Candle Magick
The "normal use" candle is a
standard pillar or taper, in white or the cardinal colors for the compass
points, and varying colors of altar candles for various holidays, weekdays,
Magick types and purposes. The following color chart, which details candle
colors and their meanings, is also good for Altar cloths and robes:
Black: Samhain, Yule, Astral Magicks, "space" Magicks, Night Magicks,
Ceremonial Magicks, Saturday, Earth, Grounding, Protection, Wisdom, Dispelling,
Totality, especially physical totality, the Scribe's color.
Blue, Cobalt: Samhain, Yule, Astral Magicks, Lunar
Magicks, "space" Magicks, Night Magicks, Ceremonial Magick, Monday,
Thursday, Protection, Wisdom, clear Thought, Logic, Emotional Control, a good
"power" color.
Blue, Primary: Summer, Lughnasa, Samhain, Yule,
Imbolc, Astral Magicks, Thursday, Water, Clear thought, A good color for
"generic" rituals.
Blue, Sky:(Sky Blue) Spring, Beltane, Solar
rituals, Imbolc, Astral Magicks, Water, Air, Clear thought, Used by people with
avian spirit guide/ Totems/ favorite animals, esp. Seagull, Eagle, Hawk,
Kingfisher. The "bardic" color.
Brown: Lughnasa, Autumn, Samhain, Druidic Magicks,
Earth, emotional Control, Craftsmanship. The Artisan's color.
Copper: Autumn, Yule, Money summoning rituals,
Solar rituals, Druidic Magicks, Sunday, fire, Protection, Leadership, Love,
Passion, Luck.
Gray: Yule, Imbolc, Astral Magicks, Lunar Magicks,
Druidic Magicks, Fire, a good balance color, used by Druids and Wolf and Lynx
Green, Deep (hunter) : Lughnasa, Autumn, Yule,
Imbolc, Night Magicks, Druidic Magick, Earth, Calming, Grounding, Strength,
Protection, Logic, Emotional Control, The God in his element, a "male"
Green, Light: Spring, Beltane, Summer, Imbolc,
Druidic Magick, Earth, Prosperity, Money, Strength, Wisdom, Emotional Control,
Luck, the "Faerie color," (courtesy of Americanized Irish "little
Gold: Summer, Autumn, Yule, Money summoning, Solar
rituals, Fire, Lust, Passion, Priests.
Samhain, Yule, Astral Magicks, Night
Magicks, Ceremonial Magicks, Wednesday, Wisdom, Logic, Love, Passion, Music, a
secondary Bardic Color.
Lavender: Spring, Beltane, Summer, Imbolc, Calming,
Love, Healing.
Spring, Beltane, Summer, Lughnasa, Autumn,
Samhain, Solar Rituals, Sunday, Fire, Passion.
Pink: Spring, Beltane, Friday, Calming, Love, Luck,
Peach: Spring, Beltane, Lughnasa, Friday, Calming,
Red: Beltane, Summer, Lughnasa, Samhain, Yule,
Ceremonial Magick, Tuesday, Fire, Strength, Protection, Leadership, Lust,
Passion, Healing esp. Blood, Physical Strength, Questing, Color of the Seeker.
Lughnasa, Autumn, Samhain, Druidic Magick,
Fire, Earth, Passion, Universal "Oneness."
Silver: Yule, Astral Magicks, Lunar Magicks,
"space" Magicks, Monday, Air, Protection, Clear thought, Logic,
Passion, Priestesses
Turquoise: Spring, Beltane, Summer, Astral Magicks,
Lunar Magicks, Water, Protection, Clear thought, Logic, Luck, Healing esp. Eyes.
Samhain, Yule, Astral Magicks, Night
Magicks, Ceremonial Magicks, Thursday, Saturday, Wisdom, Clear thought,
Leadership, Logic, Passion, emotional control, Healing esp. Mental. The prime
"Power" Color used by priests.
White: Positive workings of all sorts.
Yellow-Orange (Saffron): Spring, Beltane, Summer,
Lughnasa, Autumn, Yule, Solar Rituals, Astral Magicks, Druidic Magick,
Ceremonial Magick, Sunday, Fire, Wisdom, Logic, Passion, Emotional Control,
Luck, Sanity, A traditional Mage-Priest and celebration Color.
Yellow: Spring, Beltane, Summer, Imbolc, Solar
Rituals, Astral Magicks, Sunday, Fire, Clear thought, Passion, Healing, esp.
Magick is magick is magick....It's all very plain and simple and best of all... you create it! I basically follow this list of colors, because I don't have the time to sit down and think about what every single color means to me personally. If I am getting ready to do a spell and a color comes to mind, then I use it, if not...then I follow this list. You can use all different correspondences or none at all. Sometimes I use the whole lot...herbs, candles, oils, incense, stones, etc. Sometimes I simply use a candle and nothing more. Depending on how much time I have and how much clean up I want to get into. I have to make time for other things too, such as study (because we never stop learning), meditation, exercise, and then I have two kids. So, if you have the time, go for it, go all out, set up your altar and dive in. Just don't forget to have fun with it.