on the cemented floor as the man turned and left.

Left Nagi on his own. With the bloodied corpse. Kneeling in front of it, the knees of his pants soaked in deep red moist. His eyes saw. And yet did not.

He felt him before he heard him. The air thickened, a draft of something; unnatural air. Something thick and crowded, a sudden taste of sweetness surrounding him. The door fell shut. Silence...

A low chuckle pierced the air:

* Oh my, haven't you made a mess, kid...?* The voice spoke directly in his head.

" Go away! - Oh no, oh no...don't leave me alone...!*

Another chuckle.

The air twitched and swirled around his body. Probing fingers of nothingness. Schuldich's energy touched him.

* You taste lovely, little boy...all messed up and scared. Yes, you're a impressive creature indeed.*

* I killed him...*

* Sure did!* Another soft chuckle from the man behind him.

The boy lifted his hand, gazed at the palm.

* It tells your future you know,* the slick voice told him. *And it's all red!*

* Shut up!*

* Why...when you're so good at it...- painting your hands red...*

* ...No...*

* But don't you like it?! You have it in you...Crawford is pleased, although it's sort of messy. Next time you'll do a cleaner job.*

*..I don't want to...*

Silence. Even the air froze around them.

* But it's too late now! You'll never be clean again. It can't be undone, never be white!*


*...Tainted and stained, black holes in your soul...the sin will fasten, fester... -*

* -Why are you saying this?! -Tormenting me!*

* Because I like you, kid. That's why...*

Long arms came to touch him, scooped him from the floor. Held his bloodied body to a green coat. A pounding heart.

Schuldich carried him outside.



Slices of cheese, mouthfuls of wine. The deep red kind. Schuldich's kind, with blue black grapes and peaches to go with it. It was late night in Schwartz current quarters. The deep blue velvety sky outside the big windows in Schuldich’s spacious room was set with tiny points of golden light. The windows had no curtains, letting the sky come in and fill the room. Like being on the inside of a jewelry box, Schuldich thought as his multicolored candles reflected on the smooth, crystalline surfaces...or inside someone's head...Or more obviously; the space room, only...this space held no walls. Neither did people's minds, not really...

He played with a peach stone in his hand, noticed how it looked like a human brain and crushed it in his palm, sorted out the softer white kernel in the middle, the giant bitter seed and ate it. Swallowed it down with crimson wine, rich and ripe.

Two steps up from the comfortable couch he was resting on was his bed. Big and soft, heaps of pillows; white, clean sheets...still not tempting. Not tonight, when he was busy not thinking of what he was thinking about.

By eating, he told himself, digesting, taking what he wanted, like he always did. His favorite tastes mingled on his tongue...yet there was one flavor he still hadn't tried...still hadn't dared to grab. Take. Have...Didn't know if he ever would...And his bed looked cold; not tempting at all...

He sighed softly as the small, sharp knife sliced into the cheese once more, cut free one big chunk of creamy flavor. His glass was made of crystal, his robe was tailored silk, deep blue, made his hair look good, and his eyes...They had been lucky with the accommodations as well this time. He lived a happy life, he reminded himself. He was rich, privileged...possessed powers most people would envy, now that they were tamed and controlled by his mind, and didn't send him into fits of fury and occasional madness anymore...He shouldn't allow to effect him so...but he did, he admitted to himself with another sigh. Gritted his teeth and ate.

The tip of the knife slowly trailed the soft skin of the peach in his hand. One didn't need much imagination to see the resemblance...And the hip that had stroked against his crotch, the seemingly innocent look on the chibi's face...the scent of arousal and the feel of something hard brushing against him moments later...Did the kid do all this on purpose? Although, the state of the 'kid's' arousal had told him clearly that this was no 'kid' anymore. This was a full grown man...and why did the thought of this young man's desire make his stomach twitch as in fear or expectation. Sure...he'd been looking at his ass but who wouldn't? It was a nice ass. Firm, round buttocks. His skin was creamy white, eyes dark blue, surrounded by silky, black lashes. Yes...the boy was a vision...Schuldich caressed his cheek with the soft fruit, crossed his legs on the couch.

