Air is also associated with music. Of course, sound is transmitted through airwaves. But Air provides the songs of the wind rustling in the trees. Of all the songbirds. Of flutes and whistles. Of our own voices raised in song. Certainly, one can associate certain types of instruments with each of the elements, and we will, but Air is the element of that first creative urge to create beautiful sounds...
Creatures Associated with Air
Eagles, Hawks, Nightingales, Larks, Hummingbirds, Wrens, Chickadees, Sparrows,
Butterflies, Dragonflies, Bees, Ladybugs
Flying Creatures
from Myth:
Air Dragons, Fairies, flying horses
Angels are also associated with Air, although there are angels specifically associated with each of the elements. The Archangel often called as Guardian of the Air is Raphael.
Raphael's name means "Healer of God." He is robed in gold, yellow, and blue. He carries a caduceus, the wand entwined by two serpents used as a symbol of healing. He rules science, knowledge, compassion, and healing.
Another Being who carries a caduceus, of course, is Mercury, messenger of the Gods, who rules intellect, verbal expression, science, synthesis, and research. Mercury is another Guardian of the Air.
The realm of Air is the mind and mental activity. Air rules the ideas that come "out of the blue." It offers the gift of clarity...the ability to perceive what is relevant and useful in a given situation. It rules the process of synthesizing ideas and concepts from many different sources or disciplines into something that is cohesive and comprehensive. It rules the communication of these ideas... writing and verbal expression. It rules teaching. And it rules poetry.
The elementals associated with Air are called Sylphs. These are among the easiest elementals to see, especially as a flash from the corner of your eye. They look like small winged creatures in pastel colors who ride the airwaves...often they are called fairies. They tend to be attracted to those who are quick thinking and quick moving. They can be mischievous...blowing things about...rustling through your hair...making sounds that distract you.
Magical Goals Aided By
communications, educations, group work , intellectual skills, organization,
overcoming addictions , speaking, teaching, tests and examinations,
theorizing, travel, writing...prose, poetry, or music.
Psychological Qualities Associated with Air
Balanced Air |
Imbalanced Air |
Herbs Associated with the Element of Air
Acacia |
Agaric |
Agrimony |
Almond |
Anise |
Aspen |
Bean |
Benzoin |
Bergamot |
Bistort |
Bittersweet |
Borage |
Bracken |
Broom |
Caraway |
Celery |
Chicory |
Clover |
Dandelion |
Dill |
Dock |
Elecampagne |
Eyebright |
Fennel |
Goldenrod |
Hops |
Lavender |
Lemongrass |
Lemon Verbena |
Lily of the Valley |
Linden |
Mace |
Male Fern |
Maple |
Marjoram |
Mastic |
Meadowsweet |
Mint |
Mistletoe |
Mulberry |
Parsley |
Pecan |
Pimpernel |
Pine |
Pistachio |
Rice |
Summer Savory |
Senna |
Slippery Elm |
Southernwood |
Star Anise |
Gems and Stones Associated with the Element of Air
Aventurine |
Angelite |
Azurite |
Celestite |
Kyanite |
Mica |
Pumice |
Sphene |
Air Incense |
Air Oil |
Other correspondences include the astrological signs of Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius, and the Planets Mercury and Uranus.
Air rules the suit of Swords and is associated with the Magician, Justice, the Wheel of Fortune, Temperance, and the Star in the Tarot.
Sex and passion are definitely associated with Fire.
Magical techniques associated with fire are candle magic, burning of anything, scrying in flames, and dancing around fires.
Fire heals by getting things moving. It can help one overcome the stagnation of apathy, the heaviness of depression, or the distant coldness of intellectualization. It also heals by transforming one form of energy to another.
Fire corresponds to Will, that force within us that keeps us selecting goals and moving toward them, dealing with the obstacles and challenges we find in our path. It's the spiritual quality of strength of purpose, and it helps us deal with obstacles and challenges.
The magical tool associated with the South and Fire is the Wand, which conducts and aims the energy of the practitioner out to his/her goals. Actually, the athame and sword are often used in much the same way, and sometimes the assignments of these tools are reversed, with the wand in the East and the athame in the South. I prefer to place the Wand in the South because the Tarot suit of Wands corresponds to Fire, the suit of creative work, energy, and overcoming obstacles... Major Arcana associated with Fire are the Emperor, Strength, the Devil, the Tower, and the Sun.
One of the magical functions of Fire is protection. It is the energy that sets boundaries and rings alarms when those boundaries are crossed. Many techniques for self-protection involve surrounding oneself with light. That light might absorb any negative energy that comes toward you, or it might transform it, burning it in the way of fire to create a neutral energy.
