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Introduction to kindom hearts

Kingdom Hearts is a very complacated game created by Disney. It follows the character Sora whos voice is played by Halie Joel Osmond (star of The Sixth Sense). He dreams of leaving his island along with Riku and Kiari. They need to build a raft so they can sail of the inland and embark on a new adventure. During finding things for the raft, something happens. Something unexplainable (at the moment). It seems like a dark force has taken over the island! You must excape! You do in time but it is not good. you arrive in a strange town. Traverse Town. You begin looking for your friends until you meet up with Donald Duck and Goofy. You talk with them and find that they are also looking for their friend. But, they are also looking for you. Sora, is the holder of the "key" that King Mickey told them to go after... This is truley a role playing game you will never forget...


Theme Song