Schuldich drove all night. Roamed the deserted streets, for no other reason than to breathe. Be away - from the house. All the conflicting emotions there. Needed a break away from Nagi. He had used a lot of energy on bringing him downstairs and outside. But it had been worth it. The boy had to be reminded of who he was dealing with. The time in the space room had thought him that. Renewed his force. His sense of self. No more playing. He wanted him. -And there was no good reason on this planet, in this dimension, why he shouldn't get him...

The arrival back home in the early morning hours brought a surprise however. He entered the darkness of his room and was instantly aware of a breathing sound. He put the wine bottle he'd brought up with him carefully down on the table by the couch and crossed the distance to his bed on silent feet. Heart hammering slightly. It could be only one, and it was: Nagi was sleeping on his bed.

He looked just as he'd pictured him against the red sheets. All curled up, sleeping soundly on the satin. He still wore his black pants, but he looked cold, holding himself in the night. Schuldich looked at him for a while: The peaceful, sleeping form, then he brushed a few unruly strands of hair from his forehead and began to slowly undress himself. Dropped the clothes to the floor. He didn't feel like fighting - just sleep.

He crawled over the little bundle of boy on the big bed and touched his shoulder carefully when he was settled under the covers:

" Nagi..." He said in a low voice and saw the boy blink at him. His eyes weren’t surprised but heavy with sleep. " Come to bed." Schuldich said and helped the boy crawl up to the pillows, slip under the covers. He tucked him in gently. Tried not to touch him except for through layers of satin red covers, but Nagi came closer. Curled up next to him, one arm flung over his chest.

Schuldich grinned widely in the darkness. Then he smiled no more, but embraced the youth. Slipped one arm under his head, the other one curled around his cool, naked waist.

" Sweet dreams, Liebling," he breathed and went to sleep as well.


He woke up in a tangle of smooth limbs. Only half of them were his own. Nagi had somehow managed to curl his own legs around Schuldich's during the night. His arms lay around his neck, his fingers tangled in the long hair he loved so much. He'd placed his head half-resting on Schuldich shoulder and his sweet, even breath brushed over the skin of his cheek. He noticed a pale spot of red, an angry outburst of hormones that threatened to break the surface of Nagi's smooth forehead. It reminded him of how young his boy was, and then again - he was not...

Schuldich was still lying on his side, facing the boy with his arms wrapped around him, and his morning erection, he noticed with a start, firmly pressed against Nagi's naked belly. His first thought was to move away, afraid to cause more of that very unpleasant, Nagi-related trouble. But then he decided he didn't care. Not at all, really. Instead of moving away he moved closer. Slid carefully down on the mattress, suddenly curious and playful. It had to be because Nagi was there, he thought. He was a very pleasant thing to wake up with. Nice and smooth and lovely to touch...He angled his hips a bit downwards and began his search. Hissed smilingly when his erection brushed against another one in a similar state, hidden under the soft fabric of Nagi's pants. Slowly he began grinding their arousals together. Slow, careful movements, while he delved in Nagi's warmth. Oh, this was heaven. Heaven, this was bliss!

" Schuldich?!" Of course the kitten had to wake up now -when he was enjoying himself so much...

" Yes," he grunted annoyed, slid his lips over the smooth curve of Nagi's shoulder and received a shuddering response.

" Can you stop for a bit?" It was the 'for a bit', that saved him. Schuldich could live with that.

" Yes," he murmured and moved away, rolled over on his back." What is it?" He asked, his cock was pounding blood-filled and heavily, aching for contact.

" Thanks for letting me stay last night." Nagi said lowly.

" That's ok, I like sleeping with you, " Schuldich grinned. " You're so smooth and you smell nice..." he continued his reflections.

The boy was silent for his while. He wet his lips before he spoke again. Seemed nervous all of a sudden. Insecure:

" Why you, of all people," he said at last. " Why am I so attracted to you?"

Schuldich, who thought it far to early for musings of this nature still took time to ponder the question for a while.

