The Not-So-Naughty Bits



Hmm. I seem to have quite a few of these guys. Apparently, when I go soft, I go soft. ^_^


PG Fics


Future Uncertain


(This is following my month-and-a-half-long depression after the finale of Buffy, spurred on by the fact that Spike... er... fuck it, I'm not saying it . But anyway, just because I came out of that catatonia long enough to write this, doesn't mean that I've accepted it. Now all I've gotta do is be patient until October.)

You know that place you're plopped into before you go to either Heaven or Hell? Yeah. Guess where Spike's at?


Spike POV

Obviously, post - "Chosen." Also, quite possibly the most random thing I've ever written. Besides Mindless Ponderings.






My own effort for a school magazine, in which this year's theme is the supernatural. And what the hell is more supernatural than a Slayer and her Vampire?

A contemplative ficlet, which reflects on season 6. The title doesn't make it out to be bad, I swear it's a happy-ending little ficlet. Sort of. Oh, just read it.


(second half of season 7. I think.)




Last Breath

(implied character death)

Wesley's lost it all. And even so, one thing -- one person -- manages to give him hope as he passes.



PG-13 Fics


The Second Sight Series



In The Know


My first fic. Dawn's doing her duty as a good little sister. Snooping.

Dawn POV
(Season 6, post-"Wrecked")




A Devil's Chance


Joyce Summers just died. Spike has been rejected, not only from Buffy's heart, but from Buffy's life as well. Could there be anymore than an inkling of a chance for a poor, heart-broken demon?

(Season 5, Post - "The Body")




Mindless Ponderings of a Big Bad Gone Soft


Spike’s just spent the night with Buffy on her porch. Now, he’s back in his crypt, and wondering how [not to mention why] everything that’s happened so far this year came to happen.


Spike POV

(Season 5, Post - "Fool For Love")







A little speculation of what's going through Spike's head with the return of a certain army dolt. Written before I actually saw "As You Were," but keep in mind that Spike didn't know that Riley was married, so these fears are legit.

Spike POV

(Season 6, written prior to "As You Were")





Cave In


Do I really need to explain this? It's Buffy and Spike during the final scene of "As You Were."

Alternating Spike and Buffy POV







 It's Buffy's funeral. The Sunnydale crew and the AI team meet, and a third, unwelcome party crashes.

Spike POV

(Season 5, Post - "The Gift..")





How's That for Instincts?!


(Okay, so I was assuming. This is based on the spoilers I heard for "Lies My Parents Told Me," which was episode 17 during season 7. )

Buffy rushes to get to Wood's house before it's too late -- but before it's too late for who?


Buffy POV

(Season 7, written prior to "Lies My Parents Told Me")





Blow, Buffy, Blow



*giggle* It's not what you might think it is, I swear it! I wrote this, and Hit It! in about five minutes each, during which I was supposed to be paying attention to my Media professor. Oops. Apparently, Media Class is a pretty good working environment for me ^_^ Anyway, just read it ~_^ It's cute!


AU Reality

(Know how I can tell? Because Buffy never gave Spike a chance to be her friend and lover during the show. Thus, this is AU Reality.)





Hit It!


Pretty much the same thing that I have written above for Blow, Buffy, Blow ^_^ Honestly, I'm not being pervy, and these short fics are really cute!

AU Reality







Buffy watches him; wants him; doesn't understand why she needs him.
And yet, she somehow understands it all the same.


Buffy POV
mid-season 6







This is something quite different -- basically, I picked several scenes from Buffy's life, and wrote down what I imagined her thoughts would be. Therefore, this is yet another Buffy POV. But I swear it's a good one.


Buffy POV

(post seasons 1, 2, and 3, during seasons 4 and 5, and post season 6 and 7)





(character death. kinda.)


Another effort for a school magazine. I know it sounds morbid, due to the character death thing up there, but it's not, really. I've gotten good reviews for it so far, and I think it's pretty damn good.

~"He knows full well what is coming, but what he is unaware of is how. What he does know is survival -- it is kill or be killed now. It goes against his nature to give up -- not that he can, given the control held over him, the complete decimation of any and all free will he carries."~

(AU, set sometime during season 7.)





All In Time


She's dropped hints left and right. Apparently, she thinks he hasn't noticed. But he has. And now... he's finally ballsy enough to pop the question...

(AU. Human fic.)