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Tower Link ImageThe Fellowship of the Tower - Back online and updating! My awesome affiliate! Mistress Kotoko has created a fan art archive with lots of lovely drawings and a fan fiction archive as well. Don't forget to check out the 'What CD character are you?' quiz!


There are currently two Yahoo! Groups that discuss Sherwood Smith's books. These groups are awesome for discussing CCD, getting updates on fanfics, and talking about random stuff. You can also answer polls, post comments, and share artwork.

CastleTlanth - Founded October 20, 1999. The larger of the groups with 400+ members made up of solid CD fans.

I Heart Vidanric - Founded December 17, 2003. The smaller of the groups, it is dedicated to everyone's favorite gray-eyed hero! Off- topic posts are always welcome here.

Websites relating to Crown Duel or Sherwood Smith:

The Homepage of Sherwood Smith - Best source for info on Sherwood Smith's books, upcoming publications, and lots more.

Remalna-city Link ImageRemalna-city - A cool site about CD. Includes two extra snippets by Sherwood set during the books!

Bureau of Random Facts - Links you to the site's section for Sherwood's books.

Reviews and Summaries - Of some of SS's books.

Dwelling Of The Midnight Gatherers - Info on Sherwood's books, as well as other fantasy authors'.

Mystical Link ImageMystical Skies Message Boards - For discussing Sherwood's books.

Fanlist Link ImageEnmity: A Crown Duel Fanlisting - A growing list of CD fans. Add yourself and/or your site!

Crown Duel Quiz - I think it took me 4 tries to beat this quiz!

Fashion Sketches - [currently offline] View 4 sketches by Sherwood Smith of clothing fashions from Crown Duel.

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Lovely link buttons provided by the awesome Mistress Kotoko, webmistress of The Fellowship of the Tower. Please save to your own server--Thanks!
