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The Four Rules


Witches Chant  

Darksome night and shining Moon,
Hearken to the witches' rune.
East then south, west then north,
Hear! Come! I call Thee forth!

By all the powers of land and sea,
Be obedient unto me.
Wand and Pentacle and Sword,
Hearken ye unto my word.

Cords and Censer, Scourge and Knife,
Waken all ye into life.
Powers of the witch's Blade,
Come ye as the charge is made.

Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell,
Send your aid unto the spell.
Horned Hunter of the night,
Work my will by magic rite.

By all the powers of land and sea,
As I do say, "so mote it be."
By all the might of moon and sun,
As I do will, it shall be done.
-The Grimoire of Lady Sheba


The Four Powers

To Know - Knowledge is no good without the will and audacity to see magick done.

To Dare - Audacity is no good without the knowledge and will to see magick done.

To Will - Willpower is no good without the knowledge and audacity to see magick done.

To Be Silent - What good are the above without the discretion to remain silent until your magicks are done?

Magick is nothing supernatural, we all have the ability to do magick. The Four Powers or Witches Pyramid is one of the first things I came across and it helped me build my foundation. If I were to leave anything out, I would be unsuccessful (well, ok. The silent one is kind of optional. Personally I don't talk about my magick much. Some say if you talk about it, it dissipates the magick....others say it reinforces your magick...I say it's up to you, I feel once I release my energy it's out there and on it's way and I can't dissipate, reinforce or distort in any's gone). 

