questions or comments? wanna just say something random? e-mail me! THE GIRL

Quizes i have taken!

This is a Survey bout me . . . it about sums it all up.

1. Name: JoAnna
2. Birthday: Whouldn’t you like to know?
3. Sign: Sagittarius
4. Age: why would you care?
5. Sex: Female
6. Location: San Antonio, TX. Please don’t stalk me.
8. Glasses/contacts: glasses :(
9. Braces: Not yet...but eventually :P
10. Fat/skinny: skinny and strong
11. Tall/short: way too tall.
12. Do you like ketchup: Depends w/what?
13. Do you like mustard: NO!!!!
14. Do you like mayonnaise: Uh Huh
15. Do you like pickles: been 7 years scince last ate one.
16. Do you like boys or girls: do you think I’m gay???
17. Do you like pickle relish (yuck): ew. . .
18. Do you like chicken: Duh.
19. Do you like spinach: umm . . . sometimes . . . .
20. Do you have any siblings: Yep...
21. What are their names: Does it matter?
22. How old are they: older than me ;)
23. Do you have any pets: way too many . . .
24. What are their names: dont remember
25. What kind of pets are they: who cares?
26. Do you like school: Not as of this moment.
27. If you could choose anyone to rule the world who would you choose: Me! and Katie!
28. Do you like pokemon: uh, no.
29. Do you talk to voices in your head: They get mad if I don't respond.
30. Do they tell you to do stuff: Don't they talk to you too?
31. Do you listen: They're so smart, I have to. ;)
32. I have taken it upon myself to delete stupid questions.
33. How often do you talk on the phone: too often
34. How often do you surf the web: More than I talk on the phone ;)
35. How often do you hang out with friends: As much as they can stand me!
36. Do you have a bf/gf: Riiiight.
37. Do you love them: Did you not get the answer to the last question?
38. Have you ever loved anyone: I don't think I understand the meaning of the word yet...
39. Lalala, no one really needed to see that question anyway...although the answer was no.
40. Are you loopy: Yep.
41. Have you ever broke any bones: way to many to count
42. If so, which ones: who knows?
43. How often do you shower: At least once a day...
44. Which group do you hang out with at school:: group?
45. Do you get good grades: Yes, I'm a dork.
46. Do you always get in trouble: nooo . . . . . . . . . .
47. Do you get along with your parents: Not my mom.
48. Are you gonna go to college: maybe
49. Who is your best girl friend: Uh, they know who they are.
50. Who is your best boy friend: They should know...
51. Who do you talk to the most on the phone: the man-eating marshmellows.
52. Who do you talk to the most on the net: Suji and Dent. And Missy.
53. Do you like email or snail mail better: Snail Mail's more fun to get - e-mail is a lot FASTER!!!
54. Do you like gold or silver jewelry: silver. Gold is too . . . gold.
55. Have you ever prank called a 1-800 number: yes, yes, I have.
56. Have you ever tried to impress your crush and ended up embarrassing yourself: I thought we didn't like that word?
57. What are you most afraid of: Heights.
58. Are you weird: Sadly yes.
59. How long does it take you to get ready for school: 5 hours
60. Do you have a crush: I thought we didn't like that word?!
61. What are their names: like I'd post that on the net for the whole world to see...
62. Do they like you: obviously not.
63. Do you like coffee: YES!!!
64. If not, how come: uhh . . . wha?
65. What is the longest you have went out with someone: hmmm . . . YOU DO THINK I’M GAY!!!
66. Do you regret it: Can't regret what you never had
67. Do you sleep with one pillow or two: 1 Where: sicko.
68. do you want to live? Indiana!
69. Is the most fun place to go? Indiana!
70. do you want to meet your husband/wife? On Mars
71. do you want to go heaven or hell? Hmm, let's see...hard choice.
72. do you want to get married? I dunno.
73. Do you like to do? Sleep
74. was the most fun retreat/trip you ever went on? New Mexico!
75. friend is always there? Jen!
76. relative sends you the most money for Christmas? Auntie Cheryl. She’s a friggin Milionare!
77. do you like about your church or school click? ...what?
78. do you want to be when you grow up? Do I have to grow up?
79. do you want your husbands name to be? Somethin with an A. or J. or . . .
80. is your favorite sport? Uh . . . sleeping.
81. is your favorite piece of clothing? ::sigh:: That's the hardest question.
Have you, in the last 5 weeks ...
82. Cried? Nope.
83. gotten in major trouble? YES>
84. cut your hair? not sure
85. ate a meal? duh!
86. hugged someone? Don't think so. =(
87. kissed someone? what do you think?
88. made a new friend? Yes!
89. lost something? I always lose something.
Have you ever...
90. Been so drunk you passed out? Kinda hard if you don't drink...
91. gone out in public in your pajamas? of course!
92. had an imaginary friend? One too many...
93. cried during a chick flick? A what?
94. owned a new kids on the block cd? Hahahaha, yeah right.
95. gotten in a car accident? no... O=)
96. liked someone so much you cried? I thought we covered this.
97. cussed when your parents were around? yeah
98. told your sister/brother he/she was a bitch? I’m getting close . . .
99. sung in front of the mirror? Hehehe.
100. made faces in the mirror? ::nods with silly face::
101. spent more than one hour on your hair? only when extremely bored.
102. sleep- walked in your sleep? NO.
103. watched a scary movie and couldn’t sleep all night? hahahahaha. i live for horror.
104. gone caroling? noooooooooo
105. what is the funniest movie you ever saw? Baseketball
106. what is the stupidest movie? The Stupidest movie Ever. (really, it was)
107. which movie could you watch over and over? Blue Crush
108. what was the last movie you saw? um, kill bill
109. who do you go to the movies with? Whoever is around.
110. what movie made you cry the most? Little Women
111. did you like titanic? Have I seen Titanic? If you were stranded on an island...
112. who would you take? Jenniefer, Meagan, Featherhead, Katie
113. who would you take if you only had two people you could bring? I'm not going then!
114. what three things would you bring? Blankie, Puter, Phone
115. what island would you want to be stranded on? Mine.
116. what animal would you kill for food? I'd become vegetarian...
117. would you write on the sand help!? why would I do that?
118. would you panic or relax? PANIC
Would you ever...
119. Jump out of a plane? To kill myself, yes.
120. kiss your best guy friend (or if you’re a guy girl friend)? lol, I don't think he'd appreciate that.
121. go bungee jumping? nooo.
122. stay in your room for a whole day? sure.
123. go in the snow without clothes? Maybe . . .
124. skinny dip? Sicko!!!!!!!!!!
125. drink salt water? Been there, done that.
126. touch road kill? Gross...
127. take a job even if it meant you’d be away from your guy (or girl)? Well since I don't have one, sure.
128. smile at your worst enemy? I do that anyway...
129. play 8,000 bowling games in one night? Bowling sucks.
130. go to Reno to get married?
131. gamble? bring shorts to Minnesota?
132. have a make-out party?
133. throw a party without your parents? My parents always leave when I have a party...apparently, we're too weird for them...
134. go to a foreign country? hells yeah.
135. fly a plane? sure...who has a death wish?
136. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to? The gecko eating carrots
137. if you had to go live in Borneo for the rest of your life and you could take one person ? Jennifer Hill
138. on this earth, who would you take? Man-eating marshmallows!
139. who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the slightest bit annoyed with? Jamie McLean!! (ha,ha, Jennifer j/k)
140. if you woke up one morning and noticed that your leg was missing who would be the first person you would call? Are you retarded? 911!
141. let's say your dad came in your room one day and told you that you had to get married in the next week but you can pick the person but you have to stay with them for the rest of your life no getting out of it, who would you pick? that's too easy...
142. what if you woke up tomorrow and you were someone else completely, who would you be? not me?
143. What would be the first thing you would do if you woke up one morning and you were the opposite sex? I'd be a bit confuzzeled.
144. if all of a sudden you had the ability to do one thing better than everyone else, have one amazing talent, what would it be? Uh, what?
145. if you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change(personality and looks)? I like myself the way I am!
146. what is your dream career? Web Designer
147. what is the one thing you just have to do before you die? Live.
148. if you could be a member of any band that has ever exsisted, what band would that be? The sixth Deminsion! (It doesn’t exist!)
149. what is the thing you care about most in your life? My family/friends.
Which one......
150. Winter or summer? Winter!
151. The beach or the mountains? Mountains!
152. pop or punk? Punk!
153. rock or rap? Rock!
154. new york or l.A.? NY!
155. milk chocolate or dark chocolate? Milk!
156. dogs or cats? fishies!
157. britney or christina? shoot me.