" Maybe..." He said at last, " because you know you can't break me."

The boy fell silent again, then he spoke:

" Maybe, but you can't break me either!" Defensiveness in his voice. Walking the edge between annoyance and offence.

Schuldich chuckled lowly.

" I know," he said. "And that my dear Nagi, is a part of your charm..."

To his utter surprise he came to him then. All soft and hungry kitten. The little pink tongue licked at his lips, lapped at his throat. He brushed, slid and pressed that smooth body of his against him.

* Want you!*

* Yeah...* Schuldich growled and took hold of him, kissed him with a passion. He suddenly had his arms full of Nagi. The boy's length balanced on top his own. Black hair tickled on his neck, full lips graced his mouth and soft, heavy sighs dripped from those lips as the boy made himself comfortable on top of him. Found his cock with his own and resumed Schuldich's slow grinding.

* Why are you naked?*

* It's *my* bed.*

* Sure...I like it,* the youth actually smiled. Passion had slurred his mind now, his gaze was heavy and laden with lust.

* Why aren't *you* naked?* Schuldich asked and met Nagi's downward strokes with his hips. Let the boy ravage his mouth as he wanted. It felt good; felt *really* good...

* Do you want me to be?*

* You know I do!*

Nagi broke off the kiss and sat up to his knees between Schuldich’s thighs. He pulled down his pants and pushed them over one knee at the time with an almost shy expression. Shy, and unusually carefree for Nagi Naoe. His erection pointed boldly out in the air from the nest of dark curls. Nagi's fingers brushed through Schuldich's pubic hair, the red-golden, shimmering, almost invisible layer of fine down that started under his navel and spread into a pattern of rich coppery curls around his cock.

" You're red there as well," Nagi said almost in awe.

" Sure am!" Schuldich grinned and enjoyed the sensations when Nagi tentatively touched him. Combed through the unruly curls, stroke his fingers up and down the pulsing length. He gave deep breath and watched the youth play. Watched his penis twitch when Schuldich moaned and moved in the boy's closed palm.

* You like that?*

Schuldich didn't bother answering, thought the straining arousal and the dribbling pre-cum spoke for itself. Nagi's chest rose and fell heavily while he watched his own hand on the other man.

* May I?* He asked and bent forward. Blue eyes looked at him questionably.

“ Oh yes!” Schuldich purred with anticipation and hissed softly when the little pink tongue touched him. Lapped gently and carefully at the smooth, sensitive flesh. Schuldich held his breath. Tried to hold back, not give in to the urge and push himself inside the tempting wet cave. He did well, he thought , though he squirmed and ached under the tentative ministrations. But when Nagi at last slid him in to his hot, slick mouth he cried out and lost his restrains the same instant. His fingers curled in Nagi's dark hair and he locked the boy between his thighs and rolled them both over to the side. Kept him in place. Drowned in the feel of the velvety, sucking, the chocolate pudding deliciousness that was Nagi.

Nagi moved his head and Schuldich moved with him. Held on to the dark, silken hair while slowly fucking his mouth. His eyes fell almost shut, strange sounds, guttural and hoarse escaped him while his member moved in and out of Nagi Naoe.

Nagi rubbed himself gently against Schuldich's leg. - Left a trail of liquid white on his skin while massaging his cock with his mouth. Playing with his tongue. Soft lips embraced the shaft firmly, slid up and down the rock hard erection in the slickness of his own saliva.

Finally some reward, Schuldich thought half-conscious. Flying through the air and crashing into the stove didn't seem such a hard price to pay. He increased the power and speed of his thrusting and grinned happily when he realized that Nagi could manage. Cope with the treatment and adjust without problems. Open his throat and take him down.

* My sweet Nagi, you suck like a god!*

* What kind of God would that be?* The boy replied dryly.

* *My* God,* Schuldich purred happily.

* Would *you* do this for *me* ?*

* Sure...* Schuldich smiled on the pillow. Absorbed and consumed with the nice things happening to his body.

