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>> Ben: Since you and Marah can't stand each other, I figure...
>> Catalina: Stop. Stop putting words in my mouth.
>> Ben: I don't have to. It's obvious. Which makes me wonder, why do you care if I go after her?
>> Catalina: I don't. So knock yourself out and good luck. I hope everything works out for you.
>> Ben: Hey, thanks. It's awfully nice of you, I mean, considering we just met, or is it? Because in my experience, when two gorgeous girls are at each other's throats, there's usually a man in the middle.

>> Catalina: You know when rich boys start asking way too many questions, it's usually because they think they just charm the answers right out of you.
>> Ben: And who told you I was rich?
>> Catalina: Nobody had to. It's obvious.
>> Ben: Oh, and how is that?
>> Catalina: I've seen you. I've seen you around, diving in that little sports car of yours, always full of sorority girls.
>> Ben: So you've been checking me out.
>> Catalina: No. But it is hard not to notice you the way you drink champagne while the other guys drink beer.
>> Ben: What, are you criticizing me for having taste?
>> Catalina: No, but just because you have money, see that doesn't mean that I'm just going to start drooling or that you've bought my trust on credit.
>> Ben: That's too bad, because I was starting to think we work very well together. As a matter of fact, I was about to suggest a partnership of sorts.

>> Catalina: Partnership? I don't even know you, and I doubt that we have a whole lot in common.
>> Ben: Oh, you might be surprised.
>> Catalina: I don't think so. See, because I work-- look-- two jobs just to fill my gas tank, not that I'm complaining.
>> Ben: No, of course not.
>> Catalina: And Marah and I? Marah and I are very, very different. Wait, don't I remember you saying that you were interested in her?
>> Ben: Why? Are you giving me an alternative?
>> Catalina: No. I mean, I don't see what you would need me for. Yeah, I think you can handle Marah all on your own.
>> Ben: Hey, your call. But next time you see me driving down the street in my little sports car, wave your hand if you want a ride. I'll take you anywhere you want to go.
>> Catalina: Thanks, but I already got a ride.
>> Ben: Is that so?
>> Catalina: Yeah. A reliable one.
>> Ben: Well, Miss Quesada, it was a pleasure meeting you, and I hope I can count on you to be discreet.
>> Catalina: Don't worry. Marah and I, we barely speak, so your little secret, that's safe with me.
>> Ben: Okay. Till next time.

>> Ben: Marah.
>> Marah: Ben, what are you doing here?
>> Ben: I thought you might need this.
>> Marah: Where'd you find it?
>> Ben: In the classroom. You must have dropped it.
>> Marah: Thank God you found it. I've just been really scattered lately. God, better get organized if I don't want to flunk out before midterms.
>> Ben: Well, I don't think there's much chance of that. But if you want to take me up on my offer for coffee, we can go over professor Boudreaux's lecture.
>> Marah: Ben, I don't know.
>> Ben: Listen, as your TA, it is my personal duty to make sure you're properly caffeinated. I know a great little place right off campus.
>> Marah: And since when are TAs allowed to ask their students out?
>> Ben: Don't think of it as a date. Think of it as a pair of old friends catching up.
>> Marah: You've already asked me out. Two offers, same answer.
>> Ben: Did I mention that I'm incredibly dense when it comes to innuendoes?
>> Marah: Now, why don't I believe that?
>> Ben: I don't know. But if you let me steal you off campus for an hour, I bet you'll thank me. This place makes a mean cup of Joe. Now, come on, what do you say?

>> Marah: So you're a rule breaker? That's good to know.
>> Ben: Well, I think a good latte's worth bending a rule, don't you?
>> Marah: Really, really thank you for the offer and for the book, but you know what? I've got a ton of reading to do and chem lab...
>> Ben: Well, did I say we have to go now? We can go whenever you want. That is, unless you plan to be busy every time I ask.
>> Marah: That's a possibility. Look, I'm sorry, I've just... I've had a couple of bad blows lately and don't take this the wrong way but I've kind of sworn off the male species for a while, understand?
>> Ben: Oh, Marah, yes. I totally, totally understand.
>> Marah: You do?
>> Ben: Look, unlike most guys, I'M... I'm willing to take no for an answer.
>> Marah: Well, that's nice to know.
>> Ben: But there's something else you should know. Look, I know a lot of these guys, especially the frat guys, are all after one thing.
>> Marah: ( Chuckles )
>> Ben: What? You know that. Those losers look at a girl and see nothing more than a potential score.
>> Marah: Well, you know what, if you're trying to get me to swear off the male species forever...
>> Ben: I'm just trying to remind you that not all guys are like that. Some are actually mature. And when you've been hurt yourself, you tend to be more sympathetic to your partner's needs. Look, I know I don't wear it on my sleeve, but I'm one of the good guys. And if you'll give me the chance, I'll prove it to you.

>> Marah: Well, thank you. I think you almost, almost restored my faith in men.
>> Ben: Wow, really? How'd I manage to do that?
>> Marah: Well, you're not like all the other jerks I've been dealing with lately.
>> Ben: I'm glad to hear that. Listen, I understand why you're so protective. I mean, a girl as gorgeous as you... You got to watch out for yourself. Just be careful not too punish the nice guys, too. Take it easy, Marah.
>> Marah: Bye.
>> Ben: Bye.

>> Frat guy: Well, dude, you bag her yet?
>> Ben: My friend, Marah Lewis is a vulnerable, sensitive young woman. I figure a couple of weeks, tops. ( Snickering ) This is a bet I intend to win.

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