Out of My Head
...part II...




"You let him what?!" Buffy scowled at her big-mouthed boyfriend before turning to look at her bewildered friends, sister, and Watcher. She sighed as she focused on Giles.


"I didn’t let him do anything. He just... bit me, and I... didn’t stop him. That’s all. Honestly, he didn’t hurt me; in fact, he was more gentle with it than Angel was when he bit me." Riley looked sharply at Buffy.


"Angel bit you?" The young blonde mentally groaned. Shit; she’d forgotten to mention that part of her Angel history with him. And she could feel the jealousy rolling off of him in waves... no, not waves. The jealousy was producing a monsoon effect with Riley. Waving it off, she shook her head.


"Long story. ONE that I do NOT feel like going into right now," she added, narrowing her eyes at Riley when he opened his mouth to protest. Honest to God, he HAD to get the whole jealousy thing under control! Riley scowled and backed down. The entire group had quieted and were now staring at each other with worried looks. Finally, Dawn, who’d had enough of the silence, sidled up to her older sister, her eyes lit up with curiosity.


"Did it hurt any?" Buffy turned a sharp eye to the fourteen-year-old. God, what was it with her sister’s fascination with vamp – oh, never mind. She shook her head, and yawned.


"No, not really. But I guess I should be used to it by now. Vamps seem to like using my neck as a chew toy." She pointedly ignored the frown Giles gave her, and the withering Look Riley sent her. Dawn grinned. The teen not only had a fascination with vampires, but with a particular vampire in question. Spike and Drusilla had kidnapped her when they’d been the resident Big Bads, and Dawn had been enamored with the bleach blonde since then. Even after he had taken Dru and left, she’d asked about him continuously, hoping her sister had maybe happened to spot him.


Moving on. Buffy was beyond irritated with a certain boyfriend of hers. Before they’d left for the Scooby meeting, she had made it perfectly clear that she wanted nothing of her latest vamp attack to be mentioned to her friends. Riley had walked into Giles’ home right behind her and promptly blabbed all. From there, Willow, Xander, and Giles had delivered their reaction in perfect unison. Which would’ve been funny, if she hadn’t been so damn pissed. Willow looked over at Tara, confusion etched all over her face, then back at Buffy. Walking toward her best friend of five years, she sat down next to her. Buffy’s lack of disgust and spazzy reaction at something of this magnitude, especially since it had to do with Spike, was unnerving her.


"Buffy, are you sure you’re all right? I mean... you’re acting awfully calm about this whole thing," she said, chewing on her lower lip. Xander picked up where his friend left off.


"Yeah, Buff. Where’s you with the wiggage? Are you still in shock? Do I need to make some coffee for you?" Buffy raised an eyebrow at Xander, quirking her lips, then shook her head and sighed.


"No, no, no. Guys, I am FINE, I swear it! Like I said, I’m used to this now. Just be glad that Spike didn’t do what he said he’d do when he got the chip out." When everyone looked confused, Buffy sighed in irritation and brought her hands in front of her to help illustrate her words.


"He-llooo.... Kill me?" Willow looked guilty, Xander looked sheepish. Tara was quiet, a hint of sympathy touching the surface of her features. Anya was, to a point, ignoring everything. She didn’t really care about it. So what if Spike had bitten Buffy? The only reason she was alive was because Spike had a thing for her (just because she never kept her thoughts to herself, didn’t mean she didn’t know how to). Dawn was either extremely excited, or she’d sat down on a bunch of cushion springs, because she was bouncing up and down in her seat with a huge grin on her face. Giles just looked tired. And Riley, of course, was pissed. He stomped forward.


"Buffy, he’s out free again. He’s an animal! He can kill, and he will kill, you know it! You have to get rid of him!" Buffy folded her arms and sent him a scowl.


"Oh, so now you’re telling me what to do? Spike has been harmless up till now. If he’d wanted to kill me, he would’ve. Instead, all he did was take a bite and drink – not drain, drink. And I say when Spike goes or not. As soon as he makes a move, I will kill him. Until then, if you can manage not to go barging into something that isn’t any of your business, leave it be. Spike is my responsibility – all vampires and demons are. Mine, not yours. Deal with it, Riley. If you go leaping into things way out of your league, you know you’re gonna get yourself killed." Riley stared at his girlfriend in shock. Buffy glared at him for a minute longer before shaking her head and walking out the door.