* Really?* He became aware of a challenging edge in the boy's mental voice. A metallic taste hidden under the thick layer of raspberry jam.

"Yeah!" He said out loud. " I'd do it..." he continued. - * Just say the words.*

Nagi didn't reply but seemed to relax more. Sucked greedily at the member in his mouth while grinding his own more insistent against Schuldich's calf, curling his legs around his feet.
It became too much. Even pleasure has it's limits - and the soft, eager boy...

* Nagi, you have to stop!*

* Why?* The boy's voice was electric.

* I want to fuck you.*

* And?*

* I'm cumming in your mouth in a second.*


The boy let him go with a loud, wet sound. Looked up at him with swollen lips and dreamy eyes.

" Come here," Schuldich reached out his arms. Filled them with Nagi, butter taste in his mind. He kissed him throughout and tried to calm a bit. Make the blood flow a little slower. But it was hard. Hard with the boy crawling on top of him, grinding and rubbing himself against him. Eager hands and trembling breath. Ready to consume...

He smiled but said nothing when the green coat on the floor came drifting into Nagi's hand. Smiled, but said nothing when Nagi searched for the lube, still without looking, busy kissing Schuldich's mouth. Something frantic appeared in his eyes: Raging lust badly concealed.
He opened the lube with his mind. The little cap flew open and coconut scent filled Schuldich's nostrils, the scent of sex. Sex with Nagi.

The boy sat up with a gasp, straddling Schuldich's thighs. He squeezed a good amount of lubricant out in his palm and rose to his knees, reached his hand back and began smearing himself, the tiny, tight entrance, with his fingers. Schuldich watched as if paralyzed. Watched the bobbing cock as well. Couldn't help but touch it. Collect small sighs from the boy when he massaged his arousal with his hand. Squeezed it lightly. Smeared the pre-cum with his thumb.

Nagi touched him as well. Touched him with slick coconut fingers. Coated him in a fine shine of lube, then he moved up. He took hold of Schuldich's cock and positioned himself over the pointing tip, spread his buttocks with one outstretched palm. Schuldich helped him, touched the soft edges of the crack and opened him up, gave a sharp intake of breath when the boy sweating and trembling lowered himself on his member. Pressed himself down on it and sighed deeply when the hard flesh filled him. Then he began moving. Rocking slowly on Schuldich's hips. Built a rhythm as he went. Nagi's own cock wept salty tears, it was so strained and hard now, it hardly moved at all when he did...

The youth steadied himself on Schuldich chest. His fingernails graced the puckered nipples lightly. Nagi's hair was plastered to his forehead and he gasped loudly. Schuldich's hands rested on Nagi's hips but he didn't guide him. This was Nagi's show, and he had no problems admitting he enjoyed every minute of it. It was luxury, was pleasure, was a treat...

He moaned every time Nagi moved down, every time he penetrated the smooth, luscious body. Hissed and ached every time he moved up and he briefly felt the cool air on his skin. Nagi struggled and sighed. His mouth was open and his eyes partly shut. His nipples stood out like ripe berries. His creamy skin covered in slick sweat. He moved faster now...fast and delicious. Steady, rhythmical. Made lovely sounds on top of him. Sounds of pleasure, songs of delight.

* Oh...that's my boy!* Schuldich moaned. * That's my lovely, my sweet Nagi,* he uttered. Not completely conscious that he'd opened his mind. Let the boy inside. * All soft and wanton, aren't you Nagi?*

* With you, I am all that!* Nagi's reply was surprisingly clear and consistent.

Schuldich laughed out loud. It was joy in that laugh, and triumph. His hold on the boy's hips strengthened and he held him in place while quickly slamming into him from below. Nagi's body stiffened and his head fell back while that milky white liquid came pouring out; pumped out of him in long strands that glued to his skin, hit Schuldich stomach, warm and salty. His body bucked and he came as well. Deeply buried in Nagi's hotness. He gave a low scream and slammed Nagi down on him one last time. Held him there while his body spasmed. Delved in the orgasm and the rippling, electric satisfaction in Nagi's mind.

