With skin very much like bark and deep, booming voices, these creatures are not rooted to only one spot in the forest. With arms and legs like that of a man, they can move about, keeping close watch on their own trees. Slow in speech, yet terrible should their wrath be roused these creatures are older than the elves themselves.
The Ents are amazing creatures but they bear no resemblance to the talking trees from 'The Wizard of Oz'. Angry Ent would no throw an apple at you it would rather hurl a huge boulder to shatter your bones and crush you as if you were an insect.
The Ents of Fangorn Forest are tree sheperds, taking care of the young saplings and nursing them until they grow into great trees , and drinking cool draughts in the sunset.
With their strange habits and slow speech it would have been very easy for the Ents to turn into humerous creatures who don't quite fit into the seriousness of the film, however this is not the case. When the Ents, led by Treebeard, attack the tower of Isengard, Saruman indeed has nothing to laugh about. And this scene in the film is not comical for the audience watching.
It may seem that Tolkien was making an enviromental statement with the Ents within 'The Lord of The Rings' and indeed this idea is very popular. People often think of the Ents representing Nature itself taking action to seek revenge against those who hurt it. Tolkien wrote LOTR in alternative magical history that existed long ago, and while the great Ents no longer exist in this earth the great power of nature reamins the same.