This light of Will that burns at our core is sometimes called Spirit. Many esoteric traditions put this quality or aspect of being called Spirit in the South with Fire. Some place Spirit in the Center of the circle, where all the elements come together.
The angel associated with Fire is Michael, chief of the archangels, known as the Warrior of God. He is an arm of the God/dess and his flaming sword dispenses justice, balance, and protection to all the children of the One. He is often depicted in armor, like the ideal chevalier of the Middle Ages, protector of the weak and helpless. Like a true warrior, he would rather settle disputes peaceably than with violence. He is dressed in red and scarlet, the colors of Fire, courage, and honor.
Certainly the virtues of this element...transformation, protection, and fighting spirit...need to be carefully contained and directed or they can also be destructive. Certainly the warrior spirit has gone completely out of control many times in human history.
The fire elementals are called Salamanders. They are brilliant, ephemeral creatures that dance in flames. They will help you overcome obstacles, and they like people who have the courage to act on their truth. They will help you protect yourself when you must...and have little patience for willing victims. While they enjoy playing in flames and will come when you light candles or fires, the gift they appreciate most is an act of courage
Magical Goals Aided
By Fire:
athletics, banishing illness, competitions and contests, courage, creativity,
defense, loyalty, protection, sex, strength, success
Psychological Qualities Associated with Fire
Balanced Fire |
Imbalanced Fire |
Creatures Associated with Fire
Lions, Tigers, Cougars, Panthers, Housecats
Snakes, Lizards, Scorpions
Creatures from Myth:
Fire Dragons, the Phoenix
Herbs Associated with Fire
Alder |
Allspice |
Amaranth |
Angelica |
Asafoetida |
Ash |
Basil |
Bay |
Wood Betony |
Blood Root |
Cactus |
Carnation |
Carrot |
Cashew |
Cat Tail |
Cedar |
Centaury |
Chili |
Crysanthemum |
Cinnamon |
Cinquefoil |
Clove |
Copal |
Coriander |
Cubeb |
Cumin |
Curry |
Damiana |
Dragon's Blood |
Frankincense |
Galangal |
Garlic |
Gentian |
Ginger |
Ginseng |
Goldenseal |
Gorse |
Hawthorn |
High John the Conqueror |
Holly |
Horse Chestnut |
Houndstongue |
Juniper |
Leek |
Lovage |
Mandrake |
Marigold |
Masterwort |
May Apple |
Mullein |
Mustard |
Nutmeg |
Oak |
Olive |
Onion |
Orange |
Pennyroyal |
Pepper |
Peppermint |
Pimento |
Pineapple |
Poke Root |
Pomegranate |
Prickly Ash |
Radish |
Rosemary |
Rowan |
Rue/ |
Saffron |
St John's Wort |
Sarasparilla |
Sassafras |
Sesame |
Shallot |
Snapdragon |
Sunflower |
Tangerine |
Tea |
Thistle |
Milk Thistle |
Holy Thistle |
Ti |
Toadflax |
Tobacco |
Tormentil |
Venus Flytrap |
Walnut |
Witch Hazel |
Woodruff |
Wormwood |
Yarrow |
Yucca |
Gems and Stones Associated with Fire
Agate, fire |
Agate, red |
Amber |
Apache Tear |
Asbestos |
Bloodstone |
Carnelian |
Citrine |
Flint |
Garnet |
Hematite |
Iron |
Jaspar, red |
Lava |
Red Calcite |
Ruby |
Sardonyx |
Sulfur |
Sunstone |
Tiger's Eye |
Topaz |
Zircon |
Fire Incense |
Fire Oil |
Other correspondences include the astrological signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, and the Sun and Mars.
And the shadowy in-between time, when light and shadow are so hard to distinguish is also a metaphor for another association of water...that of dreams, visions, and illusions. Just as, in dreams, the connections between scenes and events are murky and might not make sense...water can seep in unexpected ways through the ground or through walls. Just as mist can make both vision and hearing inaccurate...just as water can magnify anything seen through it... just as a watery surface can act as a mirror that distorts, so can our emotions render our perceptions inaccurate....and create illusion. And a classic way to scry for visions is to use a bowl of water.
The heart, of course, is another association of Water. Love, considered by some the queen of emotions, is a strong association of Water. The heart pumps the blood through our arteries, and collects it from the veins...which in turn collect water from the tissues and lymph. It pumps blood through the kidneys, which regulate the balance of water and electrolytes in the body. Our bodies are 90% water, and that water creates the intracellular and extra cellular fluids, the brew in which electrolytes, nutrients, and enzymes are able to carry on the functions of life.