But the boy was smart as well, he continued his musings and poured some more wine ...more clever than any of them...and - Schuldich's thoughts paused for a while. It wasn't fear...couldn't be...not for Nagi. A low chuckle escaped his lips and he suddenly threw the peach back in the basket. The damn fruit and the thoughts of Nagi's lithe, strong body had not only created a remarkable blush in his face but a impressive erection as well. One that steadily pounded and ached between his thighs.

For *Nagi*, he marveled and shook his head. The closest to a little, annoying brother he had ever had. For the boy *was* annoying. Sitting there with his "I know best look", slaying every fun suggestion, reminding them of their purpose and direction...Hell, the boy didn't know how to have fun, he thought with a shrug.

Nagi was cold, - cool mint. Cascades of cold water in an icy cave. There was no light, no warmth in there...Still...he *had* felt what he did when the boy brushed against him...

So it had happened then, what he had been waiting for. Somehow he'd been anxious to see it; Nagi growing up... That lithe little body stretching, his face become more angled...his thoughts mature; become pretty, venomous apples dripping with juices. Different tastes, riper... That his newly awakened body would turn to Schuldich on the other hand was too ironic, to...messed up, twisted and perfect to be true. Perfect and gave him a Crawford-moment of foresight, not literarily of course, but close...a feeling of something cold. A brush of icy fingers. A need to go there even if his entire being screamed that he shouldn't. Tiny tendrils of fear. Like he was approaching something - a change. Something he couldn't completely control, which was unnerving. He *did* appreciate his control.

* What are you thinking Nagi?...* His thoughts broke the tiny surface, just an illusion really, of his own mind and started wandering. He knew the distance was too long. There wasn't any way he could know. Figure him out. Still he had to feel if that, just maybe...some thoughts were sent in his direction from the boy's room down the hall.

There wasn't.

Not as far he could tell. Just a distant murmur of many voices, flashes and pangs of nightmares and regrets. He felt Farfarello's unfocused energy, spinning, turning...but nothing of Nagi's cool, smooth feel. It was a shame really. Schuldich cut off the stream and peeled a piece of peach. Let the thick, smooth peel tease his tongue. Sucked the juices from the clean peace of fruit. Soft and delicious, like young boys' lips.
With a sigh he stretched his long, lean body and gave the bed a dark stare. He should try to get some sleep, even if the silent night held no comfort as such for him. He was about to sit up and snuff the candles when a sudden knock on the door surprised him. He was even more surprised when the subject of tonight's contemplations materialized in the open doorframe, wearing nothing but a black tank and a pair of soft looking pants in a sleek material, it gleamed almost like silver, catching in the light, molded against his body.

" Nagi..?" he couldn't keep the feral sound completely out of his voice. He had a considerable erection with the boys name on it hidden under his robe after all. The boy just stood there, staring at the scene, blinked a few times.

"Do you have someone here?" The boy said coolly.

"No...why?" Schuldich was sincerely surprised.

" The candles..the cheese..." Nagi motioned with his hand.

" No..." Schuldich purred and leaned back. " It's just me," he smiled and played with the waist band of his pants. Posed with one arm casually breeched over his head. "Want to join me?" He smiled teasingly.

The boy blushed. Schuldich smirked.

" No," the teen rolled with his eyes before regaining composure. Cold clarity. "Of course not," he said dryly. " I was just wondering if you knew that Farfarello is loose tonight. I don't think that is wise, given his current condition."

Schuldich sighed and slumped on the couch.

" I didn't and I don't mind...Why don't you go to Brad with this?"

" I can't find him," the boy gestured again.

" Of course you can, he is sleeping down the hall."

" He didn't answer..."

"You *knocked*?"

" I'm *polite*"

" You're stupid..."

"Says who?"

"I what do you *want* Nagi? "


"Then go...I'm tired, I need rest." And quite frankly the boy's presence was a bit disturbing.

" Ok," hooded eyes, a sultry look, hungry towards the table. "I'm sorry I interrupted." Nagi's loneliness so seldom exposed, a deep, black void - sucking Schuldich's mind inside. Sucked him in and spat him out.

