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Our Cruise Vacation!

Cruise Talk

Our cruise ship, Explorer of the Seas, took us through the Caribbean to exotic locales such as Labadee (Haiti), Jamaica, the Cayman Islands (part of the British West Indies), and Cozumel (duh).  But the some of the best times we had, were on the ship!  Not only that, but this was the first time us kids had been out of the country; and we visited FOUR foreign lands!  The cruise was one of the best vacations we've ever had, and I (Chris) made this website so you can envy at our great times!

**Only the digital pictures are up, the rest (5 cameras' worth) will be up as soon as they're processed.  Most pages can take up to 3 minutes to load on a slow connection, but you should start getting pictures as soon as you open the page.

Best viewed in BIG browser

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