Water is central to the mystery of how life first came to be; the chemicals that first came together into self-replicating forms could not have done so in any medium but water... The Christians took this image and made it into their Holy Grail, which has become a symbol of the healing possible through Divine Love... Again, love emerges as a theme for Water.
The Tarot suit associated with Water is, of course, the Cups...the suit of emotions and matters of the heart. Major Arcana associated with Water are the High Priestess, the Lovers, the Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, and The Moon.
The Moon, of course, has a deep association with Water because it rules the tides of the oceans. And again, we see here the theme of the uterus, watery container where life begins, with its tides and cycles synchronized with those of the moon. The other "planet," associated with Water is Neptune. The astrological signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
One of the major functions of water in magic is its role as a cleanser. Of course, all the elements cleanse in their own way, but water of course is the medium in which we bathe, shower, wash our clothes, and scrub our homes. Of course, one of the more wonderful gifts of Water, which combines both its cleansing action and it's Love, is forgiveness. Cleanse the old resentments, fill those spaces up with love, and see how much better you feel. Some ways of using water in magic include bathing and showering, as above, and charging water to drink, sprinkle about, anoint with, and evaporate by your bed or on your altar. As already mentioned, one can scry using a bowl of water, or look for visions in the steam rising from a pot, kettle, or cauldron.
The elementals of Water are the Undines. These are filmy, translucent beings rather like little mer-people who swim in the waves. They are sentimental, and romantic, and love people who are in touch with their emotions. Tears, love poetry and songs, and scented oils or perfumes make gifts for these beings.
The Archangel associated with Water and the West is Gabriel. Some sources see this angel as masculine, others feminine; in general, angels are considered beyond gender. S/he rules birth, death, and transformation. S/he is the angel of mercy and justice in balance. S/he is considered the angel of the Moon, and guardian of women's cycles and childbirth. S/he can be seen with a cup or a horn, and is usually dressed in blue with orange highlights.
After such an act of love and cleansing with Water, you should be able to make contact with the Undines, and with Gabriel. Ask them to help you with your goals related to emotional healing. Ask them to help you with matters of love and forgiveness. Ask them to help you with any healing you wish to do for the waters of the Earth. Ask them to help you work with dreams or visions.
Goals Aided By Water: communicating with ancestors, beauty, childbearing and
rearing, family issues, friendships, healing, home...comfort and beauty,
letting go, love, meditation, partnerships, psychism, purification.
Psychological Qualities Associated with Water
Balanced Water |
Imbalanced Water |
Creatures Associated with Water
All creatures that live
in or on the water: Fish,
Whales, Dolphins, Sharks, Otters, Beavers, Seals, Walrus
Starfish, Anemones, Shellfish, Abalone, Sea Snails, Crabs, Lobsters,
Scorpions, Sea Horses, Barnacles, Sea Urchins, Sand Dollars, One-Celled
Organisms, Seagulls, Ducks, Swans, Herons, Albatross, Puffins, Cormorants,
Alligators, Crocodiles, Eels, Water Snakes, Frogs, Leeches
Water Creatures
from Myth: Water
Dragons, Mermaids
Herbs Associated with the Element of Water
African Violet |
Aloe |
Apple |
Apricot |
Aster |
Avocado |
Balm of Gilead |
Banana |
Bedstraw |
Belladonna |
Birch |
Blackberry |
Bladderwrack |
Bleeding Heart |
Blue Flag (Iris) |
Boneset |
Buchu |
Buckthorn |
Burdock |
Cabbage |
Camellia |
Camphor |
Cardamon |
Catnip |
Chamomile |
Cherry |
Chickweed |
Coconut |
Coltsfoot |
Columbine |
Comfrey |
Cowslip |
Crocus |
Cucumber |
Cyclamen |
Daffodil |
Daisy |
Datura |
Dittany of Crete |
Dulse |
Elder |
Elm |
Eucalyptus |
Feverfew |
Foxglove |
Gardenia |
Gourd |
Grape |
Heather |
Hellebore |
Heliotrope |
Hemlock |
Hemp |
Henbane |
Hibiscus |
Huckleberry |
Hyacinth |
Hyssop |
Indian Paintbrush |
Jasmine |
Kava-Kava |
Lady's Mantle |
Lady's Slipper |
Larkspur |
Lemon |
Lemonbalm |
Lettuce |
Licorice |
Lilac |
Lily |
Lobelia |
Lotus |
Maidenhair |
Mallow |
Mimosa |
Moonwort |
Morning Glory |
Mosses, all |
Myrrh |
Myrtle |
Orchid |
Pansy |
Papaya |
Passion Flower |
Peach |
Pear |