When the waves died out he let the boy go. Slumped down on the mattress and fought to breathe. Nagi still sat on top of him. Unfocused eyes searched his under the dark, damp hair.

* ...What now? ...* his mind murmured. * Should I go?...What now...what does he want me to do?...God that was good...that was amazing....will never forget that...*

" Come here!" Schuldich reached out his arms again. Nagi gave him a surprised look. Surprised and utterly confused. * Let me show you the art of cuddling, my friend....It's not so bad, I'm sure you'll like it...* He was tired of playing with the boy. Tired of his nagging thoughts. All those stupid doubts.

* Then...what?* Nagi's voice sounded clearly in his mind. He never gave up did he? Schuldich sighed inwardly.

" Then we sleep some more," he said. " And then we fuck again!"

* Really?*

* Really!*

Nagi slid himself off the softening member and slumped down on top of him. Buried his nose in the thick red hair and let himself be embraced. Schuldich fished for the covers and draped them over them both. He kissed Nagi's soft neck and let the peace settle.

* You look lovely in red,* he told him.


So they became lovers. After that first morning that had stretched out to the night, when Nagi finally left his bed on trembling legs and blushingly smiled when Schuldich laughed. Let himself be hauled into the shower and be spoiled with Schuldich's exclusive, fragrant bath products. Soaked and smeared and flushed in hot water...Schuldich's hands had claimed him then, more than his body had the hour before. Left no spot untouched. No flesh unseen. Then he had towelled him off and kissed him before he let him go. No deals, no promises...no pressure...But the night after Nagi had knocked softly on his door...

Schuldich hadn't seen him all night, but had passed by his room and knew he'd been sleeping. His body sated, his mind finally at rest. He wasn't surprised though, when he came back, pleased, but not surprised. And Nagi had been insecure then, yes - but more confident than earlier. Not truly, really expecting to be turned away. And of course he wasn't...And at last Nagi had admitted what he wanted...

" Can I come in?" He'd asked from the doorway.

" Sure..." Schuldich had stretched on the couch, patted his hand on the fabric. Wine forgotten, so was the cheese. The luscious boy was so much more tempting.

He'd rewarded Nagi's boldness by giving him a blow job, one of the mind shattering kind that made the boy squirm, weep and cry out loud on the leather couch. Spray Schuldich's mouth with white juices, his mind with raspberry waves of pleasure.

* I told you I would do it...*

* ...But did you like it?*

* Of course I did,* Schuldich stretched out beside the boy, kissed his soft cheek and nuzzled his neck with his nose. * You taste like raspberries...*

Nagi had giggled then. It was the first time Schuldich had heard that particular sound from the youth and it pleased him.

It quickly became the rule, rather than the exception that Nagi spent the night. His own white sheets were hardly touched, Schuldich red and green satins regularly stained and crumpled. The maid had busy days cleaning the pile of dirty laundry. Schuldich and Nagi spending hot nights, busy spoiling her work.

Schuldich liked having him there, he fit so easily into his bed. A finely crafted china doll sleeping in his arms. Silken haired, dark angel. Always smooth and warm. And Nagi adored Schuldich. For some reason he thought him the foxiest creature alive. Schuldich delved in those thoughts, when Nagi flew high on the afterglow and showered him with kisses, flooded him with chocolate dipped emotions and glowing thoughts of adoration. Looked at him with admiration in his gaze. That special light. The passion... Did Nagi Naoe *know* he was falling in love?

If it had been lust and curiosity he'd already been gone. Schuldich had satisfied the boy more times that he could count. Given him everything until there was no more secrets to reveal. No more mysterious sexual areas to explore...Did Nagi know he was slowly becoming Schuldich's boyfriend?


Nagi was blissfully oblivious as to how his own behavior had changed. How he instead of knocking, opened the door to Schuldich's room with his mind...Left weird latin books on his table, a pair of pants on a chair. His toothbrush by the sink. Schuldich just...put the toothbrush away with his own. Let the books pile up there and dropped the pants in his laundry basket. Started to bring ice water for Nagi with his own wine from the kitchen. Buy shrimp because Nagi liked that. Cherry flavored lube...

