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Aditi   CULTURE: Vedic   SEX: F   COLOR: Red   ANIMAL: None
NOTES: Mother of Gods, Ever-mother.

Adon   CULTURE: Phoenician  SEX: M   COLOR: Any   ANIMAL: Any
NOTES: Any God, Male God, substitute for "Lord."

Adonis CULTURE: Greek, Phoenician   SEX: M   COLOR: None            ANIMAL: None   NOTES: Beauty, Lust, Male vanity, Brotherhood, Strength, Homosexuality, esp. Male , sexual passion, change.

Aegir   CULTURE: Norse   SEX: M   COLOR: White   ANIMAL: All sea
NOTES: God of the Sea, Wind, Storms and sailors

Agni   CULTURE: Hindu   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: None
NOTES: God of Fire, later a Sun God. He who is the agent of sacrifice.

Ahura Mazda   CULTURE: Persian   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold     ANIMAL: None  NOTES: God of Goodness, valor, truth, etc.

Allatu CULTURE: Babalonian/Carthagian   SEX: F   COLOR: None ANIMAL: None  NOTES: A Goddess of the dead and the underworld.

Ammon  CULTURE: Egyptian   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: Ram  NOTES: Amon, Amun, Sun God.

Amon/Amon-Ra   CULTURE: Egyptian   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold ANIMAL: Ram  NOTES: Sun God of later Egypt, paired with Ra until they became a single god, "The Lord of The Terrestrial Thrones." Amon-Ra was reincarnated as the present Lord or Lords who were in position to lay claim to "god on earth" status.

Angra Mamyu   CULTURE: Persian   SEX: M   COLOR: Black ANIMAL: None  NOTES: The God of Evil, treachery, etc.

Anu   CULTURE: Babalonian   SEX: M   COLOR: Blue   ANIMAL: None
NOTES: God of Heaven, Sky Lord, Husband of Ki.

Anu   CULTURE: Gaelic/Celtic   SEX: F   COLOR: Green   ANIMAL: None
NOTES: Sometimes called "sister" of Danu, the name Anu is also said to be the "Old name" for Erin, the goddess of the land of Ireland.

Amphitrite   CULTURE: Greek   SEX: F   COLOR: Blue   ANIMAL: Ocean Mammals  NOTES: Goddess of the sea, and daughter of Nereus and Doris, Ampitrite was either wife or rival or both to Poseidon and was the one, of the two, more likely to grant mercy to sailors. Amphitrite mythology is sparse and much of it dates to modern times.

Anubis   CULTURE: Egyptian   SEX: M   COLOR: Black   ANIMAL: Jackal  NOTES: The Guard of the Dead, protector of sacred things. Anubis was really popular with the Greek royalty of Egypt, and may've originated more from Greek ideology than Egyptian.

Aphrodite   CULTURE: Greek   SEX: F   COLOR: Seafoam   ANIMAL: Dove or Dolphin.  NOTES: Goddess of love, also a lesser goddess of the sea and war. Love, passion, sex, beauty.

Apollo  CULTURE: Greek   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: Lion, Horse  NOTES: God of Prophecy, The Arts and enlightenment, as well Often mistaken for Helios who was the God of the sun.

Apsu   CULTURE: Babalonian   SEX: M   COLOR: Blue   ANIMAL: Water
NOTES: Lord of Chaos, River God, consort of Tiamat.

Aradia CULTURE: Italian   SEX: F   COLOR: Silver   ANIMAL: Seagull(?)  NOTES: Goddess of Lunar Magick, daughter of Diana, Matron of Witches, Aradia also appears as daughter (by his/her own creation) of Dianus. Said to be the "goddess" of the Charge of the Goddess but this may be a rumor caused by confusion over the Charge's (and Wicca's) basis.

Ares   CULTURE: Greek   SEX: M   COLOR: Red, Black   ANIMAL: Ram
NOTES: God of War and the brutality of tactics, who takes his sacrifices from blood spilled in war and gets beaten by Athena. Protection from enemies, anger.

Arianrhod  CULTURE: Welsh   SEX: F   COLOR: Silver   ANIMAL: None  NOTES: Goddess of the Stars. Also (Celtic) Sidhe woman who watches over standing stones. The Goddess of initiation, she appears in many Cornish Fam-Trads with a very different face than that she recieves in modern Wicca.

 Artemis  CULTURE: Greek   SEX: F   COLOR: White   ANIMAL: All ESP. deer, elk  NOTES: Goddess of the hunt whose bow is the crescent moon. The huntress, the moon, women's mysteries, patron of witchcraft, healing, inner strength, virginity.

