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Chakras are energy points in the body. There are many energy points in the body, but most only work with the main 7.


FIRST  CHAKRA - Also known as Muladhara, security center or root chakra
Pelvis area - Perineum   Color - Red
   Sense - smell  Element - Earth
The first chakra represents being grounded and secure in the basic physical comforts of life: food, shelter and basic needs of our animal nature.  It also reflects a person's connection with their mother, and with mother earth.  Tension here is experienced as insecurity.

SECOND CHAKRA - Also known as Svadhishthana or sensation center
Genital area  Color - orange   Sense - taste   Element - Water 
The second chakra represents our sexual urges, family, procreation and fantasies. 

THIRD CHAKRA - Also know as Manipura or power center
Solar plexus - Navel  Color - yellow  Sense- eyesight  Element - fire
The third chakra represents our power, fame, authority and longevity. 

FOURTH CHAKRA - Also known as Anahata
Heart - chest area  Color - green  Sense - touch  Element - Air
The fourth chakra represents our heart and all associated with it. Sharing, love, service, compassion and devotion. 

FIFTH CHAKRA - Also known as Vishuddha
Throat area  Color - sky blue  Sense - hearing  Element - Ether or space
The fifth chakra represents knowledge and speaking the truth of that knowledge.  This chakra is also related to creativity, creating, manifesting in the physical world the fulfillment of one's goals.

SIXTH CHAKRA - Also known as Ajna or third eye 
Pineal gland - the third eye Color - dark blue  Sense - ESP  Element - inner sound      The sixth chakra represents enlightenment and self-realization. It has no element as it is beyond the elements as they have merged back to THE SOURCE, Mahat. 

SEVENTH CHAKRA - Also known as Sahasrara 
Cranium - top of the head  Color - violet  Sense - empathy  Element - inner light       The seventh chakra represents the guru within, the empty void. Immortality is achieved at this level. Golden white light and the thousand petaled lotus are symbols of this uppermost chakra. 

