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First erected in Egypt, by Pharaoh Thotmes III around 1500BC, Cleopatra's Needle was         given as a gift to the British people in 1819, in recognition of Admiral Nelson's          victory over the French fleet, at the Battle of the Nile in 1798.


Opposite the Victoria Embankment Gardens, on the river front, Cleopatra's Needle is flanked by magnificent bronze lions. The 68 1/2 ft. monolith sits on a pedestal containing various momentous objects including: standard foot and pound, a full set of British Empire coins,Bibles in various languages, a railway guide, an almanac, and copies of contemporary              newspapers

"Cleopatra's Needles" is the name given to two Egyptian obelisks, formerly at Alexandria. One of these obelisks now  lies in New York, the other in London. They are made of the rose red granite of Syene, and were originally erected in front of the great temple of Heliopolis, where Moses was born.

The obelisks were taken to Alexandria shortly before the commencement of the Christian era after the death of Cleopatra, but possibly in pursuance of a design originated by her. The New York obelisk was presented to America by the Rhedive of Egypt, and was set up in Central Park in 1881.

Temple of Heliopolis At the Het-Benben