158. leno or letterman? leno!
159. mtv or vh1? B4u!
160. country or classical? Classical!
161. day or night? Night!
162. lake or ocean? Ocean! no, lake!
163. waffles or pancakes? Pancakes!
164. soccer or football? Sleeping!
165. baseball or swimming? Swimming!!
166. chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate!
167. sugar or spice? O=)
168. grisham or canyon vista? Huh?
169. eminem-please stand up or please shut up? lol I choked on an M&M reading that...
170. If you could be in any movie as the lead role what movie would it be? Blue Crush!
171. if you could design your perfect mate what would he/she look like and be like? anyone who can put up with me.
172. if you won the lottery what would you do with your, let's say, 18 million dollars? ...only 18 mil? go shopping w/friends!
173. what is the single most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? You mean other than the Top 25 Dinner? Or last week?
Have you ever.....
174. Fallen in front of someone you thought to be quite good looking? lol, yes.
175. run into a wall? Way too many times.
176. sleep walked? No
177. gone skinny-dipping? asked this already...
178. kissed someone of the same sex? when i was 4
179. snuck out of the house at night? Yeess . . .
180. gotten in a car wreck where you are the driver? no
81. laughed so hard that what you were drinking spewed out your nose? lol, well...I decided to just spit everything out instead of letting that happen...hahahahahaha.
182. started laughing really hard so you just spit out what you had in your mouth cause you couldn't swallow? One too many times.
183. swallow a bug? yea
184. have you ever actually kept a new year's resolution? No
185. if so what was it? I didn’t keep one!
186. Lalalala. what the?!?
Would you ever...
187. eat bugs purposely? no
188. commit a crime? no
189. change your religion? NO
190. lie to your parents? Yes.
191. jump over a waterfall? yes
192. change clothes in front of an open window? My window is always open . . .
193. dress up as the opposite sex for an important event? lolol yeah. And it’s quite belivible, too.
194. go out at night dressed in something like a black trench coat and sunglasses? Yeah. Oh, that was funny. TRUTH OR DARE SUCKS!
195. sing a harmonized duet in front of 500 strangers? how about no?
196. tell someone that you liked them if they were much older than you? no
Have you ever...
197. lied to your parents about something really important? uhhuh
198. have your life threatened? uhhuh
199. stumbled across fbi secrets online? lol...yeah right.
200. stayed up until the morning light talking online? one particular time comes to mind...
201. made people give you really weird glances? always
202. if yes, how? I'm special
203. read a Shakespeare play? no
204. talked in your sleep? yes
205. what did you say? Why would I tell you?
206. sung at a karaoke bar? hahaha no.
I decided to delete all the "crush" questions. O=)