Riley looked toward Giles, trying to find a vote of support from the Watcher. Giles merely shook his head and replied, "Buffy has done whatever she wanted since the moment she was Called. She refused to listen to Angel, her friends, me, and she even quit the Council." He took off his glasses and narrowed his eyes at the boy. "Therefore I’d suggest that, if you want her to listen to you, don’t try to force her. That will just make her push you away even more. And I doubt you’d want that."


Riley merely nodded.



As day passed EVER so slowly into night, Buffy had successfully managed to avoid every single person that was just looking to get on her bad side. She could sense that Riley had been trying to find her during patrol, and she hoped to God that he knew well enough that they were having what was called a fight, and would not be welcome in her home tonight. Still, just in case he didn’t figure it out, maybe she should send Spike to "bump" into him and pickpocket the key off of him...


No. NO! NO thoughts of Spike! Spike-thoughts were bad and, and evil, and wrong.


She was going crazy.


As it was, Dawn had come up to see her earlier, and had found Buffy tearing apart her bed, talking to the sheets, and yelling at poor Mr. Gordo. She’d immediately made a U-turn and ran back downstairs, where she hid for the rest of the evening until Willow and Tara had picked her up for a movie. Great. She’d alienated her sister.


"Throw me a couple of MORE curve balls, why don’t you?" she yelled at the ceiling. Joyce Summers was incredibly lucky that she wasn’t home tonight. Her eldest was a little more off her block than usual. They were lucky that there were only two vampires that had a free invite into their house. Good thing that Angel had moved to L.A. And Spike was harmless... well, not too harmless. But even without the chip, he hadn’t been that bad.


It would be a wise thing never to mention that little thought to him. Ever.


Cursing the day she was Chosen, Buffy shed her clothes and cuddled up into her bed. Throwing a fit wasn’t gonna do anything – there was nobody around to listen. So sleeping was pretty much her only alternative right now. She sighed and turned off her lamp.


"Goodnight," she called out softly, to whoever might hear.


She woke up to the sound of metal clinking lightly. Still groggy, she lifted her arm to rub the sleep out of her eyes, only to find that she couldn’t move it. She tilted her head up and saw that it had been locked securely to her bedpost with handcuffs. She heard another clink and turned her head to the other side, noticing the same thing of her other arm.


Okay. She was not gonna freak. She was NOT gonna freak. She was NOT gonna --


"What the fuck?!" she shrieked.


-- freak.


She heard a low chuckle and turned her head frantically to search for the source. And that’s when she saw the darkened figure in the corner of the room. Her eyes widened and she swallowed hard.


"Uh... Riley?" she asked hopefully. If it was Riley, she was gonna kick his ass the second she broke out of these damn things.


The figure moved closer to the side of her bed, and the voice spoke out again.


"That... is an insult," the man’s voice said, the strong North London accent appearing amidst the working class tones that had overtaken it a century and two decades earlier.


Wait. Uh-oh. North London? He was British? Mystery Stalker Guy was British?


"Spike?" she asked meekly. The figure obliged to her question, moving forward and giving her the full glimpse at his white blonde curls, cerulean blue eyes and cocky, smug smirk plastered all over his pale face. His tongue curled against his teeth.


"Hello, cutie," he murmured. Buffy swallowed again and threw back her head to scream. Maybe if her mom was back, or Dawn woke up --


Her thoughts were cut off the second Spike put his hand over her mouth. He ‘tsk’ed and shook his head.


"Nah-ah, luv. Not gonna happen. You should know your sis better’n that, anyhow. She’s a heavier sleeper than you are." He cupped her chin and tilted her head up to look in her eyes. "Isn’t she?" Buffy cursed inside her head. Fuck; she’d forgotten that fact. Buffy had once figured out that Dawn would wake up from being poked just once, but otherwise, she’d sleep like a log through the world’s next apocalypse. Slowly, reluctantly, she nodded. Spike smiled and removed his hand. Buffy shook her head slightly, then peered at him.


"Why are you here? What are you doing?" Spike raised his eyebrows.


"Well, luv. Last time we met was quite fun. Been thinkin’ about it lately. Decided I needed to come visit, see if I can maybe get it to move a little... further." As he said those words, Buffy watched his eyes move in a slow path over her body. She gulped audibly.


"You sick bastard... what, are you gonna rape me or something? Just fuckin’ wait until I get out of these cuffs, you’ll never be able to use that dick again!" She punctuated her sentence by kicking out and rattling the cuffs. Spike chuckled and moved onto the bed next to her, running one cold finger over her midriff and up her shirt. The effect it had on her burning skin immediately produced a gasp and she settled down, staring at him with wide eyes. He tilted his head as his hand slid out of her shirt, then moved up to cup her breast.


