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Royal Parks - There are over 8000 acres of park land in London.


Hyde Park: Hyde Park, together with Kensington Gardens to the west, is the largest of the three royal parks. The parks name comes from the manor of Hyde, once owned by the abbot of Westminster. The famous Speakers' Corner is located on the northeast side, where people are free to speak their mind as long as they don't debase the Queen.

Hyde Park Riding Stables-The Stables is London's oldest original riding center and now the only public stables open all year round for riding in Hyde Park

Greenwich Park: King William Walk, Greenwich. Open daily all year round from dawn to dusk. London’s oldest Royal Park, was once the hunting ground for King Henry VIII. Landscaped by André le Notre, who designed the gardens of the Palace of Versailles. The Old Royal Observatory is in the park. Stunning views can be had by the Statue of General Wolfe, Looking across the River .

St. James's Park: The acres known as Green Park were added to St. James's Park in the late 17th Century by Charles II. Charles II preferred early a.m. walks along the Hyde Park Corner, an area now known as 'Constitution Hill'. Regent's Park: The terraces, named after the titles of some of George III's 15 children, and other buildings circle the park clockwise starting at the Park Crescent. Regent's Park is also the site of The London Zoo. The zoo has daily programs for adults and children. London Zoo is easily accessible by its south gate along Broad Walk or the main gate along the Outer Circle of Regent's Park.

Regent's Park: The terraces, named after the titles of some of George III's 15 children, and other buildings circle the park clockwise starting at the Park Crescent. Regent's Park is also the site of The London Zoo. The zoo has daily programs for adults and children. London Zoo is easily accessible by its south gate along Broad Walk or the main gate along the Outer Circle of Regent's Park.

Open Air Theatre - The Open Air Theatre, in London's Regent's Park, presents two Shakespeare plays, a Broadway musical and a play for children between May and September.



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