"Nagi...are you flirting with me?" A purring warning in his mouth.

" No. Of course not. Don't be silly!" Too fast, too obvious. Of course he was. Schuldich knew it then.

* Nothing wrong with your tastes, little man...*

" Stop it..."

" Stop what?"

"Saying things like that..."

" Stop showing up at my room at night, wearing only your underwear..."

" I am not..."

"But you are!"

" I didn't think..."

"But you did," - *I'm not stupid*.

*What do you think?*

* You look lovely, Nagi, come give me a hug...*

* Not a chance...*

*But you want to...Why is your heart beating so fast?*

*I'm scared,* "Because I'm angry...I'm annoyed - with you!"

Schuldich rolled over on the couch. Landing on his stomach and stretching like a cat;

" Stupid boy, don't you know I read minds...?"

He was pale then, when Schuldich looked up. Pale, angry and uneasy.

"Stop it!" *I can shield better than this...*

" Maybe you don't want to..."


"You shouldn't have come here...that's what you're thinking - and you're right..."

* I have to get out of here!*

" Run, Nagi, run..."

" Or else?"

"Maybe I'll bite you!"

*God!* The boy was shocked.

*You'd like that wouldn't you...*

*You're brother...!*

*No I'm not!*

*What do you want from me?*

*What do *you* want, Nagi?*

*Sex* - "Stop it!"

"Stop leaking like a sieve! - You're loosing it Nagi, it's falling apart!"

" You love that don't you?!" Horror and shame. Anger and frustration. Lust...

" If you want a hard one up your ass, why don't you just say so?"

" My god, you are disgusting!"

" But you want it, right?"

"Stop teasing me," cold scorn. * Would you give it to me?*

*Who knows...*

"Damn you Schuldich. You're scum..."

* I think you like me...*

" I don't!"

* Tease!*

The boy turned on his heels and the door slammed shut with a force no human strength could match. The candles went out all at the same time and Schuldich was left in darkness, to browse the ceiling and give another chuckle in the dark. The boy would certainly provide entertainment if he kept this up. What a show. What a unexpected lack of self-control...
And what a lovely pair of buttocks that boy had - A taste of cherries on his tongue.


" Nagi called in sick, " Crawford's dry voice declared. Schuldich smiled slightly and studied the tip of his shoes. Called in sick, they *never* 'called in sick'. They lived in the same house for heaven's sake. Crawford knew it too and smiled.

" It's just hormones," he said. "It'll pass..."

" We have a teenager in the house," Farfarello said in a rare moment of clarity.

" Bright boy," Schuldich arched his brows in appreciation.

" However!" Crawford interrupted. " We need Nagi for this, we can't pull it off without him. We'll just have to wait till he feels more...stable."

" But Nagi is *always* stable," Schuldich probed. H wanted to know how much Crawford knew about the situation so he guided his thoughts in that direction. Crawford, of course, knew absolutely nothing:

* He said to leave him alone...what on earth does that mean...? My clever boy all angry and frustrated. Aggressive. I don't like aggressiveness. My sad, lovely Nagi all worked up...wonder what it must be his age...*

* It's hormones, Crawford, you said it yourself...*

* What do you know, Schuldich...*

*More than you think...* He smiled slightly, looked away. Told the American the conversation was over.

He contemplated paying the sick a visit but changed his mind and settled for roses instead; the big, red kind...and a get well card scattered with fluffy, pink hearts. He didn't sign it but found the bouquet sans petals in front of his door only an hour after he'd had it delivered. The card however, had mysteriously vanished. Either combusted while read , or:

"You're not keeping it under you pillow, are you, Naoe?" Schuldich smiled to himself while picking up the green, long stems. Hormones indeed...he would say...!

The boy was funny! And doubtlessly on the edge. Tasted sweet like raspberries.

"Do you like raspberries Farfarello?" He asked the man who glared over his shoulder while he threw the dissected flowers in the garbage can.

"It's red." Farfarello answered.

"You're is good," Schuldich smiled. Raspberry flavored teenage angst even better...