"I never said it was for my own pleasure... well, maybe a little for my own. Besides," he leaned down and gently licked her earlobe. "How do you know that you might not just like this a little more than me?" She turned her head and stared at him, biting her lower lip.


"What are you going to do?" she asked in a whisper. Spike simply responded by directing his eyes to her abdomen. She followed his gaze, and Spike reached out the hand that was on her breast, placing it gently on her pelvis. Her eyes widened and she kicked out again.


"Spike, don’t you dare. You know better than I do that these cuffs are NOT gonna hold me for long! I will get out of them!" Spike laughed softly, slipping his fingers under her cotton pajama shorts and tugging on the front of her panties.


"So get out of them already." Buffy attempted to do just that, but at her first tug, Spike swooped down and held his index finger against her pussy lips. Buffy’s eyes bugged out and she let out a gasp. Spike smiled with pride, then leaned down to kiss her cheek, nuzzling his forehead against hers. His finger continued forward, gliding between her lips and sliding down slowly. The feeling of his cold finger made shivers break out all across her body, and she turned her head to his, staring in wonder. Spike reached out his free arm and placed it behind her, tugging her close. His lips kissed her forehead as his fingers found her clit and gently began to circle it, never touching, always teasing, until Buffy began thrusting her hips up. Relenting, he gently pressed against the swollen wet nub, earning a relieved moan for his attention. His head lowered and he lightly captured her vein between his lips, sucking softly. His hips began to move on their own as he ground his growing bulge against her thigh. His teeth gently bit down over his mark and Buffy let out another low moan, thrusting her hips up.


Buffy felt like she was going to black out from the intensity of it all. Spike was arousing her so far beyond arousal that it was hard to remember what part of her actually wanted this, and what part wanted to stop. Right now, it seemed like both the Buffy and the Slayer part were doing their best to make sure this didn't end. His fingers were doing things unimaginable things to her, things that Riley had never even thought of doing to her. She turned and buried her face in his neck to muffle a cry as he slipped three fingers inside of her tight, hot tunnel, stretching her. The feel of his hardened cock against her, the ministrations of his hand, the intensity and gentleness... oh... the way he was touching her was driving her crazy. Her hips bucked up against his hand and she felt Spike pull away slightly. Her eyes opened and she found him staring down at her, a trademark grin and a devilish gleam in his eyes not giving away any of his intentions.


"Harder," she whispered, the only word she could force out of her mouth. Spike’s eyebrows rose, and he obliged, pumping his hand to the limit inside of her. Buffy’s breathing was erratic, and her entire sense of awareness was about to be obliterated; she was just seconds away from what was bound to be a massive orgasm.


Grinding himself roughly against her, Spike tilted his head and ran his tongue over her neck. He didn’t stop there, though, and Buffy’s entire body arched as Spike’s tongue slid down to the valley between her breasts. He tugged her tank top away with his teeth, then sucked and nibbled lightly at the soft skin. Buffy was near tears from the passion mounting inside of her. Pinpricks of icy heat covered her skin, making her shiver all at once. Her green eyes opened and she stared at the ceiling blankly. She was actually seeing stars. Bright, bright stars, burning, white, blue, red, green, exploding, pulsing, shattering, breaking, falling, falling...


Spike pulled his hand away after Buffy let out a strained, helpless shriek of orgasmic strength. He gazed at her heaving, glistening body, licking his lips. Oh, god, it would just be so sweet and so easy right now to just take her...


But he couldn’t. He had to do this slowly, draw it out. Make her admit a few things, first. Seduce her from that stupid prick of a boyfriend, before they actually consummated anything. Then, finally, he had to get her to reciprocate his claim on her. They would belong to each other, and nobody would be able to do anything about it. Then maybe, he might be able to get her to feel something toward him, besides her usual disgust and hate. The thought of the Slayer falling in love with him was a little further out than too good to be true, and pretty damn perverted if you asked anyone else, but dammit, he was gonna keep with it. He didn’t care how hopeless it got.


He waited until she’d refocused and was staring at him again with heavy-lidded, amazed eyes, before his tongue snaked out and licked the result of her release off of his long, pale digits slowly. Buffy, mesmerized, licked her own lips as she watched his tongue. Then, as she realized what had just happened, the controlling part of her brain came back and screamed at her. She let out a soft wail of self-loathing and disgust, rattling the handcuffs.