Artio   CULTURE: Gaullic   SEX: F   COLOR: Brown   ANIMAL: Bear
NOTES: Ancient Gaullic Goddess of Bears, little is known about Artio except that she was the Guardian of the City of Berne.

Asklepios  CULTURE: Greek   SEX: M   COLOR: Green   ANIMAL: Snake  NOTES: God of medicine, son of Apollo.

Astarte  CULTURE: Greek   SEX: F   COLOR: Red   ANIMAL: Sphinx
NOTES: Goddess of Love, esp. Fertility, Marriage, considered a Goddess of Mature Love.

Astoreth  CULTURE: Phoenician   SEX: F   COLOR: Red, Black   ANIMAL: None  NOTES: Ishtar.

Athena   CULTURE: Greek   SEX: F   COLOR: Gray, White   ANIMAL: Owl, Goat  NOTES: Goddess of protection, strength, balanced Mind/body/spirit. Matron of Athens.

Aton  CULTURE: Egyptian   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: Snake
NOTES: Another Sun God, also Atun, Atom, Atum

Bast(Bastet) CULTURE: Egyptian SEX: F   COLOR: Black, Green ANIMAL: Cat  NOTES: Protection, felinity, seeing in the dark, swiftness of action and other "cat" traits.

Bel  CULTURE: Babalonian   SEX: M   COLOR: Brown   ANIMAL: None
NOTES: Earth.

Bellona  CULTURE: Italian/late Rome   SEX: F   COLOR: Violet   ANIMAL: Hawk  NOTES: Goddess of war, esp. tactical maneuvers. Her followers were especially violent. Victory, war.

Brahma  CULTURE: Hindu   SEX: M   COLOR: None   ANIMAL: None
NOTES: Creator, all-father.

Brigid   CULTURE: Celtic   SEX: F   COLOR: Red/Black   ANIMAL: Hawk
NOTES: The Two faced Goddess, scarred on one side, beautiful on the other, Brigid is Goddess of Fire and the Forge, and Goddess of Poetry and beauty. Motherhood, the Earth, poetry, knowledge, smithcraft.

Ceres  CULTURE: Roman   SEX: F   COLOR: Gold   PLANT: Any grain
NOTES: The Goddess Demeter, although she is sometimes confused with her own daughter, Kore.

Cernunnos   CULTURE: Celtic,(Gallic and Welsh)   SEX: M   COLOR: None   ANIMAL: Deer  NOTES: Horned God of the Hunt and Winter also Kernunnous, Kerne, Cerne, Herne. Fertility.

Cerridwen  CULTURE: Welsh   SEX: F   COLOR: Varies   ANIMAL: All
NOTES: Goddess of the harvest, esp. the final harvest. The fourth face of the moon.

Circe  magick, witchcraft, enchantress.

Coleus  CULTURE: Roman   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold    ANIMAL: Hawk
NOTES: Sun God, a synthesis of Ormazd and Zeus.

Cybele   CULTURE: Phrygian   SEX: F   COLOR: None   ANIMAL: None
NOTES: Mother Goddess, Later Romanized, see Rhea.

Danu  (1) CULTURE: Greek   SEX: F   COLOR: Blue   ANIMAL: Eagle
NOTES: Mother of Perseus, Danu or Danae wasn't a goddess, but one of many women Zeus fell in Love with. Posideidon offered Danu safe passage across the sea to a far off land, In one legend, it is believed that when she died Zeus granted her eternal life on Olympus. Another says that she was spirited far away to a land where the rest of her children were Gods.

Danu  (2) CULTURE: Celtic, Gaelic   SEX: F   COLOR: Red   ANIMAL: Whale  NOTES: Danu was the mother of the Sidhe, the Celtic Gods, she was said to come from a far off land. In some so-called Celtic Mythology, Danu was the Wife of Jupiter, but I think that was just a combination of coincidence and Roman conversion techniques.

Danu (3) CULTURE: Vedic   SEX: F   COLOR: Black   ANIMAL: Serpent
NOTES: Mother to the Danavas, the "bad guys" of the Vedas. The Restrainer.

Demeter  CULTURE: Greek   SEX: F   COLOR: Gold   PLANT: Grain
NOTES: The Grain mother, mother of Persephone. The Earth, mother, grain, crops, fertility, farmers.

Diana CULTURE: Roman   SEX: F   COLOR: Blue/Silver   ANIMAL: Deer
NOTES: Lunar Goddess, Artimis. sometimes Selene

Diancecht   CULTURE: Celtic, mostly Gaelic   SEX: M   COLOR: White ANIMAL: Snake and Fish.  NOTES: God of Medicine.

