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Welcome to the Independence High School Winterguard Site // San Jose, California

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IHS Guard Info

Scholastic AA:
Instructors: Mona-Flag, Ryan-Show Design, Robert-Weapon/Dance, Angel-Flag/Dance

::1/11-Evals @ Dublin HS
::1/18-Monte Vista //47.7
::1/25-Live Oak //55.4
::2/08-Milpitas //67.1
::2/22-Oak Grove //75.4
::3/01-Mid. Cal Regional
::3/22-West Regional
::3/23-West Regional
::3/30-CCGC Championships @ IHS

Regional A
Instructors: Danielle & Melissa-Flag/Dance, Joey-Show Design

::1/11-Evals @ Dublin High
::1/18-Monte Vista //29.8
::1/25-Live Oak //38.0
::2/22-Oak Grove //55.6
::3/30th-CCGC Championships @ IHS

Coming Soon
//Digital Clip of the IHS Winterguard Performance [sorta sketchy on that, but I'll see what happens]
//More Pictures!

-webmaster: grace lee 02'-03'

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If you'd like to have a picture on the site, please contact

Instructions on Viewing Photos:: Click on the thumbnail and the image will automatically appear within the site. There is a transparent bar along the top edge of the image. You can click there and drag the image along anywhere on the page. And then just X it out on the right hand upper corner of the image.

Pictures From Live Oak!
A Guard Photos (Courtesy of Manny Valencia)
Stretching Bobby's Trick A Guard Weapon Block A Guard Arrives Live Oak

B Guard Photos
A+B in Stands @ Live Oak
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Scholastic AA Guard's Song

::Nights Like This

Regional A Guard's Song
::Le Passion d'amour