The Icylove Shirt

After I saw Knitty's cheesylove sweater, I loved it. I looked again, and realized the pattern was all wrong for my body shape. I still loved it. What would I do? I decided I was going to make it, using DK weight yarn I got online for no other reason than it was a bargain. Thus, icylove was born.

This sweater has given me nothing but trouble. Originally I made it with a K2P2 rib, and then decided to smooth it out by using stockinette. The hearts were never placed where I wanted the, and I always got the v-neck off center. Still, I perservered, and thankfully, cotton forgives.

If you have my measurements and want to try, please, be my guest. This is a fun, light shirt, good for warm spring and fall weather. Hope you like it! And if you do and you look as fabulous as me, email me a picture of your fabulous self.

Size: Large (42"-37"-42")

Requirements: 1 size 4 30" circular needles
1 size 6 30" circular needles (OR size needed for gauge)
1 tapestry needle
8 skeins Patons Cotton DK in sky blue (Main Color)
1 skein Jaeger Aqua DK in pink (Complimentary Color)
1 tapestry needle
stitch markers

Gauge: 22 stitches and 28 rows = 4"


Cast on 232 stitches on the size 4 needles. Join. Work 5 rounds k1p1 rib. Place markers at 1st and 116st stitches.

Switch to size 6 needles and work in stockinette until work reaches 2". Decrease 1 stitch after each markers (230 stitches). Work 7 rows.

Decrease Row: K1, k2tog. Knit to 3 stitches before next marker, k2tog, k2, k2tog, knit to 3 stitches from the end of the row, k2tog, k1.

Work 7 rows and repeat decrease row (218 stitches). Knit 7 rows or until piece measures 6".

Increase Row: K1, incr 1, knit until 1 stitch before marker, incr 1, k2, incr 1, knit until within 1 stitch from 2nd marker, incr 1, k1. (222 stitches)

Work 7 rows then an increase row 2 more times until you have 228 stitches total or 114 stitches per side.

Work the 12 Fair Isle pattern rounds. Work in straight stockinette until piece reaches approximately 13." 6 stitches before the beginning of the row, BO 12 stitches. Knit until 6 stitches before the second marker and BO 12 stitches (204 stitches or 102 per side).


**Purl across back of the work. K1, ssk, knit until 3 stitches from the end of work, k2tog, k1. Repeat from ** 9 more times (82 stitches). Work even for 1.5".

Shoulder Shaping: BO 5 stitches, k 15. Place middle 42 stitches on holder, use new yarn, k 20. BO 5 stitches, purl 15. With other yarn, purl 15. BO 5 stitches at the beginning of each row until no stitches remain. Cut yarns.

Purl across back of work. K1, k2tog, k 48 stitches, k2tog, k1. Add new yarn. K1, k2 tog, work to within 3 stitches to the end of the row, k2tog, k1.

**Purl Row: Purl across work to 3 stitches from the end of the row. P2tog, p1. Next piece, p1, p2tog, purl until the end of the row.

Knit Row:K1, ssk, k until 3 stitches from end of yarn, k2tog, k1. With other yarn, k1, ssk, k until 3 stitches from end of piece, ssk, k1.

Repeat from ** 4 times and the purl row once more.

Stop decreasing on purl rows. Continue armhole decreasing, stopping after 10 decreases.

Continue neckline decreases until 20 stitches remain on either side. Bind off 5 stitches at the beginning of each row until no stitches remain, same as back. Cut both yarns. Sew shoulder seams.

Neckband: With right side facing, pick up stitches starting on the left side of the front. Knit stitches from back holder, and continue down right front. DO NOT JOIN. Work in k1p1 rib for one row. BO stitches. Sew V notch together.

Half Sleeves: (make 2)

Cast 64 stitches onto size 4 needles. Work 5 rounds k1p1 rib. Switch to 6s, purling across. Work 2 rows even.

Increase 1 stitch at each end of the needle every 4th row until 95 stitches.

BO 6 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows. BO 3 stitches at the beginning of each row until 48 stitches remain. BO 6 stitches at the beginning of the next 8 rows until no stitches remain. Cut yarn.


Sew seams together. Cut ends. Wash, block and model!

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