Dionysos   CULTURE: Greek SEX: M COLOR: Red PLANT: Grape, Apple
NOTES: God of the Cultivated Vine. Alcohol, partying, overindulgence, justice, peace.

Dumuzi   CULTURE: Summerian   SEX: M   COLOR: None   PLANT: Date Palm  NOTES: Lord of the Marshes, fertile land and the Date Palm. Husband of Inanna, Thamuz.

Ea CULTURE: Babalonian   SEX: M   COLOR: Blue/black   ANIMAL: Shark
NOTES: God of waters, the Abyss.

El  CULTURE: Phoenician and/or Canaanite (?!)   SEX: M   COLOR: White ANIMAL: Bull  NOTES: Father of All Gods, Power of Powers, Adon, Adoni, Creator.

Enki  CULTURE: Summerian   SEX: M   COLOR: Blue/Black   ANIMAL: Fish  NOTES: Ea

Epona   CULTURE: Gallic   SEX: F   COLOR: Brown/White   ANIMAL: Horse
NOTES: Goddess and protector of horses, Epona was adopted by both the Romans and the Celts. She was said to choose a General by appearing as a white horse and leading him into battle. One wonders if Napoleon knew this. Contrary to popular belief, Epona was a goddess of the French Celts (the Gauls) not the Irish Celts (the Gaels).

Ereshkigal  CULTURE: Summerian   SEX: F   COLOR: None   ANIMAL: None  NOTES: Allatu

Eros  CULTURE: Greek   SEX: Non (usually list as a God)   COLOR: Red   ANIMAL: Dove   NOTES: Cupid or Amor, See Hermaphrodite. Love, anguish through love, justice.

Eshmun  CULTURE: Phoenician   SEX: M   COLOR: Green   ANIMAL: Snake  NOTES: An early Asklepius

Flora CULTURE: Roman   SEX: F   COLOR: Pink   PLANT: All flowers
NOTES: Goddess of flowers, Beltane, sometimes Persephone. Spring, flowers.

Fortuna  CULTURE: Roman   SEX: F   COLOR: None   ANIMAL: None
NOTES: Goddess of Luck, Tyche. Fortune, luck, fate, change.

Freyja  CULTURE: Norse   SEX: F   COLOR: White   ANIMAL: Horse
NOTES: Lunar. Goddess of Female Power, celestial queen, warrior women. General of the Valkerie. Love, flowers, music, beauty, sexual love.

Gad CULTURE: Syrian   SEX: F   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: None
NOTES: Fortuna

Gaia/Gaea  CULTURE: Greek/Norse   SEX: F   COLOR: Green   ANIMAL: All  NOTES: The Entity Terra, protector of all non-human things, Earth Mother. Bounty, fertility, defense of children.

Geb  CULTURE: Babalonian   SEX: M   COLOR: Brown   ANIMAL: None
NOTES: Earth.

Geshtinanna CULTURE: Summerian   SEX: F   COLOR: Wine   PLANT: Grape  NOTES: Much like Dionysus, paired, they make a wonderful duo to pray to when your vineyard is flooding.

Gilbil   CULTURE: Babalonian   SEX: M   COLOR: Orange   ANIMAL Lizard
NOTES: Fire.

Hades  CULTURE: Greek   SEX: M   COLOR: Black/Yellow   ANIMAL: Horse, Dog  NOTES: Lord of the underworld, also a god of honor and the cessation of pain.

Hecate  CULTURE: Greek   SEX: F   COLOR: Black   ANIMAL: Bat
NOTES: Goddess of Caves, Magick and the waning and new moon.
  (more info on Hecate )

Hera CULTURE: Greek   SEX: F   COLOR: Red   ANIMAL: Peacock
NOTES: Goddess of Marriage, retribution, fairplay, fiery and temperamental.

Hermaphrodite   CULTURE: Greek   SEX: Both   COLOR: None ANIMAL: None  NOTES: Eros, before he was "toned down." The exact union of the Gods Hermes and Aphrodite, a god of passion.

Hestia   CULTURE: Greek   SEX: F   COLOR: Brown   ANIMAL: Hound
NOTES: Goddess of the Hearth, Home, Watcher over children and families.

Horus  CULTURE: Egyptian   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: Hawk
NOTES: Sun God, adopted by Greeks, also god of Time, Divination and Magick.

Hypnos  CULTURE: Roman   SEX: M   COLOR: Blue   PLANT: Poppy
NOTES: See Somnus.

