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>> Boy #1: Well, look it here, boys. If it isn't our highness, the virgin queen.
>> Boy #2: And now for today's topic: The downfall of Marah Lewis.


>> Boy #1: It's time we knocked her off her high horse.
>> Boy #3: Here's the deal. $100 bucks a pop, winner takes all. Okay, who gets the first crack at her?
>> Boy #1: Give it up virgin queen.
>> Boys #2: You guys don't have a chance.
>> Ben Reade: Excuse me, boys. Aren't your stakes a little low? Let's make it a gentlemen sport; play for real money. After all, the virgin needs to know who has the power. It's the ultimate aphrodisiac. The pot's just been upped by $5,000. And as for me, I just bought the right to go first.

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