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Hershey Park

Girl Scouts of Delaware-Raritan

"Where Girls Grow Strong"

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Finally!  Our long-awaited and much planned

trip (thanks to Lee and Marilyn!) to Hershey Park

has finally arrived!  The weather wasn't

cooperating but we were determined to

have a great time anyway!









The first thing the Troop did when we arrived was to sign each other shirts.  Thanks to the

stupendous idea of Helen Dennis, each girl wore a bright green shirt with a decal picture of the

Troop ironed on the front.  The vivid green color of the shirts made it very easy to pick them out

in a crowd!  This was a lot of fun and gave the girls a keepsake to treasure always!




First on the agenda was the Really Big 3D Show.  It was awesome!!!  Following that, the Troop got a tour of the Hershey factory.











The girls enjoyed the rides for several hours and many of the park's attractions.


However, in the early afternoon it began to downpour!  The soggy weather made for a mass exodus out of the park for most, but for those brave souls who decided to wait it out (for over 2 hours), they were rewarded with crisp, clear weather in a virtually empty park for another several hours of fun!









Later that night, everyone enjoyed good eats and some swimming in the indoor pools at the hotels.  All in all, it was an extremely successful trip.  We look forward to returning in the future!


P.S. - We just have to show off our "Room with a View"!!!


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Last updated: 06/19/03.

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