Inanna  CULTURE: Babalonian   SEX: F   COLOR: Green   PLANT: Date Palm  NOTES: Great Mother, All mother, Goddess of Love, the Moon, Date Mother, Ishtar.

Indra   CULTURE: Hindu   SEX: M   COLOR: Blue   ANIMAL: None
NOTES: Guardian of Heaven.

Isis CULTURE: Egyptian   SEX: F   COLOR: Black   ANIMAL: Hawk
NOTES: All Mother, Triformis.

Istar/Ishtar  CULTURE: Babalonian   SEX: F   COLOR: Black   ANIMAL: Lion  NOTES: Goddess of War, Love and more.

 Jovis   CULTURE: Roman   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: Eagle
NOTES: Jupiter.

Juno  CULTURE: Roman   SEX: F   COLOR: Red   ANIMAL: Peacock
NOTES: Hera.

Jupiter  CULTURE: Roman   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: Eagle
NOTES: Literally "Zeus Pater" Father Zeus, Father of Gods.

Kali  CULTURE: Hindu   SEX: F    COLOR: Black   ANIMAL: None
NOTES: Black Kali, Nemisis. Protector of Women and Goddess of Creation via destruction.

Kerridwen  CULTURE: Celtic/Welsh   SEX: F   COLOR: Varies   ANIMAL: All  NOTES: See Cerridwen

Ki   CULTURE: Babalonian   SEX: F   COLOR: None   ANIMAL: None
NOTES: Wife of Anu, Earth, Gaea.

Lug(h) CULTURE: Celtic esp. Gaelic   SEX: M   COLOR: White   ANIMAL: Lynx  NOTES: God of Justice.

Maat CULTURE: Egyptian   SEX: F   COLOR: Black   ANIMAL: Cat
NOTES: Goddess of vengeance and reward, the fourth face.

Marduk  CULTURE: Babalonian   SEX: M   COLOR: White   ANIMAL: None  NOTES: King of the Gods.

Mars  CULTURE: Roman   SEX: M   COLOR: Black, Red   ANIMAL: Bull, Wolf  NOTES: Ares

Mercurius   CULTURE: Roman   SEX: M   COLOR: Red   ANIMAL: Hart, Falcon  NOTES: Mercury, Lord of children, news, also commerce, inspiration.

Minerva CULTURE: Etruscan   SEX: F   COLOR: Gray   ANIMAL: Owl
NOTES: Athena

Mitha/Mitra/Mithras    CULTURE: Hindu/Persian/Roman/Egyptian   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: Eagle
NOTES: Protector, Warrior, Key of knowledge. Sun God, establisher of Laws. The celestial negotiator.

Morpheus  CULTURE: Greek   SEX: M   COLOR: Violet   PLANT: Poppy
NOTES: Lord of Dreams, also lord of peace and inner sight.

Morrigan, The   CULTURE: Celtic   SEX: F   COLOR: Black   ANIMAL: Raven/Crow  NOTES: The Battle Raven, Goddess of War, both for justice and for greed..

Morrigu   CULTURE: Gaelic   SEX: F   COLOR: Black   ANIMAL: Raven/Crow  NOTES: See Morrigan, The.

Nemisis   CULTURE: Greek   SEX: F   COLOR: Black   ANIMAL: griffon
NOTES: The Fourth Face of the Goddess, Dispenser of Justice. In "Maiden/Mother/Crone" beliefs, Nemisis is the New Moon, while Hecate is the waning moon. It's interesting to note that most triple goddesses include Nemisis (the new moon) but never mention her, as if that could keep her from noticing the little bits of Bad Karma we accumulate!

Nepthys  CULTURE: Egyptian   SEX: F   COLOR: Black   ANIMAL: Cat
NOTES: Goddess of Childbirth, protector of Midwifes

Neptune  CULTURE: Roman   SEX: M   COLOR: Blue   ANIMAL: Dolphin
NOTES: See Poseidon

Nuadu CULTURE: Celtic   SEX: M   COLOR: Silver    ANIMAL: Horse
NOTES: The Divine Father. He of the Silver arm.

Nuit   CULTURE: Egyptian   SEX: F   COLOR: Black   ANIMAL: Cat
NOTES: See Nut

Nut CULTURE: Egyptian   SEX: F   COLOR: Black   ANIMAL: Cat
NOTES: Goddess of the Night, Stars, All mother.

Odin   CULTURE: Norse   SEX: M   COLOR: White   ANIMAL: Wolf
NOTES: The lord of male changes...Child...lover...husband...father... lord.