Periwinkle |
Persimmon |
Plum |
Poplar |
Poppy |
Purslane |
Ragwort |
Raspberry |
Rose |
Sandalwood |
Scullcap |
Skunk Cabbage |
Spearmint |
Spikenard |
Strawberry |
Sugar Cane |
Sweetpea |
Tamarind |
Tansy |
Thyme |
Tomato |
Tonka |
Trillium |
Valerian |
Vanilla |
Violet |
Willow |
Wintergreen |
Yew |
Gems and Stones Associated with the Element of Water
Agate, Blue Lace |
Amethyst |
Aquamarine |
Azurite |
Beryl |
Calcite |
Chalcedony |
Chrysocolla |
Coral |
Holey stones |
Jade |
Kunzite |
Lapis |
Lepidolite |
Malachite |
Moonstone |
Mother of Pearl |
Pearl |
Rhodocrosite |
Sapphire |
Selenite |
Sugilite |
Tourmaline |
Water Incense |
Water Oil |
Creatures Associated with Earth
Hoofed Animals:
Cows and Bulls, Stags and Does, Buffalo, Moose, Antelope, Goats, Sheep
Forest Dwellers:
Boars, Wolves
Diggers in the Earth:
Rabbits, Squirrels and Chipmunks, Gophers, Groundhogs, Badgers
Insects that live in the
Earth: Centipedes,
Termites, Worms, Woodbugs
Earth Creatures from
Myth: Earth Dragons,
Gnomes, Dwarves
While all of the elements offer their own types of healing, Earth is the element that rules the healing of our bodies. It is the element of the plants...so the healing herbs... although each herb will have a unique balance of the elements within it. And of course, it is the element of the crystals, used for healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.
The Earth Elementals are called Gnomes. Gnomes come in many sizes, from the little guys who nurture each blade of grass to the large ones who work with the trees, to the huge ones who work with whole mountains. They are the elementals we can contact and communicate with most easily because they are the densest, the most like us. They like to live in the earth, and don't care for exposure or sunlight. They work hard and tend to be quite serious. The "Seven Dwarves" who befriend Snow White and go each day to dig in the earth for precious stones are very typical Gnomes. They can be good friends to those who love the earth. (We call people who are loyal and practical "the salt of the earth") They respect wealth and they respect those who are thrifty and recycle.
They appreciate coins and stones as gifts...they also appreciate any work you do to heal the Earth, to recycle, or to plant and maintain gardens.
The Gnomes will help you with work to heal the body, or to heal the Earth itself. They will work with you to break habits that aren't healthy. They will work with you for prosperity and abundance. They will assist you with fertility issues and with any work you do for your family.
Types of magic ruled by Earth
and the Gnomes include crystal or stone magic, herb magic, magic that plants
seeds or buries things, and magic with sand or salt. Any of these things can
represent Earth on your altar...stones and crystals, pots of earth, growing
plants, salt, or cast-off gifts of creatures of earth...like antlers or
Magical Goals Aided By Earth:
abundance, agriculture, archeology, buildings and houses, construction and
fabrication, family, fertility, healing, job and career matters, money,
nutrition, old age, weight problems.
The magical tool associated with Earth is the pentagram. This magical symbol, the five pointed star, represents the four elements pulled together and under spirit. It is a powerful symbol of protection. Earth is associated with the Discs or Pentagrams in the Tarot, and with the Empress, the Chariot, the Wheel of Fortune, the Hermit, Judgement, and the World.
Other correspondences include the astrological signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, and the Planets Venus and Jupiter.
The Archangel of the North and the Earth is Uriel. Dressed in greens, browns, and black, he is a fearsome, quiet figure who offers justice. He is the patron of psychics and an initiator into the mysteries.
Psychological Qualities Associated with Earth
Balanced Earth |
Imbalanced Earth |
Herbs Associated with the Element Earth
Alfalfa |
Barley |
Beet |
Bistort |
Buckwheat |
Corn |
Cotton |
Cypress |
Fern |
Fumitory |
Honeysuckle |
Horehound |
Horsetail |
Loosestrife |
Magnolia |
Mugwort |
Oats |
Oleander |
Patchouly |
Pea |
Potato |
Primrose |
Quince |
Rhubarb |
Rye |
Sage |
Sagebrush |
Sorrel, Wood |
Tulip |
Turnip |
Vervain |
Vetivert |
Wheat |
Gems and Stones Associated with the Element of Earth
Aventurine |
Angelite |
Azurite |
Celestite |
Agate, green |
Agate, moss |
Alum |
Aventurine |
Cat's Eye |
Crysophase |
Coal |
Emerald |
Geodes |
Jaspar |
Jet |
Obsidian |
Olivine |
Onyx |
Peridot |
Stalagmite |
Stalactite |
Tourmaline, |
Turquoise |
Earth Incense |
Earth Oil |