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Ironhaven Guild
Members Section
Guild History
Contact a Leader

Channel op Ihg-
located on USEast



Welcome to Ironhaven, a Diablo II players guild. Please enjoy your stay. To navigate simply use the menus to the left or the bottom.
Guild News

©2003 IHG
Tuesday July 22, 2003 - Good News

First of all, I would like to say that the Guild Roster Version 2.0 is officially out. It looks much better then the last one, the last one was horrible. Check it out by clicking "members" in the navigation, or just click here.
Second, I'm happy to say that Ironhaven is reallly doing well, the Hardcore Division has really grown, thanks to Jeremy and his recruiting skills =). Keep up the good work, and welcome to Ironhaven for all you new members/recruits!

Thursday July 20, 2003 - Hoppy
Hoppy wanted me to let everyone know that he will be on vacation for two weeks, I'm not sure (or I forgot) where he was going, but have fun Hoppy. If you have any questions that you would normally ask Hoppy, just as me, Brandon - *kkenny.

Thursday July 18, 2003 - Official IHG Forum Up
Hey all, Brandon here just letting everyone know I setup a Guild Forum. The link is so go there and register for your free account, and post away. Hoppy wanted me to let everyone know there will be a Softcore tournament August the 9th, so go over to the forum to signup. More details are available his post.

Thursday July 17, 2003 - A lot of News
Ok, first of all, I made some major site updates. If you have noticed, on the navigation I removed "Submit Points" and replaced it with "Members Section." This page is password protected for members only, and you can find out the password by contacting another member or a leader. If you look in the Members Section, I have added a few pages such as "Add A Character" and "Report a Guild Criminal." Please start using these!

I would also like to point out two new members: Bryan, Tate and Hiren. All three of these new members will be joining our Hardcore division. Welcome to IHG!

Wednesday July 16, 2003 - Just Stuff
Hey everyone, as you might have noticed, things have been going VERY slow around here. I appologize for this. Part of this is my fault, as I have been away most of the time enjoying other hobbies. The other part is the short ammount of members.

Right now, IHG has a grand total of six members, HC and SC mixed. We really need more people to join! If you know of anyone who would be interested in joining, please don't hesitate to ask them.

Last, (I should do this more often) I would like to point out new members Jay, Matt, and Rob. Rob is joining HC while Jay and Matt are staying on SC.

Remember, ask your friends if they are would like to join, but make sure they are trustworthy please.

Tuesday July 1, 2003 - Point System
I posted the point amounts given for doing specific tasks, you can read them on the rules page or by clicking here.
BTW our new channel is 'op Ihg-' since Blizzard has reserved 'clan' channels for Warcraft III Expansion.

Monday June 30, 2003 - Work finally done
Ok so I had some touching up to do, everything works now, I just need to type up the guild history which luckily Hoppy has already written up. Later.

Friday June 27, 2003 - Work Done
I finished the main pages of the site, now I can start playing =). I can't believe it's already June the 27th, I'll back in school before I know it, better play while I (we) can.

Wednesday June 25, 2003 - Guild Opens
Today marks the day that Ironhaven guild officially opens. I hope you're looking forward to endless nights of fun gaming. I know I am. If you are looking for a place to play, your search is over, don't hesitate to join, but please be sure to go over the rules first, thanks. Looking forward to it, see you in channel "clan Ihg-" (without the quotes).