Only two days later, however, Crawford decided he'd had enough of hormonal fits and went to Nagi's room to have 'the talk'. Schuldich sat in the kitchen who also served as a meeting room and watched the stairs. Waiting for Crawford to come crashing down. He didn't. He did instead walk cautiously with one hand at the back of young Nagi Naoe's tender neck. Nagi looked pale and uncomfortable.

* How did you manage that?* Schuldich asked surprised.

*Reason...* Crawford replied casually." Get some soup, Nagi," he told the boy. *The stupid kid hasn't eaten in four days...*

Schuldich felt kind of flattered. If this was what it was like to be subject of a teenage crush...that people would actually starve themselves for you...or rather, to avoid seeing you...That boy had serious problems!

Had he ever tried to approach life with a little dash of irony?

The stern, cold face in front of him, told him it was not likely..
* Cheer up, Nagi!*

No reply. Just a pair of dark eyes sending him angry, yet shy glares over the soup bowl.

* I promise I wont bite!* He grinned widely, remembered their last conversation.

A dark scowl, nothing more.

* Hey! You were the one wandering into *my* room...*

Still no response. Boring, that child. Boring but pretty. Even now, with a little salty drop of soup running down his chin.

* Do you want me to lick that off?* He visualized the scene.

Nagi looked him straight in the eyes while slowly lifting his hand, wiping the moistness from his skin.


Something changed in Nagi Naoe when he was assigned on a mission. The boy always faded. What was left was clear ice. The silence of the bruised child, the insecurity of youth was gone. Left was one clever hell machine. A leader. A bright, sharp needle of pure thought. Focus. Maturity...

Schuldich loved working with him.

They entered the museum together. The dark, serious boy and the tall red-head in his bright, green coat. Schuldich caught a glimpse of them in the glass door and smiled. They looked good together...And despite the fact that Nagi hadn't said a word to him after he came out from his self-imposed exile, even the boy couldn't deny that when the two of them worked together they were a considerable force. Effective, brilliant...and it was damned fun as well. The perfect match, Schuldich thought to himself and smirked.

* What's so funny?*

*Talking again now, are we Naoe?*

*Of course, we're working...*

*It's nice to hear your voice!*

* Wish I could say the same...*

*Oh come on, you know you love me...*

* Don't even go there, Schuldich...*

*You know you want to...*

* Shut up!*

Schuldich laughed but let it go. No need to screw up a fun-fun mission over something like this.

They walked down a office corridor and approached door by the end of the hall. Schuldich made sure he had the gun within range before he opened it and the two of them walked in.

The fat man behind the desk looked up surprised. The secretary by his side, an anonymous, dark girl in a surprisingly feisty pink suit saw them as well...

"You need an appointment..." the girl said.

" The Abyssinian scrolls!" Schuldich demanded and looked the balding man in the eyes. "Where are they?"

"That's classified information," the man began...

"Well, thank you then," Schuldich smiled something he hoped was charming. "Come on Nagi, let's go..."

"Sir...?" the secretary said to their backs. "Can I set up an appointment?"

Schuldich turned in the door. He lifted his palm to the room and lowered his head slightly.

"No...just forget it." He said.

Schuldich and Nagi left.

"So..where are they?" Nagi asked when they trotted back down the corridor.

"In the basement, we need a elevator."

"Did they have security cameras in the office?"

"That's your job to know."

"I'll check it later."

"Here's our lift," Schuldich pressed the button. The elevator arrived with a humming sound, sliding doors parted.

" You first my lovely," Schuldich smiled. He hadn't meant to say it, really. It just seemed so natural. Nagi scowled but entered the small space.

Down in the basement they run into trouble. Small scale problems. A guard on his way from work:

"What are you two doing here?" His voice sounded unnecessary loud in the narrow cemented corridor.

Schuldich caught his gaze:

"Nothing..." he said lowly.

"Well, ok then..." the guard scratched his head and turned, headed for the stairs.

"So, where?" Nagi said as they continued.

" By the end of the corridor." The closeness of Nagi's body was a bit unsettling. The boy walked right in front of him. Firm ass moved under the tight fabric, his soft hair lay sleek against his neck. Those narrow shoulders. Schuldich got a sudden vision of...

