Some others things I have come across:
"Curses are like processions, they return to the place from which they came." - Giovanni Ruffini
Magick teaches that there are no impossibilities, only improbabilities.
Love of life in all it's forms, is the basic ethic of the craft.
Celtic origin of souls:
"Each atom an evolving life, each blade of grass a potential soul."

Principles of magick
- Magick is natural.
- Harm none- not even yourself- through its use.
- Magick requires effort, You will receive what you put into it.
- Magick is seldom instantaneous. Spells require time to become effective.
- Magick should not be performed for pay.
- Magick should never be used to jest or to inflate youy ego.
- Magick can be worked for your own gain as long as it harms none.
- Magick is a Divine act.
- Magick can be used for defense but never for attack.
- Magick is knowledge- not only of it's ways and laws, but also it's effectiveness.
- Magick is love- All magick should be performed out of love. THe moment anger or hatred enter your mind or magick you have crossed the border into a dangerous world, one that will ultimately consume you.

13 goals
- Know yourself
- Know your craft
- Learn
- Apply the knowledge with wisdom
- Achieve balance
- Keep your words in good order
- Keep your thoughts in good order
- Celebrate life
- Attune with the cycles of Earth
- Breathe and eat correctly
- Exercise the body
- Meditate
- Honor the Divine one

The law of power
- The power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or to control others. But if the need arises, power shall be used to protect life or the lives of others.
- The power is used only as need dictates.
- The power can be used for your own gain; as long as by doing so you harm none
- It is unwise to accept money for the use of power, for it quickly controls its taker.
- Use not the power for prideful gain.
- Remember that the power is a precious gift and should never be misused or abused.
- And this is the law of power.