Ormazd   CULTURE: Persian    SEX: M   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: None
NOTES: See Ahura Mazda

Osiris  CULTURE: Egyptian   SEX: M   COLOR: Silver   ANIMAL: Hawk
NOTES: The former king, Star king, he who was, lord of the Afterworld

Pan/Pan Megas   CULTURE: Greek   SEX: M   COLOR: Black ANIMAL: Satyr  NOTES: God of sexuality and freedom, also late childhood.

Persephone  CULTURE: Greek   SEX: F   COLOR: Rose   PLANT: Flowers
NOTES: Goddess of Spring and Winter, Goddess of Flowers

Pluto  CULTURE: Roman   SEX: M   COLOR: Black   ANIMAL: Dog
NOTES: See Hades

Poseidon   CULTURE: Greek   SEX: M   COLOR: Blue   ANIMAL: Dolphin
NOTES: Lord of the Seas.

Prajapati   CULTURE: Vedic   SEX: M   COLOR: None   ANIMAL: None
NOTES: All father, successor to Varuna

Psyche   CULTURE: Greek   SEX: F   COLOR: Violet   ANIMAL: Butterfly
NOTES: Goddess of intellect, innocence, perfect love. Lust tempered into love, later Goddess of ESP and mental powers

Ra   CULTURE: Egyptian   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: Hawk
NOTES: Sun God, he who incarnates as the Lord of Lords

Rhea  CULTURE: Roman   SEX: F   COLOR: Brown   ANIMAL: All
NOTES: Replaced Gaea, later adopted the characteristics of Cybele

Rhiannon  CULTURE: Celtic  SEX: F  COLOR: White   ANIMAL: horse  NOTES: Goddess of endurance, inspiration and dreams

Selene  CULTURE: Ancient Greek   SEX: F   COLOR: Blue   ANIMAL: none
NOTES: Ancient Goddess of Motherhood and the full moon

Shamash   CULTURE: Babalonian   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold ANIMAL:Birds  NOTES: Sun God

Silvanus   CULTURE: Gaullic   SEX: M   COLOR: White   ANIMAL:Wolf
NOTES: The Father Wolf, hunter supreme and all-around good guy. Father God.

Siva/Shiva   CULTURE: Hindu   SEX: M (or NON)   COLOR: Red ANIMAL: Tiger  NOTES: The Destroyer, one who destroys to create

Somus  CULTURE: Greek   SEX: M   COLOR: Red   PLANT: Poppy
NOTES: God of Sleep and healing

Sucellus CULTURE: Gaulic   SEX: M   COLOR: Gray   ANIMAL: Wolf
NOTES: The Lone Wolf, The Ravager

Tanit   CULTURE: Carthaginian   SEX: F   COLOR: Silver   ANIMAL: Hart
NOTES: Artemis

Thamuz/Tamuz   CULTURE: Babalonian   SEX: M   COLOR: Green PLANT: Date Palm  NOTES: Husband of Ishtar, A Male Persephone

Thanatos  CULTURE: Greek   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: None
NOTES: God of the actual death process.

Themis  CULTURE: Greek   SEX: F   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: Eagle
NOTES: Goddess of justice, inspirer of Laws. Pagan Patron Goddess of the USA

Thor CULTURE: Norse   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: None
NOTES: God of Storms, Justice, mines and war, protector of the common man from the fury of his brethren

Thoth CULTURE: Egyptian   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: None
NOTES: God of spirit, numbers, the scholar.

Tiamat   CULTURE: Babalonian   SEX: F   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: Dragon  NOTES: Dragon of Chaos, bringer of Salt Water.

Triformis  CULTURE: Roman   SEX: F,F,F   COLOR: Gold   PLANT: Trillium  NOTES: The Triple Goddess. Also used to describe (incorrectly) Hecate.

Typhon   CULTURE: Greek   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: Rat

Tyr  CULTURE: Norse   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: Horse
NOTES: The Warrior god, God of total justice and fair play.

Varuna  CULTURE: Hindu/Vedic   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: Ram  NOTES: High God of the Vedas

Venus  CULTURE: Roman   SEX: F   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: Dove
NOTES: Aphrodite

Vesta CULTURE: Roman   SEX: F   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: None
NOTES: Goddess of Fire, keeper of the sacred flame.

Vishnu CULTURE: Hindu/Vedic   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: Fish
NOTES: All Father, lord of oceans.

Vulcanus   CULTURE: Roman   SEX: M   COLOR: Gold   ANIMAL: None
NOTES: Fire, volcanoes, later smithing and steel.

Wodan  CULTURE: German   SEX: M   COLOR: Gray   ANIMAL: Wolf
NOTES: Varied, but mostly a combination of Odin and Sylvanus