"Let me out of these, you pervert! How dare you? How dare you even THINK to touch me like that? Take the stupid cuffs off, then get out! I swear to God, the next time you come near me, I will kill you!" She was sobbing now. Great. <Cheers, mate. There’s a point for you. You made the girl cry, you nit,> his brain reprimanded, and suddenly he felt guilty. He just wanted to hug her and comfort her now, more than anything. He wanted to soothe her, and reassure her, and... He swallowed hard.


"Buffy, luv, listen to me," he murmured softly. She shook her head furiously, refusing to stop crying. "Yes, pet. Look at me, listen to me, just for a second."


"No!" she cried out. "How could you do this to me? If you weren’t sick before, I don’t know what to call you now, Spike! You violated me, you don’t have to fuck me to violate me, and you did! What, are you gonna tell me that it’s not like that, then feed me some bull about you wanting –" The next sound Buffy made was a muffled ‘mmph!’ as Spike shoved his lips passionately to hers. Gently cupping her face in both hands, his let his kiss tell her what he wanted to say. Buffy unconsciously responded to the kiss eagerly, letting out a soft moan of pleasure. Spike lightly slipped his tongue into her mouth, just for a second, and smiled softly when she responded, sliding her own tongue into his mouth. He nibbled at her lips softly for a minute more before pulling away slowly and resting his forehead against hers. She gasped softly, trying to catch her breath, before tilting her head up to look in his eyes. Her nose touched his, and she gently pressed her forehead to his.


"Spike," she whispered softly. He lifted a hand to touch her cheek.


"Shhh... Hush now, luv." He slipped the key to the manacles out of his pocket and gently unlocked her arms. Lifting her wrists, he kissed each one, rubbing them soothingly, before looking up at the Slayer again. "You need to sleep now. Get your strength up, pet. You need to be strong to protect kid sis an’ all." He leaned forward and kissed her lips, then her forehead before lightly pushing her down in the bed and covering her up. "G’night, sweet," he murmured, before walking to the window, preparing to jump out.


"Spike," she called out. He turned at the sound of her voice and tilted his head questioningly. She bit her lower lip.


"I’m sorry." He nodded his head and tossed her a smile.


"Nothin’ you said that I didn’t deserve, pet. ‘S alright," he replied good-naturedly. Hey, why should he lie? Technically, in a way, he had taken advantage of her. But if she was gonna apologize to him, the Slayer apologizing to William the Bloody, then hell, he’d accept it. "Thanks, pet." Buffy nodded, still watching his every move.


"Be careful." 


He smiled again. "Always, luv."


He climbed out the window and jumped down to the ground without the aid of the tree.



As soon as he got down to the ground, he put his face in his hands. Fuck. He hadn’t meant to get so wishy-washy and goody-goody with her. Christ, he was supposed to be a bad ass, meant to be a bad ass, and he was comforting the Slayer because he’d made her cry. He grumbled and cursed at himself as he walked off to the crypt.


"I’m getting soft in my old age," he muttered.



Buffy stayed awake for at least twenty minutes after Spike left.


<Holy shit, what a kiss.>


It wasn’t like he hadn’t kissed her before. The spell last year that Willow had bollixed up had left them crawling all over each other, always kissing, and if not kissing, then at least touching in some way or another. He was an amazing kisser, and until tonight, she’d forgotten just how good he was.


The difference between those kisses, and tonight’s, though... Well, last year had been a spell, obviously. Maybe there had been some form of affection under there, but for the most part, they were acting out the roles of a pre-newly-wed couple. None of their kisses had meant anything, at all.


Tonight’s kiss had shot her straight into the stratosphere.


There’d been something about it, something real, and emotional, and private. Like he’d wanted to tell her something, but hadn’t actually had the nerve to say it.<Well, damn, he sure picked a good way to tell me whatever it was.>


She sighed and fell back. She had to stop thinking of Spike. She had a boyfriend, one with whom she was pissed at for the moment. But nevertheless, she had one, and she couldn't just go off and let Spike do whatever he pleased to her. Even if it was for her. And even if it did make her feel like she was the only thing on the face of the earth that got to enjoy that sort of thing.




She rolled over and went to sleep.


<Stop thinking. Sleep now. Thinking will resume tomorrow. Sorta.>


Pfft. Right.


THAT was gonna be easy.






part 3

part 1

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