Nagi seemed almost determined not to think about...how their nights together had changed... From being just about the sex to involve other elements like...reading on the couch. Watching movies....Talk...When they had dinner out he never consciously thought it a date. His mind just kept repeating the old segments and words:

* Why is he doing this? ...what does he want...lovely food...I like sleeping with him....Why did he bring me here? Is there some sort of hidden irony I just don't get?...I must be stupid...am I stupid? God he looks sexy in white...* He was hardly aware of his own actions when he slipped his hand into Schuldich's on their way back to the car.

The boy's denial was annoying, and yet curiously amusing. Schuldich wondered how many pairs of silk boxers, how many jars of chocolate covered figs and buckets of bourbon vanilla ice cream he had to buy before the telekinetic got the picture.

And the things Nagi did for Schuldich...He never thought it actions of the heart. He didn't think it anything at all really. He brought him his double espresso in the morning before he went to school without blinking or reflecting. Burned heavy rose incense in bedroom before Schuldich came without consciously considering the fact that Schuldich found the scent amazingly erotic. He wore his silken underwear and rubbed oil blends of cinnamon and cloves on Schuldich's body. His face determined and serious, eyes that consumed every inch of him. He even watched strange, European movies with him. Suffered through hours of Schuldich's in-depth meditations in front of surreal paintings in obscure, alternative galleries. Pretended to not be bored when Schuldich obsessed about his collection of noir photo art and spent almost three hours picking out emeralds for a pin in a jewelry store.

Even the mere fact that they were always together seemed to bounce off the boy's mind in some strange, mysterious way.

Nagi would bring him orchids, Schuldich arched his eyebrow and scanned his mind carefully, always with the same result:

* Wonder what he's wearing tomorrow...It's really nice to be in here...his sheets are much softer than mine...I like the way his cock is pressed against mine the morning...the color of his hair in the sun...Hope he'll be sleeping with me for a while...He seems to like it...Hope he doesn't think I'm in here too often...Wonder what he really wants...why he is doing this to me?* or *...Those chocolate hearts were really good, wonder why he gave them to me instead of eating them himself...maybe he wants me to do something special...Maybe he wants to tie me up or something...or tell me to go away...*

Schuldich battled down the waves of annoyance and bought those darned orange blossoms, left them on the pillow next to the black haired youth and even let Nagi top him once or twice. Thankfully he seemed to prefer to be on bottom.

He let Nagi confide in him. Watched the boy open up and become more talkative, he laughed more often and seemed generally more carefree and happy with the world. He let Schuldich feed him exclusive, expensive meals and gained some weight. His body got that special sway: The relaxed confidence of a man who was well sated sexually and felt good in his own skin. Still his mind refused to see it.

* Oh god, I didn't say something stupid did I? ...Maybe Schuldich wants to watch a movie with me tonight...Hope he does...Hope he doesn't find it weird have dinner with me again, he didn't exactly ask me to come, just sort of...motioned...When did he become so polite? He doesn't seem to want to get rid of me yet...for some reason he still wants to fuck me...Oh God I must be so boring for him...I have so little real experience with sex like this and he is so sexy. I think I can get off just by watching him...I guess I'll sort of miss him when he gets himself a lover...a lot, really...but that's ok...I wonder if I'll cry...He hasn't had a lover in while...*

Schuldich sighed and dropped roses in his lap. Bought diamond studs for his ears and got his own nipples pierced with tiny gold rings because he knew Nagi had fantasized about it.

Ignorance was still bliss and all but Schuldich started to get bored with the boy's determined denial. He sulkingly admitted he needed confirmations, and what a bloody waste it was to shower his rare and precious love on a boy who wasn't even aware what he was given, and didn't find the unconscious slips, the act of oblivion that played out in Nagi's mind amusing anymore. He got edgy...annoyed. It was about time they had the talk.

Next Chapter

