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This here's my said little story. Was a Jr. in High School when I first saw the show, probably right after classes and before pratice, fell in love with the art work. Espically Yue if you hadn't noticed. Well I missed the beginning of the show and as fate would have it I missed the final eppisode. So I'm building my little shrine here. Don't worry too much just waiting for enough money so that I can buy the series on dvd.

So here's a few things I've colleced around the web or made.

If something of yours is here and you don't want it displayed please just send me an e-mail and I'll remove it.

I've now collected enough images to start doing custome backgrounds, banners, buttons, so on...Yue only. Working on increasing my other collections.

Donations are always welcome, the more you donate the more I can make!

Please, please either direct me to some more music or send me some!

Got a great site? Want to trade links? E-mail me!

Got a fantastic site? Prove it, win my awards at the spirit realm!

Good way to get me to work harder on this site, is proving that someone actually comes here, so e-mail me, or sign the guestbook.

I've actually gotten a couple of the first dvds and have been watching them from both series! YAY!

P.S. I'm going to rework my galleries soon! Watch for the upload!

P.P.S. The big hint...e-mail, or sign the guestbook, you know you want to, cause then I'll go to your site or help you out.

moon phases






Mistare's Creations

My Anime Music Videos/Video Clips


The Spirit Realm

Anime Links

Contact Mistare

Please Sign the Guestbook