* Aren't you afraid to be alone with me in the basement, Nagi? Maybe I'd ravage you up against the wall? - But then again you'd like that wouldn't you?*

*...I'd tear you apart, limb by limb...*

* Sure you would...* Schuldich sniggered.

*Can this wait?* The boy's serious face gave no emotions.

* Sure...I can control my urges!*

* have the urge then?* Damn, the boy was clever!

Schuldich laughed out loud. The sound filled the low space under the ceiling.

" Here we are," he said at last and pointed out the door for Nagi.

The locks opened with a clicking sound and the door swung open revealing a spacious room with several glass cases.

"The floor is full of them" Schuldich leaned against the doorframe, referring to the ultra violet traps." It's the one to the far left," he told the boy and watched as the glass lid moved on top of the case while the ancient scrolls in their ornamented silver cases was lifted from the black velvet they'd been resting on by Nagi's always impressive powers.

The scrolls flew slowly through the air, five of them in one go and ended up in Schuldich waiting arms.

* Thank you, honey...*

* Don't call me that...*

* But you taste like it...*

Nagi, preoccupied by motioning the lid back on didn't answer but when he had done the deed he grabbed two of the scrolls and started to walk fast back towards the elevator.

* What's the rush..* he smelled of fear. * The job isn't done yet, no need to get all angsty...wait till we get back home...*

An angry glare over the shoulder and Nagi continued down the hall.

* Nice job, huh?* Schuldich changed the subject.

* Yes,* the tension seeped away from the boy's back. " We did well," he said with contentment. He turned the corner by the elevator a moment before Schuldich did and leaned casually against the wall. Casually and...One knee bended, hips slightly pushed forward. His hair was a bit unruly, hooded eyes, lips moist and parted.
Schuldich smiled. With a quick motion he balanced the scrolls in one arm and fished out a couple of bills from his pocket. With movements to fast to follow with the eye he passed by and pushed them down Nagi's waistband.

* Practicing the old street pose are we?*

" What the fuck are you doing?" The boy's voice was dangerously low. He heard the crisp sound as the bills were removed, crushed and scattered on the floor.

* If you act like a whore...*

* I was *not*! *

Schuldich laughed lowly and pushed the button in the wall. Heard the low hum from the elevator coming down.

* But you were...* He shot the other

" I was not!" The boy's voice was low and intense, the lights indicating the elevator's whereabouts started to blink frenetically.

" Oh come one , Nagi...For a being such a flirt you're unusually dull!" Schuldich started to grow tired of the boy's defensiveness.

"Well, then maybe I'm not..." the boy said sternly. a little bit sultry...His heart fluttered like bat wings in his chest Schuldich noted.

" Pouting, are we?" He said as the sliding doors parted." Cheer up, cutie, nothing has happened...yet!" He grinned and entered the elevator.

As they moved up the floors Nagi's thoughts redrew and started focusing on how they best could make their way out without being noticed. He fished out the folded plastic bag from his pocket and started filling it with the heavy scrolls. Back in full work mode, his thoughts pierced the air.

Schuldich enjoyed it. He loved Nagi's thoughts when they were like this: Cool lemonade rippling through his mind. A clear liquid, brilliant shine, he rolled them over. Pierced them, tasted them. So unlike the angry little boy from a moment ago. That angry, *needy* little boy a moment ago, he reminded himself and the thought made him horny, made his nostrils flare...

" Stop being obscene with my thoughts..." Nagi sent him a midnight gaze.

* You noticed?* Schuldich was utterly surprised.

*..Always have...* The boy smiled slightly.

Dammit, the boy was certainly full of surprises lately Schuldich marvelled. But instead of being annoyed he was thrilled. What a creature he was, he thought almost in awe and got a instant shock by his own thoughts. Was he indeed developing an attraction to Nagi Naoe? - and if so, what did it mean? And what was he going to do about it?

They were both calm and composed when they slipped out the backdoor of the museum and entered Brad's car. The American gave them an appreciative look when they handed him the scrolls and Nagi and Schuldich gave each other a smug glance before settling back in their seats.

Next Chapter

