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Friday, 24 October 2003

Stupid blog.

I got the results back from the Watching You Awards last week sometime. I didn't really win anything in the 'It's My Bed' and the 'Bad Ass' award catergories (given that Spike isn't much of a bad ass in Out of My Head; Pepper's Spike fits the bill in Mad World. He's a pyschopathic lunatic ex-cop bad ass, but a bad ass nonetheless). I don't really mind. I'm pretty much just grateful to be frigging nominated (I still wanna know who nominated me, so I can give them lots of drunken worship). However, Out of My Head won Runner Up in Best Long Fiction -- to who? Freaking Kantayra.


I'm second to KANTAYRA! Holy freaking shit, that is like, the greatest thing ever on this earth! One of my freaking idols, and I'm SECOND to her!

Kay, I'm done :) Still a little startstruck, but then, why wouldn't I be?

So I've got my award now, which is up on Out of My Head's index page, down at the bottom. It looks kinda funky down there... must find something to do about that. Full of Grace will hopefully have a fresh new start at life, eventually, so I hope more will be coming. I hope. Wah.

Posted by magic/fromunderneath at 3:22 PM EDT
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